Do you know how to meet your gaurdian angel?

United States
May 30, 2009 12:12am CST
I have heard amazing stories about gaurdian angels. I was wondering if anyone knew the best way to contact them and what works for you?
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2 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
30 May 09
I have a belief and it is only my own belief that our guardian angels or spirit guides as I call them communicate with us all the time through our inner voice. Foe one example when my father was alive he used to look after my car as far as checking everything on it but one day after he passed away, I was going on a bit of a long drive and night before I was sitting watching tv when something just popped into my head all of a sudden .. check your oil.... so because I am a firm believer on the inner voice I went and checked the oil in my car...not a drop in there....there has been many times that I have gotten a prompt like that even as simple as a voice telling me when something is not right...I always listen to that little voice...
• United States
30 May 09
yeah i agree... I just love hearing others oppinions on these subjects
• United States
15 Nov 09
well you should believe. also look at things you love. experiment and talk to it. see what you feel could be answers. or maybe you think this whole thing is silly! i think it is. but partly i do believe because i have to. lol. no, i don't have to. there's too much hatred in the world to make yourself believe in anything funny. but for fun purposes you could try all sorts of things. i also dislike talking about some of this stuff. it seems to cross a line. some things are just for you. but other people can be open about them. it's a choice what you say and who you say it to. i also think it's dumb that someone can tell you something that everyone already knows.