Little Beastly Monster's being very destructive today here! GGGRROOOWWWLLL!!!!!!
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
United States
May 31, 2009 6:17pm CST
I swear by all that is holy One just cannot have anything these days without some snot-nosed kid destroying it; No matter where I move too, there are kids living
there that have not been disciplined, taught to leave other people's property ALONE!!
Now don't get me wrong, I do love kids, and I do understand that kids will be kids
but there is a fine line when it comes to doing damage to other people's belongings
and that is my "gripe" right now;I've spent the last two hours or so outside at the neighbor's and their stinking
snot-nosed kids tearing up my stuff here at my place where I pay rent each month; I'm not gonna have it, I won't put up with it, and I will be reporting them tomorrow; they need to learn to leave other people's stuff ALONE...PERIOD!!! We were taught that lesson growing up, you just don't go to other people's yards
and their homes and wreak havoc...
Well this little blonde headed girl is at the top of my sh!t-list that's for sure; I've been trying to get "starts" on several bushes and have these many many sticks
around back of my place, they all wound up in the Little creek here, along with
my hummingbird feeder being smashed and the snot-nosed kid even drank it which is probably gonna make her sick its humming bird food not red koolaid, I had seen it was empty the other day and thought it was weird that that was the only one emptied
anyway she dumps out all the stuff/the food then smashes it...GROWL!
so today I had missing plant starts, bushes etc....broken windchime, smashed up
humming bird feeder, she scattered my bird food all over the yard, GROWL!
well the birds will still find it and eat it but that's not the problem ya know? she took one of my flower pots container's and it too wound up in the little creek bed along with so many other things I can't even think straight right now; The one neighbor hood girl, came running up to my door to tell me that this kid
was throwing my wash off the clothesline onto the wet muddy ground here, I said
well I don't hang out my laundry but my neighbor Chris does, as I was following
her outside to see all the destruction ...if I had been Chris I would be flipping
as$$$s$$$$$$ mad she too has neck and back injuries and plus she is raising her little granddaughter..( long story there) she was red hot mad!!they also had been throwing these big rocks at my neighbor's windows on my side
she was not home as she works a lot and too the little snot pee'd in her storage
room which is unlocked and always has the door open, BIG MISTAKE ON HER PART THERE;MINE IS LOCKED UP TIGHT.!!I swear if the little farts mess with all my flowering pretty flowers out front
I'M GONNA FLIP A MAJOR NUT and that's what I told the kid and the Mother;she's really mellow and said the girl was grounded BIG DEAL...I'm out a lot of
money here because of this child's abuse and I am to collect one way or another;little beast!
Why can't parents teach their children right and wrong these days?
I mean seriously they just let them run wild here;this isn't a jungle..TEACH YOUR KIDS RIGHT AND WRONG or I will if they touch
anything of mine again;She was also trying to rip the awning off of my swing, I WOULD HAVE JUST BEEN
SUPER SNARLY OVER THAT; normally I would hear them, but I had the washing machine running, the dryer
my oxygen is on, the tv was on, and the big ATTIC FAN RUNNING to try to stir up
the warm air in here, so no I didn't hear them I wish I had seen her in action
and I want to know who else was involved too, surely to goodness that one child
was not the only one you know?GROWL GROWL GROWL!! !@@#$%$%$###@@@!!!!! I'M JUST SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW!!!! [i][/i][u][/u]
I don't have a lot of money but the things I do have I aim to keep for a long time you know?Any flowers or other things I buy to make my place more homey and pretty, they
need to LEAVE MY STUFF ALONE or there is gonna be hell to pay;I guess I'm just gonna have to bring my big Dog Spud here, he will let me
know when someone is anywhere CLOSE to being in my I just will not
allow them to destroy my things; I won't I won't I won't!!!fricken frackin kids!!!I repeat WHY CAN'T PARENTS TODAY TEACH THEIR KIDS MANNER'S??? TEACH THEM BOUNDARY'S

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7 responses
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
1 Jun 09
WOW!!!! Thats a monster child, doesn't sound normal to me. Is the mom going to do something besides grounding the hellion?? I can't imagine a kid being that rotten. I have had some rotten neighbor kids before, but your monster neighbor child makes the ones I dealt with little angels. I do feel sorry for you and hope it gets beter.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Hi Polly; yeah it was shocking to see that she had done so much stuff in such a short amount of time too; I wish I had "caught her" in the act, then I could have
really shown my darker ugly side of me (G)! But taking only the word of the other
two young girls who had came up and knocked on my door telling me of this, I just don't know you know? I mean really who do you believe? But by the blonde kids
reaction I know she was guilty of it, at least a lot of it;
she's not that old either maybe kindergarten or first grade age? Old enough
to know better I do know that!!!
