Does your dog eat stuff from your trash?

May 29, 2009 4:18pm CST
Mine does, we put our trash in a bag in the kitchen and throw them every day, its mostly cartons of milk and other stuff we've used to make the food, she always sticks her face in the bag and takes stuff out of it, takes them to the living room and chews them for apparently no reason at all...Its becoming a pain to pickup chewed botttles of chocolate milk from my sofa and I've shouted at her for doing so many many times but she never listens...she is a b***h, both literally and not...
7 responses
• United States
30 May 09
My Shepherd mix goes in the garbage can so we put it up so she can't reach it.
• United States
30 May 09
hehe. As much as annoying as it can be, sometimes ignoring them is the best thing. Yet again each dog is different. My shepherd mix will carry on and on until she gives up and realizes she not going to get her way.
• Greece
30 May 09
I tried that but she would stand below the bag and just bark and cry all the time it was impossible to have some peace and quiet like that, I'm starting to believe that my dog is a female (transexual) reincarnation of Satan...
• United States
30 May 09
no they dont get in my trash and i have 5 dogs and none of them get in the trash probably because they cant reach it idk...
• Greece
30 May 09
You are a lucky person, but as these things go, your dogs probably do something else that is annoying you, If not, then WHAT"S YOUR SECRET?
• United States
31 May 09
spank them.... lol jk but i put them outside for a lil
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
29 May 09
Well if I let him he would. I had taken the bag out of the container last week and put it aside to get the rest of the garbage in the house and I find him with his face in the bag. I couldn't believe it. I of course got him out of there but I need to make sure I put the bag where he can't get it. I seriously think my dog would eat just about anything if you let him.
• Greece
29 May 09
No kidding, dog DO eat everything...mine has even eaten the stuff she PUKED! I know how disgusting and ridiculous it sounds but we were in the car and she puked (perhaps she got motion-sickness or whatever its called) and my dad said he'll clean it up when we reach our destination...well, let's just say he didn't have to clean anything up by the time we stopped...
• United States
29 May 09
My dog goes into the little garbage cans in the bathrooms and takes out kleenexes and tears them apart, I hate it too but the only way I keep her out of them, is to keep the doors closed.
• Greece
29 May 09
Thankfully I don't have that problem...I would hate it if I had to pick up milk cartons with dirty kleenexes inside them, its just...yuck!
@Kris9090 (26)
• Brazil
30 May 09
I have a 4 months puddle called mark (Marky) he takes everything from the trash ... I have to close all the doors and let him closed in my room ... I asked the vet what I should do ... and he said it's he want to play so nothing to do with it =/
• Greece
30 May 09
I think yours does it because its still small, when dogs are small they grow their teeth and want to chew on everything...Mine chewed (and totally messed up) all the plush toys I had as a little child...I didn't really want them, I had them as a decoration since I wasn't still playing with plushies but I had them on the shelf above my bed and she would climb my bed and go and catch them with her mouth and bring them down...and then they would experience plush toy hell...
@jcc51189 (78)
• United States
29 May 09
My dog goes into my bathroom and gets the dirty toilet paper out of the trash appears he chews on it... dont know if he eat the waste that was smeared on it..probably does...ewww So yeah i must keep the door closed if he is inside to prevent him from getting into the bathroom garbage.
• Greece
29 May 09
well mine smells (and probably could eat if I let her) other dog's waste on the road...I think most dogs are like that. But closing the door won't help in my case, my dog has superpowers...seriously, she raises her front feet and freakin' opens the door...
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
31 May 09
Mine would be we have a tall tough trash can. Their favorite booty though is my wife's tissues. They'd chew up the whole box given the chance.