Conservatives vs. Conservatives

@iriscot (1289)
United States
May 29, 2009 11:45am CST
After Rush, Newt and Tancredo called Sonia Sotomayor a racist, a bigot, and an "angry woman," Charles Krauthammer today fires off this warning to his fellow conservatives: stop the personal attacks, "What should a principled conservative do? Use the upcoming hearings not to deny her the seat, but to illuminate her views. No magazine gossip from anonymous court clerks. No 'temperament' insinuations. Nothing ad hominem. The argument should be elevated, respectful and entirely about judicial philosophy." In today's Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan offers similar advice, Republicans, she says, should act like grown-ups. The Krauthanmmer/Noonan message to Republicans is this: fight Sotomayor respectively and then confirm her. Of course, that advice is easier said than done. Just asking, but did Rush really hurt himself among Republicans and conservatives this week? John Cornyn - nobody's liberal Republican in the Senate -- seemed to very coherently send a message to the unelected conservatives when he also chimed in and said the tone wasn't helpful. Could this week actually help the GOP if it means it gets the elected establishment to unite against the unelected leaders? Or will this week divide the party even further? It may be in Rush's court now. and
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5 responses
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
29 May 09
She made racist statements. That is a fact. Nobody should have to apologize for making a judgment based on her words. Democrats have always enjoyed calling republicans racists and I've never heard another democrat call them on it. McCain and Palin were both called racists for no good reason. Those who attended Tea Parties were called racists on MSNBC and no democrats objected to that either. I feel the most important issue here is whether she can be an impartial judge who makes decisions based on the constitution. With 60% of her decisions being overturned, and a decision to support discrimination against white firefighters, I don't think she is a good fit for the job. How I or anyone else feels is irrelevant though. The democrats will just rubber stamp her because Obama appointed her. The Republicans don't really have a say in the matter.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
3 Jun 09
"She made racist statements. That is a fact. Nobody should have to apologize for making a judgment based on her words." When someone makes a statement that can possibly be taken as a "racist statement" it's totally subjective since we can't read the person's mind. Unless the person says outright that he or she hates anyone of a specific race, that is. If one reads the entire speech Sotomayor made in 2001 it comes across a bit differently, in my opinion. The thing with anything that's subjective like this is we can read into what we choose; how many conservatives will swear until they're blue in the face that Rush Limbaugh isn't a racist while many liberals will take some of his statements as proof that he indeed is? Personally, no matter who it is I don't think it's fair to judge someone by one speech alone when there's a large body of work to also consider! "McCain and Palin were both called racists for no good reason." I'm sure you're going to "prove" me wrong, Taskr, but I don't recall either of them being called racists in any way even remotely comparable to what Limbaugh, Gingrich or Tancreado to name a few did of Sotomayor or certainly BY anyone of the latters' stature. For the record, Gingrich has dialed back his remarks a bit to his credit. "Those who attended Tea Parties were called racists on MSNBC and no democrats objected to that either." So do Republicans make it a point to "object" to every guest star or commentator on Fox News who makes derogatory remarks about Democrats? "With 60% of her decisions being overturned..." As compared to Justice Alito's 100%? "...and a decision to support discrimination against white firefighters, I don't think she is a good fit for the job." I know you're somewhat of a "legal scholar" and I'm NOT but I've heard others who definitely know more that I do and maybe even more than YOU do say that she made the correct ruling in that case under the law and given legal precedent. I'm sure this is something that will be discussed in full detail during the hearings. I'm willing to reserve judgment on that one particular case until then. Annie
• United States
30 May 09
Well said by Taskr about the Tea Parties. My Uncle and Aunt went to the one in Madison it had 5,000 people attending it. CNN and others except for Fox pretty much ignored it or in NBC's case made fun of it as much as possible. Huge blow to the mass media's credibility. About Satomayor.. well I don't know much about her so no comment. About Rush and other conservatives especially on the illegal immigrant issue.. you can't just kick out millions of people from a country so lets find an intelligent way to solve the problem. Don't worry though Republicans theres a big pot of boiling water that will spill over the Dems in the next elections oh and the Media will be flabber-gasted by it. just my prediction. From a Moderate Republican... out.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
29 May 09
Funny, no one EVER makes this call to liberals. If the above is how adults are supposed to act, can we take from it that it was only infantile brats working against the Supreme Court nominations from Republican presidents? What will be interesting is the reaction the left will have if it turns out that Sotomayor is against Roe Vs Wade. The Conservatives speaking out against her will be amateurs in comparison. Btw, why do people assume that all conservatives are of one mind?
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
29 May 09
I wonder if it would be possible to classify a person as a Moderate, is there no place for a moderate in this society? I don't consider myself a liberal as I don't believe in abortion? The fact that we the people of the U.S. are so far in debt to other countries, such as China, I don't approve of that! Does this make me a conservative? Not if I have to vote only the republican line! I have voted for both republican and democratic candidates in the past and I'm sure the time will come that I will do the same. I believe in voiceing my opinion about situations that I feel are unfair and since I helped defend my country during war time, I feel I have this right. I don't know everything about the nominee for the Supreme Court, but I believe her to be a fair person in her judgements. If she has to defend Roe vs. Wade, when the time comes, it will be her call, the law has been established concerning Roe vs. Wade. I don't believe that politics and religion should mix on the pulpit and I believe it is wrong when the Catholics are told my their priests that they must vote one way because of the abortion issue it is a sad and wrongful thing.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1 Jun 09
You asked what the Principled Conservative should do? Use our brains just like you say you have done. My comment was to your original point, making it sound like all Conservatism has to be of one mind.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Jun 09
It probably COULD help the GOP if they actually DID unite behind these unelected, self-appointed leaders but they don't have the ba11s to do it! Senator Cornyn made a bit of an effort but he didn't get much backing from his colleagues. I have a feeling this confirmation hearing and the days leading up to it will help define what we'll see and hear from the Republicans in the months and possibly years to come. If they continue on the track they're on we won't see many of them and their voice won't be very! Annie
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
29 May 09
I think the personal attacks should stop. But as far as dividing the party, no. Rush and the others have always voiced their opinion. Some of it is based on fact and some of it is not. Let's face it, sometimes they just say the things that their listeners want to hear. That is what you get with both sides Republican and Democrat. The personal attacks would still happen no matter what side of the isle you are on. Frankly, I am sick and tired of them. While many claim the party is divided, I don't think it quite as divided as people are portraying. I think now the Republicans in the Senate are picking their fights. Although if she is anything like Biden (not saying that she is), then they are simply giving her the opportunity to fail on her own. Which for them is a win-win situation. No political power needed or favors to call in.
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
29 May 09
Why would anyone listen to Charles Krauthammer, Rush Limbaugh or any number of other false conservatives? Time to wash your hands of them.