Why we never invite all members here to be a friends?

@mobhomeir (7558)
May 29, 2009 7:52pm CST
Hey guys do you have any bases of wanting or inviting friends here on mylot? I mean, why we never invite all members here to be our friends, why we just selected few and add few? Did you based it on her/his quality of discussions submitted or something? Can we talk about it?
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8 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
30 May 09
I feel that online is no different at all from offline. I cannot be friends with everyone offline. We are all different and make friends with some easier than with others and it is just the same here. We are attracted by some users more than others through what they write and we choose them rather than others as friends. I think it is impossible that we all have the same interests or could all think the same just as it is not possible offline too.
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@May2k8 (18292)
• Indonesia
30 May 09
I just accept when people requiring me as their friend, I never see his/her profile because I don't have enough time. Without friends the world feels empty, I have to find a suitable friend with my interest. And, I have to learn the interest which I had never met.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
1 Jun 09
I understand. You mean, whoever would like you to be their friend you accept it. How about inviting friends here, are you picky? I mean do you any criteria?...Thanks
@May2k8 (18292)
• Indonesia
1 Jun 09
I'm not pick whoever want to be my friend, many friend not always help me to resolve my problem. I only response what I think is very interesting to talk, and need someone to understand what topic are being talking about. If my discussion or other discussion have no more things were being discuss, I will stop making my opinion in the discussions. Sometimes, I forget if my words has been write before so I following my next days to remember. Happy myloting....
• Canada
30 May 09
I am not picky about who I connect with here on mylot. if i respond to a discussion, and I don't recognize the person as being in my friends network, I will request a connection to that person. I will also accept app friend request connections that people send to me. The less particular we are, the more people we'll meet. I often wonder if the picky people out there are missing something. I'm sure they are!
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
1 Jun 09
I mean "you DON'T have just enough time......
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
31 May 09
It gets to the point that there are just too many people and we cannot keep track of everyone, it just would not be possible.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
1 Jun 09
Yes ma'm you're basically right. But how about in choosing online friends do you have criteria or a barometer in choosing them? Thansk
• India
30 May 09
Well, LOL! I guess none of us does it purposely. We just don't have the time to add everybody out there. Plus, we really don't have much to say to some discussions. Also, we don't get along well with everybody on Mylot. Cheers and happy Mylotting
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
1 Jun 09
Yes I understand that...but when you're inviting friends here are you picky? What would be your barometer in choosing your online friends? THanks
@gcorp09 (940)
• Singapore
30 May 09
Well, I'm sure that all people here had their own base of selecting a friend. I do too, and it's usually based on common interest, although I had yet to invite someone as my friend recently. As for why we do that, I will say that it's hard to become friends with all people in the world. If we do not have some common interests, it will be hard to talk to each other...
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
1 Jun 09
Yes...you're certainly right...I got your idea..thanks
@gcorp09 (940)
• Singapore
1 Jun 09
Well, it's no problem. To me, it's just hard to talk to someone without something of common interest. In addition, thanks for giving a best response...
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Hi mobhomeir! There are a lot of things that I base my friend requests and acceptances on. I usually check their profile to see if they have requested me due to a discussion or just because they saw my name on someone else's friend list. I also request friends because I enjoy their responses or they start discussions that I can relate too. I guess your previous responder stated it best when she said it's like real life.
@Amythyst (59)
• United States
30 May 09
I just don't have the time to request people. Certain people would likely not want me to be their friend though--especially those with certain political views. Although I don't have a party I belong to--I just like to make people wake up to reality sometimes.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
1 Jun 09
Yes I understand. Maybe you're just a " practical and principled" person. I got yur point..thanks