The great runescape merchanting clan scam.
By uath13
@uath13 (8192)
United States
May 30, 2009 2:44am CST
I'm getting a good laugh right now.
A few weeks ago in Runescape dragonstones sold for a mere 20k. Then the clan scam began. A group of "merchants" bought up a large amount of the stones. Once they had a good stockpile they began recruiting new members into the clan. They then told those members ( they recruited hundreds if not more ) to buy all the dragonstones in the market at the highest price. That then drove the price up like crazy. Once the stones hit about 150k each the original "merchants" sold all theirs in the market then bailed on the clans. The clans are now stuck with a bunch of overpriced stones that nobody will buy & are going to lose all their money when the dragonstone market crashes.
I tried spreading the warning but most didn't listen....
So how many of the Runescape players on here fell for the new market scam?
For those who haven't heard of "merchanting" clans yet, here's your warning.
7 responses
@Philbo (578)
• Canada
5 Jun 09
There's a scam for suckers. There is a lot of them in Runescape. Best way to avoid getting stuck in something like this is to collect the stuff yourself by working at it instead of buying it and then selling when the price is going up. If you're into scamming others though there are lots of victims in there just begging to be relieved of their hard earned wealth.

@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
5 Jun 09
Uh...I will at least agree that you should collect your own stuff:)

@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
2 Jun 09
As you told the last guy I am more into making it myself. So that way I get full profit. :)
I would never join a merchant clan anyway. The ultimate goal is for the clan owner to make money. If I am going to be in a merchant clan it would have to be MINE lol...
@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
4 Jun 09
I know Uath! A friend of mine was actually part of this " scam" was hilarious...he lost like 40m...he's even thinking about quitting. I am like" You did it to yourself"
@gamingworld (577)
• United States
7 Jun 09
lol who knew that could happen. Im so broke right now. Im starting to cut yews. I finally got 60 woodcutting lolz. I use to be able to merch in ge but now every1 merches so i cant get a thing.
@lethalboy (112)
• India
1 Jun 09
Ya i knew it would be a scam no commodity could rise to such an extent like the uncut dragonstone and also the tooth half of a key but i took full advantage of it i quickly sold all the 20tooth half of a key which i had stored in my bank and what a killing i made but i really feel sad to the Guys who joined this scam merchanting site and lost their lots of million i hope they dont suffer too much losses i too am owner of such merchant site but i trade only in pure ess bronze arrows fire runes and rune ess which are traded in high numbers and therefore not violate so i think no one should join such scam merchanting sites my name on runescape is varundanke 2 i am combat lvl 95
@tnsteeler14 (42)
• United States
31 May 09
well, uath13 i didnt fall for the scam for one reason i am not a member... and i am broke as a joke and if i wasnt broke and i was a member then i probably would have failed for the for the scam... lol i am that stupid
@Dontlivesowise (64)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I laugh.
You could be smart, like me :D
All you have to do is join these "merchanting clans" and lets take Chessy018's for example. She wants to drive the price of Dragon Platelegs to 1.3 or 1.5m.
Be smart, dump at 900k or 1m, respectively.
Something along those lines, you know?