REALLY hard time with Potty Training - HELP

United States
May 29, 2009 10:18am CST
My son is going to be 4 in August and he STILL won't tell me that he has to use the toilet! He'll tell me right after he goes that he's wet or has a dupie... He'll go if I put him on the toilet... OH and his teacher says he asks in school! I'm having a problem with what to do... I know if I get mad at him it will only make things worse... I can't make him understand that tickle feeling means it's time to strip and sit! I do make him go in and try to go, about every 20-30 minutes... sometimes he goes, sometimes he doesn't... but he won't ask me to go! ADVISE PLEASE!!!
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8 responses
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
29 May 09
Go purchase him a present, wrap it and put it up high. Tell him that when he makes it a week with no accidents he can open the gift.
• United States
29 May 09
A week seems like a long time for him to wait for a gift . He can't think that long at that age . I like the little gift idea, but I would make it a daily thing instead of weekly. Buy a little dollar toy , wrap it and set it where he can see it . Tell him if his pants stay dry and clean all day he will get the surprise before bedtime . I also would ask the teachers for advice , maybe they do things differently. You could also ask his doctor about it .. Good luck !
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
29 May 09
If he can go a week in school with no accidents, then he should be able to go a week at home. He is just being lazy if he asks to go in school. I like meandmy3's idea.
• United States
29 May 09
I think you're right, I haven't tried the reward thing yet... Whenever he's successful, I just give him big smiles and high fives and I let him find his daddy and tell him "I went potty like a big boy!" I don't know about going a week though... I think I'll do the daily thing... (SIGH) Dollar store, here I come!!!
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
29 May 09
At 4 years old your son knows what he is doing especially if he asks to go at school. Kids are very smart and it may be his way of controlling you for what ever reason. Do you put him in pullups when he is at home? If so then put him in regular shorts and if he wets them let hem wear them until he goes to the potty. Really he is old enough to pull down his pants him self an go by himself. It seems to me that the kids were easier to potty train before they came out with the disposable diapers and the pull ups. The kids felt when they were wet and wanted out of the wet pants. The disposable diapers and pull ups keep the kids dry so why would they want to take the time to go to the potty.
• United States
29 May 09
Well, I don't know if this makes a difference, but he doesn't ask by himself, but will ask to be included if another boy askes to go.... But at almost 4, I feel that he should be asking for himself... Yeah, I use pull-ups now, I refuse to buy anymore diapers... but I can see his confusion in that the pull-ups do the same thing as the diapers do. He does pull down his own pants and his pull up and gets up there all by himself, and will even wipe himself and get dressed again all by himself. BUT I HAVE TO FORCE him to go in there - he won't initiate the process! I'm going to try the reward thing mentioned earlier and then I think my last resort will be to just put him in regular undies and let him feel how yucky it is and maybe that will kick his little hinney into getting it done! : ) Thanks for your response!
• United States
1 Jun 09
He's been acting kinda funny about the 'big boy' thing... When he does a big boy thing and does it right, he's very proud and loves to tell us all about it... but when he makes a mistake, he gets very upset when I bring up the 'big boy' thing... for example, today, he went on the potty, made a BM and then was all excited and bragged to his daddy about how like a big boy, he went poopie on the potty... Great! But later on, when I asked him to drop 'em and try to go potty like a big boy, he got all upset and said he didn't want to be a big boy.... I'm assuming cuz he recognized that he wet his pull up and I would know about it... He gets SO happy when his (fade when wet) Pandas on his Diego Pull-ups are still there - "All clean, mom!" I love it! (sigh) Will keep trying... will def be getting that poster board and try the star thing with mini-rewards...
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
29 May 09
Stop buying pull ups take him shopping for big boy underpants, he gets to pick them out. ON the way there, while in the store and on the way keep talking about how he is a big boy now and not a baby, that only babies wear pull ups or diapers and that he is not a baby. Praise him for being such a big boy and tell him how important it is for him to be a big boy. When you get home, help have him help you toss the pull ups, that is right get rid of them, toss them. Put him in underpants. when he has an accident he has to wash out the underpants himself.. (for bm's just toss them, for pee have him rinse them out) so he sees what happens when he wets himself.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
1 Jun 09
My older 2 boys were like that too. Heck, my oldest kept wetting himself until he was 5 or 6, especially outside. I think it's a boy thing. With my boys they would just get so involved in something else and never bother to tell me they had to go. Yeah it was frustrating. I'd make them clean up their own messes, I'd follow them to make sure the mess was cleaned correctly. Then I'd give them a "time out" on the toilet for just a few minutes. That worked with my 2nd son... not my first, but he has a learning disability.