I got my eye on her for sure!!
God help any of the "beasties" if I catch them in the act of destroying anything of mine; you know?
The mother is/was a joke, she just seemed "shocked" at what her child was being accused of...***SNORT*** all she mostly kept saying is please don't report me to DFS...PLEASE DON'T REPORT ME TO DFS...that's Division of Family Services, I'm still debating whether or not to call housing authority today...I'm gonna talk
to Chris my neighbor whose laundry got all thrown down onto the ground;
I'm gonna try and catch her sometime today but I know she had doctor appointments
today with herself and with her Mother so who knows?

@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Gee, I thought that I was the only one with that kind of problem. Only it was grand daughters. I am still finding things that they got into and ruined. If it wasn't ruined it was swiped. All my head phone sets are missing the sponge ear protectors. If the eldest granddaughter lost hers, she would go INTO MY ROOM AND TAKE THEM OFF MY HEAD PHONES!!!! My sewing stuff has been gone through. My expensive sewing scissors are ruined from their cutting anything and everything with them. They went through all of my belongings...and I mean ALL of my fricking belongings. Even the stuff I had boxed up and put in the shed for storage. I found more craft stuff ruined (including expensive paint brushes for oil and watercolor painting) If I said anything [/b]I WAS THE ONE IN THE WRONG!!! I MADE UP THE WHOLE THING. THE GIRLS COULD LIE ABOUT IT AND THE PARENTS WOULD BELIEVE THEM BEFORE THEY WOULD BELIEVE ME!!!![b]
I think as all of us who were taught NOT to touch things that didn't belong to them, and that we don't destroy other peoples belongings should rise up and revolt! Time out is great I guess, but it turned out to be a play time for the granddaughters. Someone needs to get it out that these ways of teaching children are NOT working!!! They are still being distructive, they still are getting into things that don't belong to them, they are still being little beastly brats.
I would start making up a bill and present it to the brat's owner. I can't call it a parent because they are NOT exhibiting parental behavior. Get your neighbors to do the same thing, including for the time and cost of doing the laundry twice. It needs to be gotten through to the parents that this is NOT going to be accepted in your neighborhood.
For all of the other "oldsters" that remember that kind of training when we were growing up, we need to start getting it through to the parents of these distructive little varments that we will not allow it anymore! The parents can make all kinds of excuses, but that is just what they are, excuses. My parents both worked and I was taught to keep my hands off other people's things, stay out of their yards and have RESPECT for them. To this day I can't call someone in the position of authority by their first name. Including my College instructors who are either the same age or younger than I am. Lets get MANNERS back in our society.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Lets get MANNERS back in our society.
How awful for you that your grand daughter's were and are so destructive with your things, shame on them, I'm so sorry dear friend;
I saw my neighbor Chris a few minutes ago and she was still very red-faced
she was headed over to one of the neighbor's..LOL!
Would love to be a fly on the wall there (G)!! She's the one with the laundry on the ground man I would have just been super hoppin-mad you know?
Well I was mad enough as it was, stinkin kid!
right now I am trying to type here while my Cat Screamer is taking a "bath"
laying here beside my keyboard and where is her tail?? Across the keyboard of'd think she'd move it with me hitting the keys as I type but no
she is so busy with her cleaning herself..LOL! too funny!
