what was your favorite year of your life?

United States
May 30, 2009 1:55am CST
I know that sometimes life gets stressful, and it would be great if even for one day we could turn back the clock and go to a time in our life that was really great and happy....for me it would be 19 because thats when i met my boyfriend and really started to become my own person, what age is your best or most memorable?
4 responses
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
30 May 09
i think all years of my life are best! why? because all those years, i learn new things and it makes me stronger...but if your going to ask what years i want to go back to..its when i'm still a child, a gradeschooler coz this time of our life all we have to do is study, play...no big problems, just enjoy... have a nice day!
• China
30 May 09
I think all of years of your life are best because they are so different from each other!
• United States
30 May 09
It would be nice to be able to go back and have recess, and go on field trips and stuff like that, and it would be even more fun to go back knowing what i know now, like when you are a kid, you take it for granted, but if i could go back i wouldnt take it for granted
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
30 May 09
yes right all years are different from the other... that's why we need to cherish all moments in our life so that when we get old we will not have any regrets...
• China
30 May 09
I guess it's my last year. Because my last year is full of "first-times". The first time I failed in the graduate entrance exam, the first time I worked as full-time, the first time I took a plan, the first time I went to a new city, the first time I had a bussiness trip, the first time I knew so many guys, the first time I got so much money, the first time I live alone for so long.... All in all, last year is really amazing to me. I had been through ups and downs.
• United States
30 May 09
I know what you mean, i lived a pretty sheltered life when i was a teen, and i liked 19 which was 3 years ago for me, because i did lots of new things that year...not all "first times" are fun but they definitely make us grow as a person and thats always exciting :)
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
28 Aug 09
Last year. It wasn't all roses to be sure. I'd split up with my boyfriend of over 3 years, quit smoking, moved away from the place I was calling home and back in with my parents. The beginning of it felt awful. And then I fell into a groove, started working, worked my buns off, saved up every penny I had and then blew it all on the experience of a lifetime. I learned so much about myself, and that is why I can honestly classify it the best year of my life. The most fun year of my life was the year I turned 18. First year on my own, my own apartment, first real job, I was legal drinking age in my province, met a really cute boy who adored me. It was a ton of fun! Not very productive, but very fun. *LOL*
• Philippines
30 May 09
My most memorable 'age' was 15 because that's when my long time crush (I've crushed on him for 4 straight years) courted me. I was so happy then! Really really happy because I feel like I'm Cinderella and my wish came true. At first, I really gave up the hope that he would like me back because he likes slim women, fair-skinned,and such. And I wasn't that kind of woman. I have an average skin tone and built. But when we were 3rd year High School, it was like miracles came from heaven when he courted me. I even asked myself that time if I'm just dreaming or not. It was the happiest moment of my current life. And now, we're almost celebrating our 2nd Anniversary. We're still going strong as ever