• United States
3 Jun 09
Hi Kats, thanks for the response... It's getting better, we're really trying to go all out and show him that it's a good thing and that it's something that he has to do. "It's the rule" is a phrase we use alot, generally, and he never questions me when I say that... so I've been throwing in little ideas to him that 'it's the rule' that boys who can't go potty on the toilet can't...whatever...but I am always honest with him. LIke today, we went to the pool and he wanted to know why he had to wear undies under his bathing suit... So he's working at it and loves to show us when the designs are still there... Hopefully, when he's out of school, it won't backfire on me... I'm hoping that I can schedule about 4 days to do nothing but concentrate on the potty... but his success has mostly been at school... (sigh) We'll see. Thanks again!
@italysmom (308)
• United States
30 May 09
you need to make it fun for him, like maybe give him a very small gift when he goes... and look up the potty song.. and sing it with him. make it a fun time so that he wants to go. whatever your child likes you could get a stuffy that he likes or something, and pretend that it goes to the potty. and, maybe take him every little bit.. if he doesnt ask to go. that way you will be there when he does.. and CELEBRATE it like crazy when he goes in the potty
• United States
1 Jun 09
Great ideas, but if I have to sing the POTTY song one more time, I'm going to go crazy! My rear end can't take sittin' on the side of the tub any more!!! LOL... We also need to be careful because my little guy tends to not know when to reign it in and if we get too silly in the BR, we have a hard time teaching him 'time and place' concepts... So far, I've sat in there with him, sung songs, read books, even done finger puppets.... If I put him in there, he'll go when he needs too, but he won't seek out the bathroom on his own.... I've gotten some great advice and support, so I thank you very much!
@gcorp09 (940)
• Singapore
30 May 09
Well, it seems that he do knows how to use the toilet. In this case, you may want to slowly nurture him, and tell him nicely that he do need to use the toilet at home too. You may want to understand why he do not say to you when he's at home. Well, do go slowly with him, and he should understand the need of using at home too.
• United States
1 Jun 09
You're right, he does know how... but I'm leaning towards an earlier response: he's being lazy... not wanting to stop playing long enough, afraid he's going to miss something.... Also, I can totally see the confusion he may have; the diapers and the pull ups are NO different from each other. The boy knows he can go in them and not suffer... mom will clean me up and I'll be off again... I've adopted forcing him to stop, drop 'em and try to go... so far, okay. But soon, very soon, he'll be wearing real undies and the feeling of "it's okay, mom will clean me up" will be one of the past! At least when it comes to Nature's Call! Thanks for your response!
@gcorp09 (940)
• Singapore
1 Jun 09
Well, it may be because of the reasons you stated. Kids in general like to play, but in school, they tend to go to toilet because everyone do so too. They are scared that they do not conform to the rest's behaviors. While at home, it's only you, the mum that he had to deal with... Well, I don't think forcing him will work either. I like your idea of just putting on the undies for him. I will say, why don't you try now... You can just tell him that you are putting on undies for him from now on, since he knows how to go toilet in school. You can then observe his behavior from then. I believe that at most, he may be going soon without diapers very soon...
@foxrocks (29)
• United States
30 May 09
My daughter is 3 and I am having the hardest time in the world trying to potty train her. She too always tells me after the fact. We have tried M&M's, stickers, gifts you name it nothing works. I told her I would throw away all of her pricness underwear and when I went to put something in the garbage all of her underwear were in the garbage she threw them away her self. Both of my boys were trained by 2 I just don't get why she refuses to tell me. It is crazy I just hope I can get her trained before preschool in the fall.
• United States
1 Jun 09
Okay, I'll throw a few MAGIC WISHES your way if you throw 'em back!!! I'm sweating summer camp and full-day preschool too!
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
29 May 09
HI, I have two girls. One is 4 and half years old and another one is 14months old. My oldest daughter toilet trained since she was 2 years old. I just took off diaper and when she pee on herself then she couldn't stand. so, I told her, when you want to go then you need to tell me. Also, after a few hour I will take her to use the bathroom... and while she is peeing, then I said pee pee pee... I make sure she knows what it mean. and when she poop, I said Poop poop poop.... It might take a while for him to learn cuz he is 4 already. My other daughter, who is 14months knows how to tell me when she needs to poop but she still wearing diaper cuz just in case she forgets to tell me... if you could, learn to take off his diaper while he home....
@sublime03 (2338)
• Philippines
31 May 09
i have a 4 yr old son and he only stopped wearing a diapy this year.. We started in the house where he doesnt wear it only at nights.. We explain it when he gets poop in his pants and he feels icky that if he doesnt say anything he'll have to keep his poop in his pants the whole time. And so he eventually learned that it wasnt cool to keep it there. We also bring him to the bathroom 20-30 mins after he eats or drinks just to see if we can make it as a routine for him..But one day he eventually learned how his bowel movement goes and he just learned how to say. Its pretty difficult at nights but what we do is he pees before he sleeps or poops then at midnight when we wake up or something we try to check if he's thing is up if it is we just have to carry him and make him pee. Difficult but they learn throughout the experience.. Good luck!