Sorry again your own grand daughter's did such terrible things to your stuff
I'd believe you, any day of the week, month/year...
Yeah my parents would have tanned our hides if we had done the crap that these kids do in today's world, well they just wouldn't be able to do it plain and simple you know?
my old body is so tired I think I'm gonna call it a day;
have a good evening what's left of it;
Love & hugs to you

@rowantree (1186)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Holy Crow, who do you live next door to! How old is that girl anyway? Any child should know better than to destroy someone else's property. If she's that destructive outside, can you imagine what the inside of their apartment looks like?
I would call the landlord. The next time that little girl destroys something of yours, I agree with the other posters here, call the police! She needs to be stopped, since it appears her mother isn't going to do anything about her behavior.
I'm sorry about the mess that she made and I hope she stops destroying your things!
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@rowantree (1186)
• United States
10 Jun 09
You are awesome. A lesson to us all. You showed that little girl - and then lots of other kids - love and kindness. Wish I could give you a hug in person. That little girl is so very lucky to have you as a neighbor. You just made my day.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
3 Jul 09
HI rowantree: Thank you for that I've never had anyone tell me that, not that I can remember (G)!
The kids so far are doing much better around my unit/house/with my flowers and things
so far there has been no more problems;
I try to be fair with kids as we once were all kids but some of these "little beasts"
still have a long ways to go...if you know what I mean;
But yes this kid so far has straightened out a bit and she is learning about the birds too
which is nice, and she loves to search for bugs, and has no fear of them and is always
in search of worms and frogs...she has a country girl heart she just didn't know it..LOL!
a couple of them I may even take out to the farm and teach them to fish, it depends on how I feel my health is not the greatest either and neither is my Father's but so far his is doing way better now than back late this winter;
my heartfelt thanks to you again, Bless you!!
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
10 Jun 09
HI there rowantree: Sorry I've not gotten back to you any sooner been having puter difficulty and or firefox problems of late; Aahhhh the drama never ends;
She is probably in 1st Grade I'd say? Old enough to know better that's for sure;
or she SHOULD know better, parents around here just don't seem to care what their
kids are doing so long as they are out of their hair you know?
I put that little girl to work a few days later helping me to plant some flowers
we also had a major discussion about how she is to NOT touch my things any more
that includes all my flowers I am trying to grow here and anything else I have on
my side of property here;
I thought about reporting her to the housing authority here, or even DFS...
the mother begged me to NOT call DFS..the division of Family services...
I guess they've had other issues in the past, I hate it that I have to live here
and I know "families" that live here are also struggling but I am keeping my
eye on that little hellion I wish I had a window on the South side of my unit
but I don't , but if i hear of her doing anything with my stuff I will not only
report her to housing, but also to the police and anybody else;
These parents here need to watch their kids, I feel badly for the children really;
a couple of days after this incident I had like 10 of the kids in my yard all wanting to help me with my flowers and the planting and watering, most of them
really enjoyed it, it was something they had never done before;
That too makes me sad as I grew up on a farm and these kids are missing out
on a lot of stuff;

@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
2 Jun 09
Whoa, Jan! Those kids sound absolutely horrible!! I know I would be hopping mad at them. They sure did a LOT of damage to your things and to your other neighbor's as well. I'm so sorry to hear about all the trouble you're having in your new place. Have you talked with any of their parents? Somehow I have a feeling that would not do any good............ What a pity. Kids today just aren't taught about being curteous and respectful.
Hey, maybe the next time the circus comes to town you can sell them off! LOL!
Tell me what the parents have told you.
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
3 Jul 09
It sounds like you're starting to work things out with the little bugger! LOL! Let's hope that some of what you said to her sticks. I'm glad you like the idea of the circus too!
Have a great day, Jan!
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
10 Jun 09
Morning Kellyjeanne: Yeah it was quite a mess of things from the little stinker that's for sure;
The mother is just pathetic as far as discipline goes..PFFTT!!
