Don't read enough...

books - a stack of books
@tinam13 (839)
United States
May 30, 2009 3:26am CST
I should probably read more. I read for school, but the rest of my time is occupied. Is this extremely bad, I'm obviously not illiterate, but I feel like I could definately expand my sources. What kind of stuff do you read, and when do you find the time?
2 responses
• India
10 Jun 09
well, i generally read at the night time before going to sleep , as this is the time when i find myself free from all the problems & also it helps me in getting a sound sleep. Usually i read motivational , spiritual & general knowledge books as they helps me in the betterment of my personality , encourages me & helps in sorting out the day to day life problems......
• Philippines
30 May 09
I read during lunch breaks in the office, and before I go to sleep. I read all kinds of novels, it is really based on how I'm feeling that time. I don't usually go for love stories or romantic novels though, cause that phase was already done and over with. =D. Now I'm more into historical, classics and those novels where characters of people or the society is being questioned. I love novels that makes me thinks, and those that can make me say.. Ahhhhhh... =D