Human life originated 200000 yrs ago and God was not bothered until 20 centuries

May 30, 2009 8:48pm CST
Human life originated some 200000 years back. Centuries back, it seems that God chose Israel as his chosen nation. Before Judaism, we have no idea what God was doing. God did not show interest in introducing himself to the rest of the nations until 20 centuries back. So, God did not introduce himself to the rest of the world for 198000 years. Even after that, he did nt reveal himself directly. He revealed through his followers, apostles, missionaries (And we are not supposed to question these people? Their word is final.) Do you not find it horrible that God failed to reveal himself for 198000 yrs, then suddenly he expects everybody in the world to belive and bow down to him? (You can deny, but at your own cost! Only two options available). Does it not irritate anybody that a loving God should consider the hundreds of pagan lifestyles, their cultures, their beliefs as insulting and now it is time for them to embrace the 'true faith' just because God suddenly decided that millions of people should leave their religions and worship him alone? (Of course, he has given free choice. But not much of a choice. Only two options available.) Does it make any sense to you?
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8 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
31 May 09
Even as a child, I questioned all that was taught me in the church. It amazes me how many people just blindly follow whatever they are told without questioning a thing. It makes no sense to me at all really. I don't believe that "God" made all these rules and decisions. I suspect it is the work of man.
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• Thailand
31 May 09
Goddess Image -  Early Goddess Image
The idea of a god or gods has been around for a long time. The best guess is that language developed somewhere in the neighborhood of sixty thousand years ago and the god idea probably came into existence at about the same time. If you are going to get a grip on the concept of religion and the idea of god you need to look farther back than Judaism. There was religion and some concept of a god long before Judaism.
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@karwan (232)
• United Arab Emirates
31 May 09
It makes sense to me that there is some one who created the universe and has power over all thing. Millions and billions of Galxy and starts and planets are not running smoothly their own selves. There is some one who is guiding them and has full control over them. that power is God. God is that power. He is the first and the Last.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
31 May 09
I'm puzzled as to where you found this reprehensible misinformation? Yes it makes no sense at all. Who, (in their right mind) would be so audacious so to suggest when Human life originated? or when God introduced Himself. This is so sick its laughable, and sad. In searching for a grain of truth, sadly I must say, "I found none!" If this complete Post could be transported to the barnyard it would fit nicely with the litter cleared from the stables.
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@benny128 (3615)
31 May 09
hiya fred, great discussion, the things that really puzzle me and I will prob never know the answer is - A) the bible has been written that many times and altered through translation people still follow it as if its a law, look at the 10 commandments I could of written those as its just pure common sense. B) there are so many religions each believing in their own gods, take the greeks they had a god for anything and everything all totally different to each other, the druids worship the trees and nature as their god. Christians catholics etc etc worship a different god and islam worship alah all totally different which one is correct. C) Things like the di vinci code have angered catholics (my ex mother in law was horrified at the da vinci code), tho its just another point of view. I think some religious people get offended when rational thinking people start to pick contradictions with their faiths or start to put opposing points to them. I neither believe or dis-believe, I think I am quite an intelligent person and like to rationalise discussions such as this. Though I defiantly dont want to offend anyone as that is not my intention. I mention to some religious people that I believe in evolution which is totally different to god and all I get back is a load of scriptures. We once had a tail we have still got the bone where it used to be attached, or the appendix for when we used to eat leaves same as some teeth that we no longer use as evolution continues changing our bodies and that around us. Is that god or is that something totally different. I do agree tho that the church does somewhat brainwash maybe thats too strong but I do think that it becomes a way of life that religious people cannot do without and personally I really dont think that is healthy.
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• Philippines
31 May 09
I believe there was no need for Him to introduce Himself 198000 years ago because there was not one person at that time yet. If you believe God exists then you'll have to believe the creation in the Bible. But if you believe the theory of evolution, then you don't have to include God in that theory and ask why He didn't reveal Himself at the beginning of man's life; it's like saying life existed without God's help so why should He bother and why should human race be bothered by such a God? However, the Bible tells us that the first people on earth were Adam and Eve. God revealed Himself to them until they sinned and can no longer bear to see God face to face lest they die. Well, it really takes a lot of faith to believe that God created the world in just six days and rested on the seventh when the whole world of science tells us that the earth is a lot older than that...millions of years older. But then again, faith is the essence of believing things unseen, the substance of things hoped for. So you can either believe God and His word or believe science and be your self's own god.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
31 May 09
Hi Frederick, I agree that it makes no sense at all, although for most of my life I would have disagreed with you because I believed the Bible had all the answers. I still think that there is much that is good in the book but realize now that a lot of it is myth. Many Christians just don't think for themselves, in fact are afraid to think for themselves. If they don't understand something in the Bible, they go to their Pastor and accept his answer. How can anyone say that we have free will and at the same time say that if we don't believe we are going to hell? There is also the fact that most other religions are older than Christianity. Churches are closing all over because many Christians can no longer believe these stories. I expect someone will tell you that the world is only 6000 years old, because there really are those who still believe that. Having said that I still believe that Christianity, in it's truest form has done a lot of good. I know too that a lot of terrible things have been done in the name of Christ. Are there good Christians in the world? Yes, there certainly are, but you will find them living side by side with those of other faiths and respecting all. They try to follow the golden rule, some go to a church and some don't but they all follow the few teachings of Christ that we still have. It is ridiculous to expect someone to leave their religion and accept another. I know that it happens sometimes, especially with Christians and Muslims jumping back and forth. The whole thing comes down to indoctrination and these two religions in particular have become very good at it. Blessings.
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• India
31 May 09
Fred, God was waiting for Man's call. You know why? The early man took lot of time to understand He existed. Or then perhaps Man did understand this earlier than we all know, but then this thing of reading and writing came much later. With rudimentary language in the beginning, I am sure man might have sought GoD and was heard by Him too, we only might not be having the records. And what if there [B]are[/B] records, in some pictorial form of representation, but we have failed to decipher the cry. May be just around 6000 or put it liberally 10000 years man learnt commit his soul's cry to wordy descriptions, and we know.