I used to be VERY pro-life...until I got pregnant
By yaztocal
@yaztocal (19)
United States
May 31, 2009 12:19am CST
No need to agree with me here, but once I heard that baby's heart beat just 7 weeks into my pregnancy, I felt that aborting it is a huge injustice and crime. I never thought of getting an abortion since my pregnancy was very much wanted and planned by my husband and I, but I did re-think my prior pro-life ideologies.
Yes, I agree it's a woman's choice but boy did I personally change my mind. Unless there is a dire need for an abortion (rape, incest, increase risk of death to mother, etc.), I am definitely now in the opinion that abortion is truly not the right thing to do.
Anyone else have that experience? I don't want to upset anyone, just stating my new found beliefs...
Happy deciding everyone!
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22 responses
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 Jun 09
No, I haven't had that experience. I have two children and I'm still pro-choice.
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@SteveSlaton (552)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Your question is a religious one.
In the USA we are supposed to have separation of Church and State. Prior to "Roe vs. Wade," the USA had Church Law and the prior courts were corrupting this country by enforcing Church Law.
On a personal note, I think that a big "etcetera" is what Jesus said. "Those who have not sinned caste the first stone." Yes, boys and girls and men and women may have irresponsibly conceived, being irresponsible is a sin, but aborting is an example of the lesser of evils... As one responder pointed out, unfit parents sometimes place the burden of very, very damaged babies into our midst.
Then consider population. Over 2 billion people on Earth cycle between malnourishment and starvation. Again, on a personal note, Christians are commanded to be Stewards of all life on Earth. Starving people are not Green people. They wreak their environment to keep from dying. What would you do if you were starving?
As George Washington warned, Do not trust a 2-party system. It is susceptible to corruption by clever minds.
These clever minds "give" to people little things to debate like: Pro-life vs. pro-choice. Get a grip! While I skimmed, I did not read anyone in this discussion point out that our freedom is in jeopardy with bullies running the world.
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@wonder_grrrl66 (236)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I am pro-choice without a doubt. I don't know how a person can say it's only right in certain situations like rape and incest. I think and believe firmly that it is the woman's choice first because it is her body. If this was a different situation or if people looked at it mainly as a medical issue, I feel that more people might be willing to agree.
I don't have kids now and I'm not sure what I would be willing to do if I was ever pregnant. I would have a lot to decide on before I could carry the child to term. I just want to be able to have the right to make a choice for myself, for my own body, with how I live the rest of my life.
I agree that it does seem quite trivial that there are some stories out there where women are using abortion as contraception. I don't necessarily agree with that either. There are too many other forms of contraception in our society that can be used to prevent pregnancies - that people should use first. But I don't think abortion should be used in that manner, because I don't think it would be healthy in the long run. But I still say it was their right to choose to do so.
So far I have been lucky in my personal relationships that I never had to make that decision. My boyfriend and I are very careful. We do talk about it on occasion but we both are of the mind that right now, even though we love each other very much, we would not be able to provide for a child. So we must be extremely careful. Maybe I'm lucky but I hope I never have to be in that position, but as long as I have the choice I will be happy.
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I was pro choice before I got pregnant too. Once you see in in the sonogram and hear the heart beat theirs no denying it's not life.
Then the first time you feel it move is one of the most amazing things in the world. I used to actually be able to see the outline of my sons little foot the last few months of my pregnancy with him.
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@winman (235)
• United States
31 May 09
I agree with you, You shouldn't need an abortion unless its rape or incest or something major. If you where doing it with/without protecting and get pregnant that is your fault and your meant to have a baby why kill a living being before it has a chance to defend itself?
@gabrielgadfly (110)
• United States
31 May 09
If you don't like abortions, don't have one. Don't take away another woman's right to have one, though.
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@loneleaf (165)
• China
2 Jun 09
I keep my opinion and abortion seems very common to me, though I am a boy.Once my gf get pregnant,we both have to face a challenge that how to nurture the young.The stress is big and we havn't enough money and ergy to solve it, so have no choose but abort. If I have a baby , I have to pay enough time and energy to nurture , even lose my job. And if I don't get prepare well, my gf and I would like to abort
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
31 May 09
Hi, Yaztocal!
Your experience makes me feel more strongly than ever that nobody has a right to decide this for someone else. I would never consider abortion if I'd had the choice, but cancer took the choice away when I was very young. Still, my situation is not somebody else's, and each woman should decide for herself, according to her particular needs. I raised a lot of children because I wanted them, but I know many women don't have the strength, the settled life or the ability for a million other reasons to have children. Whether I agree with abortion or not is no longer the issue. The real issue is one's life being decided by others. Nobody has a right to decide for another person.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
2 Jun 09
While studing the Bible i was shown a scripture that said Jahovah knew the life of the unborn from the time of conception. This would be true even in the case of rape, incest, etc. The unborn should not be blamed (or killed) for the crime of the rape. If people had morals there would not be incest. If the mothers health were at risk birth control should have been used. Birth control or adoption, not abortion.
@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
1 Jun 09
Yes you hit it all right! I am also pro-life and I am anti-abortion. So I guess I made the right decision when I and my husband even when we were not ready yet to have a baby, pursued my pregnancy last year. Our son is now eight months old and he is a very cute and healthy baby. We found the joy in him and he makes us more inspired and loving to each other.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
1 Jun 09
Your title to the rest of your message doesn't make sense... you're saying, "I used to be VERY pro-life, until I got pregnant, and now I'm very pro-life".
