Christianity is fraud.....
By dicsyen
@dicsyen (54)
May 30, 2009 11:16am CST
If you watch the latest movie,Angels and Demons,you realize that Christianity begin the wrong way.Church leaders,elders,fathers,and bishops didn't practice the laws of the Bible.In other words,they didn't obey God's words.They smoke and they are constantly going after power and authority.Besides they hated the theories of science and technologies so much that they started a war with the scientists of the olden days.What can you say about Christianity today?Do Christians really live out a living testimony to glorify God's name?Or are they just acting to be good humans?
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21 responses
@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
30 May 09
I think being a Christian, that the majority of us are trying to glorify God. I don't think you need to see the movie, to realize that there was corruption in the forming of the church. Just like anything else that has leaders there are going to be ones that aren't followng ever single "rule" they try to preach or enforce. However, in any religon or organization, I don't think you can judge the entire group on the corrupt leaders. Both the Davinci Code and Angels and Demons were based on fictional novels so I don't think you can totally rely on the historical information in the movies, although I am sure it is based on some truth. I think you have posed a good question here, and you will probably get some interesting responses. It will probably stir up a good debate. Good Luck.
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@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
30 May 09
While I agree that there has been corruption in the Church, to say that it began that way is a bit unfair.
That being said, you can't take one man's (who I think is a bitter, virulently anti-Catholic and anti-Christianity-in-general) lies and half-truths and automatically take it as the Gospel. Pick up a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, read up on the Church Fathers, read up on the Bible and other Christian documents, and you'll see that what Dan Brown has put out is pure baloney.
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@TiNy22 (6)
• United States
30 May 09
Unfortunately some Christians are exactly like you say...acting to be good humans. But you can't judge the whole group just on that one movie or because of a few select people. Some 'real' Christians are actually good people, they try their best to obey God's laws but who doesn't slip up every now and then. I know I do! nobody is perfect and nobody of the human form ever will be. They[we] disagree with the scientific explanation of The Big Bang Theory because The Bible says that God is almighty and they he created the Earth. Its not a matter of who has more facts or a matter of faith. isn't that what religion is anyway? Its decided on what you believe in and what your faith is. And you definitely can't go by no movie! Movies lie about things all the time to get sells and people to come watch it. All i'm saying is that it's your faith...not how well you can prove things.
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@steelmoggy (410)
31 May 09
Oh dear....
Let's start with the first thing to note here. Angels and Demons is fiction. It's made up. Whilst there may have been a historical society called the Illuminati I believe taht they have little to do with passing on true Christian teachings and more to do with passing on their own wish for power to their followers.
The early Church fathers supressed some books of Christian learning, and perhaps took the Church in directions it may not have otherwise gone in, but to say this makes Christianity a fraud is quite insulting, to be honest.
And 'they smoke'? Come on....whilst it's not a good habit I don't believe taht it makes one a thrall of Beelzebub! This sounds like your own prejudices coming to teh fore here.
The Church HAS had many disputes with scientists over the Centuries, particularly to do with the position of man in relation to other animals on the planet and the postion of the earth and Sun in the Solar System and astronomy. But today, these issues are resolved and the vatican, for example, has a trhiving scientific community.
Most Christians I know in th eChurch of England lead a good secular life as well as leading a sound Christian life in which they glorify God and His works and provide a channel through which the Holy Spirit can work in the world today.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
31 May 09
Yes, I learned so much from this movie. Just as I learned that if there's ever a tornado, my house will be swept up over the rainbow and I will have to escape the wicked witch so that I and my friends can petition the wizard to help me get home.
One thing about being a Christian is that you live your life accountable to God. Whether anyone thinks I am good or not is of little consequence. Each man's conscience is his own.
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@Kenorv (343)
• United States
30 May 09
As Jesus said, everyone is a sinner, even Christians. That includes, bishops and priests and even the Pope. The only person to walk the earth without sin was Jesus himself. Everyone else is a sinner. That doesn't make Christianity a fraud. It just means that everyone has broken God's laws. But that's why Jesus was sent here. To pay the price for our sins so that we don't have to.
