How do you feel if somebody steals your show?

May 30, 2009 4:32am CST
How do you feel if you introduce a new fish to your freinds circle and only to find that he/she gets more attention than you? Look, many of my freinds envy my job because I am the only girl in the office. My collegues treat me like a little sister.But I am kind of shy and do not take this advantage. Actually most of the time it is me who is taking care of them.So in their eyes I am much of an independent girl. Then the other day I bring my best girl freind(who has almost the same personality as me, I believe) when I hang out with my collegues. Out of my expectation, the girl is very active. Soon, she is able to talk with my collegues like an old freind. After a few days, I find the girl keep in contact with some of my collegues without letting me know. I don'know if I am jealous or what, but I am not very happy about two things: 1.I think the girl is a little more enthusiastic, which is not how I know she is 2.I think she should at least let me know if she has contact with my collegues, after all, it is me who introduces them.I deserve to know, but she is hiding from me. Besides, we almost share everything. These questions have been bothering me for days. I don't know if it is my selfishness to blame or she doesn't do the proper thing. If you were me, what will you do? I start to feel less confident in front of my collegues...
1 response
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
30 May 09
I think you should take it easy. Everyone has their own life and it is up to them to decide whether to tell you something or not. I think you need not be shy or what. Your colleagues are meeting you friend because they are meeting you every day while your friend is something new to them. So, it need not have any relationship with your attractiveness or what. About your friend, put it this way, everyone like to live under the spot light and then as your colleagues date her, so she is out to enjoy the spot light she is receiving. No need to jealous. Just different situation.
• China
30 May 09
Yeah, thanks for making this complex so clear. You are right, everyone has their own life, and what I should do is to focus on mine and be myself.And this girl is still my best freind, cause I learn to be happy for her!