why my hard earning is cuted by half on mylot?

May 31, 2009 2:30am CST
did anyone exprience this problem? need help urgently
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5 responses
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
31 May 09
Well i lost another 12 cents a few hours ago. I really don't know why but i think that's too much. I've tried my best to respond to sensible discussions but then i got something lower than expected and then decreased 12 cents from it. myLot is acting strange lately. Lately, it's been an all time low in terms of quality discussions. It's getting boring.
1 person likes this
• India
31 May 09
i agrre with you mylot getting bored some times...
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
31 May 09
On the Earnings page it states that "All amounts are estimates and are subject to change until final payments are made." When a discussion in which you participated is deleted, you naturally earn nothing for that and so you will see your total fall as the payment algorithm adjusts the earnings. Discussions are deleted if they are, in MyLot's opinion, not good discussions (as defined by the Guidelines or by the Terms). That is why it is very important to read, understand and follow the Guidelines both when posting discussions and when responding. If you respond to a discussion that is likely to get deleted, you will lose whatever you might have earned by that response. You should always try to make your discussions and responses as descriptive as possible. Quality discussions and responses are what MyLot is about and quality is the main basis on which earnings are calculated.
1 person likes this
• India
31 May 09
thanks owl for help thank you very very much.
• India
31 May 09
Yes I did face earnings cut quite sometime back.But that was when I had replied to some topics which were then taken off from mylot.So I guess you need to pick up good topics having a good discussion and a long standing potential on mylot.That would ensure that your earnings don't drop.Also try starting some good discussions yourself.
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@tuyakiki (3016)
• India
31 May 09
Yes,I did had those problem a lot. Be in Mylot,and you would see many more discontinuities, like taking off your post count and deleting your posts and all that. I would advice you to stick to the TOS of Mylot,and hope for the best.
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
31 May 09
yes... i had experienced that... bur i never really got bothered by it before because i never always check my earnings and posts counts, it was when ihad read a discussion asking for something like this that i was able to see those deductions, but the same thing for me, never got bothered by it... lol... it's because your discussions or responses are deleted by mylot admin, when a dsicussion is reported as violating the tos, it gets deleted, and your earnings deducted... it happens to a lot of users here. if you dont want your earnings deducted avoid those posting those that violates tos here...
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• India
31 May 09
thanks jayrene for help me now i understan b coz my two discussion was deleted tommorow i will take care from now on..thank you very very much for help me dear..