Although, saying that it's the parent's choice would imply that you're pro-choice...
I'm absolutly pro-choice, but why on earth would a mother make that choice, unless it was in some dire situation, like you said, if it was through rape, or if there was a high chance of the mother or child dying in birth, etc etc. How could a mother, that has gone through hearing her child's heartbeat while still in the womb, decide to abort her child unless there actually was some sort of valid reason for it? Something like that, would be the most difficult thing for a mother to do, in the first place.
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@lilnono (228)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I have 2 beautiful children and I am still basically pro choice.
I do think it's odd that so many people say that abortion is ok in the cases of rape or incest. If you are opposed to abortion because you believe that all human life is precious I don't understand how you can justify executing a potential baby for a crime committed by a grown man.
I'm pro choice because I think it's ok in cases where the child will be severely deformed or the life of the mother is in danger. As a mother of two very cute perfectly developed little boys I would feel very guilty If i had given birth to a child with some painful deformity. Your health is the most precious thing you have. No one should have to live their entire life with a body that won't function properly.
When it comes to the mother's life being in danger the situation can be more complex than people realize. What about the married woman who gets pregnant by another man. If the husband will kill her if he finds out, does that justify abortion? I don't think judges should have to waste time answering these type of questions that's why I'm pro choice. The law isn't just about morality it's also about practicality. There are many things in this world that are wrong but not illegal. If we say "abortion is illegal but you can get one if you've been raped" we are going to see a lot of false rape accusations. Since the discussion was worded a bit awkwardly it make me wonder if there are any people out there who were against abortion until they got pregnant. I do know a woman who got an abortion because she already had 3 young kids and just didn't think she could handle another pregnancy.
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@flyinglove (167)
• United States
31 May 09
i completely support you beliefs and your right to believe them. and no, i have never had children and at the age of 41 (as of today)i never will.
however, i am very pro-life. i know people who have had abortions, and i can't say i really care either way. if i liked the people to start with, it doesn't change a thing. if i didn't like them, the abortion still changed nothing.
i also have spent *years* working in social services, with kids who have found themselves in foster care. after knowing what some people put their kids through, i have to believe that some people really would be better aborting their children in order to protect them from a life of pure hell. some of these kids are so traumatized so early that they will never live out of an institution, and they live with pain and horrible memories every day. it is the fault of their parents, but at least if the parents had chosen to abort the kids would not be caught in their cycle of violence.
i am NOT in ANY WAY implying that you or anyone reading this is, would, or will be abusive to any child, yours or otherwise. this is just what i have observed due to my professional duties.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I just feel the need to point out here that "pro-life" actually means ANTI-ABORTION. Pro-choice are those who are for keeping abortion a legal option for women who need it.
@xoxcharityxox (567)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I agree with you. In my opinion abortion should only be done in dire circumstances. Once I became pregnant it just hit me that there was life growing inside of me. I never really chose a side before that, but I just was overcome with emotion. I do think it should be allowed in cases of rape incest or medical necassity also. For those who do it because you don't want a baby I'm not trying to judge nor do I intend to, but if you're considering this please look at all the other options first. I've known girls who had one and it really affected them mentally and emotionally later on.
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@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I have always had very strong opinions about abortion and I can't see that they will ever change. I don't think that a woman ever has the choice to kill a baby. When that baby is conceived it is a life and that is murder, as far as I am concerned. I have always felt that that baby was put there for a reason, whether from a rape or an early pregnancy or even a sick child, there is a reason for it and man does NOT have the choice to destroy or terminate a life. It is not different than any other killing of a person. A baby is a person whether the size of a peanut or weighing 5 or 10 pounds, it is a person and killing it is killing, regardless.
@toosh21 (800)
• Australia
1 Jun 09
I am in total agreeance with you here. In certain circumstances I believe abortion is needed, but for someone who just wasn't careful it is wrong...you did the deed deal with the outcome I say! I have always been of this thinking, it may sound harsh but really it is taking a life and unless there is no way this life can survive or live a normal life (or is the result of rape) then it should not be taken!
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Congratulation on your pregnancy. I think the right to life group want pregnant women to have the chance to hear their baby's heartbeat and see a pictures of the baby in the womb before making a decision. That way they know that what's growing in them is a human being and deserves a chance at life. Besides that, how could anyone destroy the life of another human being in the savage way an abortion is performed?
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I have always been pro-life, even before I had nmy child but I agree that having hearing the heartbeat and knowing there is a genuine life growing inside you can make you keenly aware not to take life lightly, and to treat it with respect. I believe abortions should only be done in extreme cases.
@strawberrybaby39 (2086)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I hate abortions. It bugs me very badly. I can understand why some people do that. If they were raped. A child never asked to be hurt by anyone. To me if a person doesn't want kids then use something to protect yourself from getting pregnant. If you don't use anything your just waiting to get pregnant. If someone doesn't want there child. Give that child to someone who can't have one. Or someone that wants to adopt. Don't kill a baby when it never did anything wrong. Babies are beautiful.
@jen_barre (104)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I think you mean "Pro-Choice" in your post here, but I completely agree with you. Once you hear your baby's hearbeat and almost before you even realize you are pregnant, it sinks in. Life begins very quickly for that baby inside of you! I believe that the baby, no matter what may be wrong with it, or how it was conceived, has a right to life.