michael jackson what you think about him?

May 30, 2009 8:40am CST
hello again myloterss what you think about michael jackson as i think he is a biggest pop dancer and singer right? can any one go ahead than him? did you like him?
7 responses
@rrdj71 (696)
• United States
30 May 09
I USED to love his music and his dancing. But that was MANY years ago. Now I just think he is an absolute freak!! His face does not even resemble that of a human being anymore. It is a shame. He was a good looking young black boy he did not need to do any of that to himself. I guess he felt so ashamed for the acts that he did that he was trying to hide himself behind all the plastic surgery.
• India
30 May 09
i agree with you his face is not good now but i like is many songs and i think no one can beat him in danceing until he live.. what about you?
@rrdj71 (696)
• United States
30 May 09
I agree. There are a lot of copy cats but only one true Michael when it comes to those dance moves. He got everybody beat, hands down!!
• India
30 May 09
I am big fan of Michael jackson. I used to see his viseo songs when I was a teenager and like his breakdance very much. I liked his one song very much which was a comic-horror but I don't know exactly its name but it was when he didn't had a plastic surgery on his face. I think there is no one who can better his pop dance!!
• India
30 May 09
i like song of MJ they dont care about us very nice song with jaj music i love it and when i wakeup at morning i hear it daily on my mpe player
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
30 May 09
I think he is a sad, sad man who wants to remain a boy forever. I can't really be sorry for him because he has a lot of money, more than I could ever have. cheers!!
@italysmom (308)
• United States
31 May 09
I liked his music ALOT... and his dancing was alright, I used to think he was a good person.. but, then, Now I dont know what to think of him,,,, its hard to know if he did the bad things or not...
@benny128 (3615)
30 May 09
nah I used to like some of his music but now he is just plain weird, not to mention someone who likes children (no smoke without fire). He is a prime example of someone who is well very strange, take the incident when he held a baby over the edge of a balcony. Very very very strange person.
@drsenergy (159)
• United States
30 May 09
I still think he's one of the most amazing artist ever. A live performance by him is not matched by any other artist. He's a musical genius, bigger than life. And as with any genius, he walks to the beat of a different drum. That's what makes him so interesting after all these years. Him on any stage, anywhere in the world is the ultimate concert experience.
@jellymonty (2352)
30 May 09
I used to be a fan of his in his hay days. The thriller bad years those were brilliant. But after Dangerous album I think he lost his flavor.. History has to be the worst album he ever made. I didn't like it.. And then the invincible album was beyond rubbish, except the "you rock my world" song that was ok. I say he is the former king of pop.. He's supposed to be coming here in London next month but rumors are he's postponing it again.. so nowadays he's just a commoner to me and nothing special..