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@John4Christ (1597)
• India
31 May 09
Well i guess you forgot to read the message during the start of the movie where it is clearly indicated that the movie is a fiction and has no resemblance to reality.......but somewhere yes i agree that sometimes the priests and the alike sometimes fight for power and are more interested in running educational institutions rather than working for god, which is certainly a bad sign.......
But why blame the entire Christianity for it.......i feel any person who believes in god is a christian......i don't think it would be apt to label Christianity as fraud......i have full faith in Christ and what he teaches, i don't really care what few people for their selfish motives change the laws and rules.....
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@ccdiane (151)
• Cheyenne, Wyoming
4 Jun 09
Hello, I would like to respond to your discussion on Christianity.
About the movie, Angels and Demons, I had no interest in seeing it, because I got a glimpse of it on TV and that was enough for me. But in reality, about Christianity itself, it did not begin the wrong way, because Christianity is all about Jesus Christ. He was sent here for a purpose and He fullfill that purpose.
Yes we may know of some Church leaders, elders, fathers, and bishops whom did not practice God's law in the Bible, but they are not our example to live a Christian life, because they were human. The word Christian means,"to be Christ-like", and Jesus Christ is what Christianity is all about. What makes Christianity so different, is that it is all about having a true relationship with Jesus Christ. And by having a true relationship with the son, we also have a true relationship with the Father as well. Now I can't say that I been keeping track of Christianity today, but I can say that the Christians I associate with are truly living out God's testimony and giving glory to His name because He is worthy to be praise in all things. I hope this helps you, let me know, thank you.
@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
15 Jun 09
I have not read the book or seen the movie. I have the book with me. may be some day when i find time to read, i will. but i have read another book which is based on serious research, The Christ Conspiracy: The greatest Story ever sold. I can hare the digital copy of the book with those who are interested in it. It has quoted christian sources like Catholic Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Biblica, early church fathers and their writings and other well known historians. I just finished reading it. Worth spending some of your valuable time on this book.
@constaanta (571)
• Germany
31 May 09
Is air a story, because you can't see it? Is electricity a story, because you can't see it? Well, both of them you can detect, by breathing the air and by turning on your radio the electricity. The same holds for angels and demons: I have felt my guardian angel from time to time .... and demons attacked me hidden behind friendly faces and false colleagues .... even if I couldn't see them with my physical eyes, I was aware of them with the eyes of my soul.
@okkidokitokki (1736)
• United States
30 May 09
Before I answer any of your questions I owuld like to point out the even if the book or movie has some real facts in it the label for it is still FICTION. That does not mean that there are not good points to make as comparisions but it is still fiction, not real.
As to Christians living life as a testamony of God's love, some do. I think that as a Christian I try to do everything I can every day so that someone who might meet me on the street will not leave thinking that I am a hypocrite and a horrible person.
At the end of the day all anyone can do is to try their best and pray that God helps them to get it right.
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@chazamataz (49)
• United States
30 May 09
Do you believe that every movie is true? How can you base your opinions of a religion or anything else for that matter on a movie? What religion do you follow? Are there any movies out there that have portrayed your religion incorrectly? If you are going to criticize you should research what you are talking about so that you speak with intelligence.
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@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
31 May 09
dicsyen, dicsyen, dicsyen! How easily are you mislead! Are you going to tell me that a fictional movie such as Angela and Demons is influencing you to believe that Christianity is a fraud!I would like to think that you have more intellegence than that!
First, let me say, that no one is forcing you to be a Christian...if you want to think it's all hogwash, you are free to think that way! However, since you are the one that is asking the questions about this faith, I would like to try to give you some imput, however influencing it will be.
I am a Christian, and I am not a fraud. Do I really live out a living testimony to glorify God's name? Most of the time I do not! Because you see, dicsyen, Christians aren't perfect just because they have faith in a God! Christians are sinners just like everyone else. If we weren't sinners, than Jesus Christ would not have had to die on the cross for us! Do we try to live in a way that it glorifies God, yes we most certainly try! But the big answer here is, as long as we try over and over again to live in this perfect way, we will find ourselves failing over and over again....because we can never do it on our own. Only with the help of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, can we live a life that glorifies him. It's a continuous struggle. But as long as we have the desire to please God, that is all he asks.