I put the little stinker to work here a few days later helping me with my planting
of flowers and watering and so on, and she did quite well;
we also had another discussion about she is to NOT touch my stuff period...I doubt
it will sink in but I've got my eye on her none the less, little beast!!
That's funny ! I love your idea about the circus...ROTFL! there is a small one
that does come through in the summer time hehehehe! I might have to do just that!
great idea, just BRILLIANT!! 

@kelpie (190)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I'm 20 years old and I feel every bit of anger and frustration that you do.
It makes me extremely angry just reading what those kids are doing. And I think you can report that as child neglect, since the kids are so out of control you would have to wonder what kind of attention they get from their parents.
I personally believe in discipline and punishment so much that they will remember it. Heck, whenever I was little and went onto the street when I shouldn't have, I had a sore butt for awhile. I was wild and rambunctious, I'd disrespect by defying, screaming, and sometimes throwing fits, but NEVER, EVER, EVER disrespectful by breaking people's properties.
This is completely unacceptable and it gives truth to how I've been saying that parents don't know how to raise their kids, don't give a time of the day, and the whole spanking ordeal should be legal!
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
10 Jun 09
Hi Kelpie; Sorry its taken me so long to get back to you, I've been having computer problems and firefox nightmares of late...AARRgghhh!!!
oh and welcome to mylot, hope you are enjoying it here, lots of great folks on here to mingle with;
Well the mother kept begging me to NOT report them with DFS, Division of Family
Services and I thought about it and didn't I don't know if my neighbor did or not
the one that had half of her laundry knocked off and onto the ground, now if that had been mine I probably would have; I have neck and back injuries and so does
Chris my neighbor that had the laundry hanging up she for sure didn't need to redo it
bless her heart she takes care of her granddaughter and just got awarded guardianship of her...poor little thing;
I agree a good old spanking would have been great and I for one would have loved
to be the one giving it, but since she's not my kid I can't by law touch the little
beast...but a few days later I did put her little butt to work helping me out in my yard with flowers and stuff...and she did a good job too, shocking enough!!
We also had another discussion about her or any of her friends NOT touching anything in my yard or I will flip a nut on them...LOL!
but even with that this place I am living in now is so much better than the last place I just moved from, it was a hellhole from well...PURE HELL...IT WAS AWFUL!
the little kids here will just have to learn that this yard to play in is off limits and anything they see outside is mine, they can look but NOT TOUCH IT!
I had to learn those things growing up its time someone taught them too, and I guess that person is gonna have to be me...LOL!
@drewsproductions (73)
• United States
2 Jun 09
Send that little snot to a juvenile detention. Call the police! Make that mom pay for your stress! Then you get money and MORE! Then you also don't have to deal with that little snot any more!
I too have the same problem and if my kid ever did that I would spank their butt so hard with a paddle, no matter how old they get. I don't care if it is illegal to hit your children I'll do it! I won't have destruction of others property. I am more melow if it is my own property because then they can go without. But someone elses that is just unreasonable. I recommend calling the police next time.
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@Mikaela_taz25 (1842)
• Philippines
1 Jun 09

@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
1 Jun 09
HI Mikaela: OH I did go find the parent yesterday evening, if you go back and re-read the post you'll see that I did hunt down the kids parents..LOL!
I wish I had seen all of this in action with my own eyes but I only have the word
of the other two kids which I don't know them either you know what I mean?
I've only been here in this place for a short time about two months and now school
is out so I guess all these kids are feeling their "oats" or something;
But I will be keeping an eye on the blonde beastly kid ( trust me ), I'll be
keeping an eye on all of the "little wild darlins" running around here;
I wish I had a video camera I'd love to have that ability to record the little
heathens, hopefully someday I can acquire one, I do have two different camera's
and they will be placed at both windows LOL! One way or another I will catch
the little brats!
They all need a good old -fashioned spanking that's for sure!
thanks for stopping by and I'm glad to hear you had a video when you needed one too!