How much sacrifices are you willing to do for love?

May 29, 2009 7:49am CST
I was starting discussion about my relationship. About the reason why we broke up. He saw me being member of social networking, i see nothing wrong with it so i joined. My friends said that i should delete my account for my boyfriend to believe that im not flirting. And i was thinking should i do that or not. My answer is no, because if i delete it, it will look like he is true about my accusation. And being a member of this site is not for flirting but for my family and friends in another part of the world. For them to see how we are right now, how is my family and what were doing here in the philippines. And the same with them, i want to see them since i havent see my relatives since 20 years ago. Its like bringing them closer to me and to family especially my mom because they are their first cousin and aunties. So i started this discussion, i just want to know how much sacrifice you will do in the name of love? Like you will not make friends because your partner dont want it. Your not going to used the net or your not going to wear clothes that you want because he dont want it. Or you will not go out or associate yourself with friends because he is possessive?
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4 responses
• United States
11 Jul 09
I could respond to this. I have done so many sacrifices for my Husband that I can't even count them. But the one that made me say this is the last one to save our marriege and to prove him I wasn't doing wrong. I WENT TO JAIL FOR OUR LOVE!!! Yes, I did. We have a very trouble marriege and I caugth him seen other women and having single profiles but every time we will discuss the subject he will start trowing dirt at me. Well you did this and that. So for other reasons that I can't explained I had the choice of doing community service or doing jail time. After a log tougth I decided to do the jail time. One of the reasons was he couldn't say I did this or that. It was all up to him. I also told him that from the day I was gone We're even and "Either we finish or we started" The second reason was that if he fail I could prove myself I could live without him and will get over him. Well 6 weeks and I came home. The man was worst than when I left, he even had girls over to our home. more single profiles and calling chat lines. NO one is worthy a sacrifice of that nature. But desperated measures lead me to that. I couldn't apart from him. That made me more stronger and now he's 100 miles away with his family.
4 Jun 09
Hmmm ,i think there should be a limited degree when we are asking everyone else / Each of us need our own small room which nobody can disturb even the lover ,except we want to share it // IF i were u ,i will try to make him understood my thoughts and even make him be a member here too ...
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
i tried but i failed again. He is one of stubborn man i met. He never listened, he always do the talking, setting up the rules with understanding his own rules. I just hope i can share to you everything about him but i can't. As much as possible i don't want to talked about him anymore.
@chillpill90 (1936)
29 May 09
well im a guy and it sounds like that guy didnt actually understand why you were using that site. Anwyway how much would i sacrifice for my partner well i can honestly say anything and everything as i know that they wouldnt ask me to do something without a valid reason. Also if they did ask me to stop using the net i would ask why and explain that i need to use it every now and then for emails.
• Philippines
29 May 09
This is a questions, if you see your partner joining in a social networking site, will you accuse her of flirting or you will ask her why is she in that sites. I know a lot of married woman or in a relationship that member of that site. First, there are lots of games that i love most expecially in facebook. I really enjoy those test or quiz that included in facebook.
@jcc51189 (78)
• United States
29 May 09
I would do almost anything to keep my partner happy. I would only do this of course if i feel she is worth the sacrifice. Dating someone who make you the happiest you have ever been is well worth sacrificing a lot for. If you let that slip through your fingers then you might regret it some day, and i prefer not to regret decisions that I make during my life. Even though regret is a part of a life, it is always preferable to keep that to a minimum whenever possible.
• Philippines
29 May 09
Well, your partner is lucky. I just wish that you really find the right girl, it may not be perfect but worth all your love. and yes your correct that you have to give it a shot so in the future you will not regret that you didnt try it. Who knows that she/he is the one.