To watch a fiction movie, and think that it has given you all the answers to Christianity is really far out..No one can give you the answers you are looking for even in real life, in that short period of time. Just know that our lives are a journey, a journey that seeks the desires of our heart, desires that were put there by God, desires that make us seek the right road home...and that home is with God.
I wish you well!
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@dimples_rinoa15 (2)
• United Arab Emirates
6 Jun 09
I don't think that nothing in our surroundings should affect what we believe in. It's a matter of who or what you're going to put your faith to. It's between your relationship w/ God and nothing else would ever affect that. If the faith foundation is strong, if we learn to humble ourselves that there is a higher power that created us, and realizing that there are some things that our mind cannot reach because we are designed w/ a limit, i think that would be enough. Not just some fictional movies or books you watch or read. It's about how you stand on what you believe in. It's a matter of a choosing what way of life you're living. Anyway, isn't good that after this life you will be save and go to a beautiful place no one can ever imagine?
@constaanta (571)
• Germany
31 May 09
All your remarks are true and Jesus has seen the need to send from time to time prophets to renew Christianity. I guess Mohammed was one of them. Luther and Calvin and Zwingli as well. The last one in my eyes was the Austrian musician Jakob Lorber (1800-1864) who has received a dictation of Jesus through the Inner Word in German language. He wrote on more than 12.000 pages the New Revelation which among other texts contains "The Great Gospel of John". Here you can find Jesus' remarks and critics about the Roman Catholic Church and its wrong deeds. But also you can find historical background information about his time on earth, which had been lost during the last 2000 years. Very amazing is "The Childhood of Jesus" and very much insight I have won out of the texts about life after life from "Bishop Martin" and "Robert Blum". English translations are meanwhile available for free download from
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I wish the Word of Truth could have as much effect on you as a novel. I wish I could say that Christians have always been practically perfect in every way, but we both know that's not true. But the focus shouldn't be on Christians, but on what Jesus Christ taught and more importantly what He did for all of mankind. I'm a Christian because I believe in what Christ did for me on Calvary, not because of anything my fellow Christians did or didn't do. I don't want to be judged by the action of my sister and Jesus shouldn't be judge on the action of Christians.
@katb28 (225)
1 Jun 09
im sorry but you are trying to denounce a whole religion based on one mans imagination the book is a fictional book which meens its not true. i could right a book about someone finding a mirical cure for every desise known to man but that dosent make it true it would be a story the same as this book.
@strawberrybaby39 (2086)
• United States
2 Jun 09
Some people just act like they are Christians when they are not. But I am one that is a Christian and go by Gods word. I watched that movie to. I don't like the way they do a lot of things in those movies. Most of the time they are full of it. And its filled with a bunch of lies.
@sublime03 (2338)
• Philippines
31 May 09
Nowadays.....its not a matter of counting how many people think you are living out the Christian life but people surrounding you saying how great you are living your life..and how you you act..with any kind of people that you meet.
The constant thing that Christians battle everyday is to have God be with you every single minute of every single day of your life. Christians arent perfect but they are trying to be God like. Doing things His way.
@AnneDePalma (19)
• United States
31 May 09
I don't agree with you at all!! I am a Roman Catholic and I think that the Catholic Church has grown and evolved so much over the last couple of years. It has truly become a Church of tolerance and understanding. When I was growing up in the 50's and 60's, that wasn't the case. I have seen so much change and all for the better. And it's not true that the Priests and Bishops don't practice the laws of the Bible. You will find corruption in every walk of life and that includes the church, but basically the Church leaders are good and just people and try to follow the ways of Jesus through love and understanding. I think Christians are beginning to understand what Jesus meant, in that we are all God's children and we should love one another no matter what religion, ethnicity or race we are.