would you give money to the beggars in the streets?

June 1, 2009 7:27am CST
There are beggars in the streets, some of them seem to be very poor and really need help from others while some become beggars because of their laziness. Plus, even some look fairly poor, in fact, they just disguise themselves as poor ones. Hence, it is hard for people to distinguish the real poor beggars from the faked ones. So here comes the question, when you see a beggar in the street, would you give him/her money? How could you make your decision?
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21 responses
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
1 Jun 09
I ever saw a few beggars in the corner of some streets. Some beggars, even bring their children with them doing beggar's jobs. I do felt pity when seeing those beggars. Sometimes, i do give beggars some money especially to those beggars that are blind or some even sing some nice old songs to attract passer-by. At least they are trying their best to do some simple jobs to entertain those passer-by. Sometimes, when i had bought some food and don't bring much money, i will only give food that i had in my hand for them to eat. At least, we are trying our best to help them..
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
2 Jun 09
I usually helped those who is very old, handicapped or blind beggars. They really deserved help, as they can't do much work anymore, besides performing some music or songs to entertain passer-by..I think this type of people deserved much help..
• China
2 Jun 09
it is nice of you to do so, but some beggars can try to earn money in other ways instead of begging.
@vivianchen (2646)
• China
2 Jun 09
Hi Hualishiwo, I used to give money to the beggars in the streets when i saw them. I don't do it often now. Why? Once, i gave a baggars who looks really poor and helpless 10 RMB , then in the night, when i am in a bar with my friend, i saw that baggar! I mean of course he is dress up. From then on, i only gave money to those people who i think it's really poor, like no legs, no arms, i think those who have arms and legs, they can earn money for living if they want, right?
• China
2 Jun 09
yea, the poor should at first try to earn their living in other better ways rather than being beggars.
@akumei1269 (1749)
• India
1 Jun 09
You are from China and I am from India.My country's streets are never devoid of beggars. We see disperate kinds of beggars just as you classified in your posts.Number of beggars increases during flood and draught.The reason is evident. I give money to these seasonal beggars.I also give money to the blind and physically challenges beggars.
• China
2 Jun 09
I watched the movie slumdog millionaire, some plots in it showed the situation for beggars in India.
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
1 Jun 09
I give them food instead
• India
2 Jun 09
yes u r right because if we give them money some may not make right use of it.
• United States
1 Jun 09
I've given the food, clothes, and blankets. Just never money. I just think if that's what they need it's good to help them out, but not to give them money to stay drunk in the streets. I don't approach them alone though. You never know what kind of people they are.
• China
2 Jun 09
only some of them would spend the money on drinking while others really need the money to buy foods. Anyhow, they should try to earn their own living in other ways such as getting a job, rather than beg on the steets.
• Philippines
2 Jun 09
Yes i will give m0ney or anything like food ,clothes or anything that they use to,because i beleave that its better to give that to recieve,!AlthougH you are riGht there are beggar who are fakes one's buT h0w can we kn0w if they fake than really a true begGar who cant work to earn a living isnt it,.AlL we have to do is trust and let conscience hunt them if they are just fo0lin us because of their lazinesS..Lets also remember that being a beggar is hard to accept to their ego because they make their living just because sympathy to their po0rness..Im sure if they have choice to earn m0ney they will n0t cho0se to be a begGar.That was only my oppini0n i hope i give my oppini0n withouT hurting anybody thanks..Nice topic
• China
2 Jun 09
thanks for your comment.
@phayeth (519)
• Philippines
2 Jun 09
i'd rather give them food than money.. co'z sometimes.. they only use the money for gambling..
• Kottayam, India
1 Jun 09
most of the fellows are sturdy and they do not want to work and they start begging. normally i do not give to people while on train or stations. if I found genuine ones I am ready to give more.
• China
2 Jun 09
the point is that it is always hard for us to distinguish the genuine ones from the faked.
@ptrikha_2 (46736)
• India
2 Jun 09
Normally , I do not give money to the beggars on the street . Doing so only encourages more such acts ;mostly by gangs who deploy children and other men or women to do begging and collect money for them . No doubt , some are genuinely very poor or disabled .Still;many poor people still have high self-esteem and do not beg and instead do hard labour or other things . However,there were times when I did give alms ;if I was accompanied by someone or there was religious reason . A better alternative is to give poor people clothes or blankets on certain religious days ;when it is considered auspicious to give such things to the poor . Regards
• India
2 Jun 09
I will first look their hands face if they r okay i will suggest them to do any labor works or coolie works and not give them a penny but if a beggar is sick and his hands r broken and cant even stand and have some needy children i will surely give him enough money.
• China
2 Jun 09
hi,hulishiwo, yeah, we can see the scene you maintain above. there are different kinds of beggars in the streets. i have encounter the following beggars in the streets. 1,an old man or old woman, tediously with a cup, these beggars just beg with the mercy of the passagers, they would ask for money from anyone passing by. 2.an old man or old woman with a mokey/a little kid, these beggars would ingratiate the passengers with little monkey or the kid, or make you show sympathy for the little kid. 3.an adult with a patient, these beggars just never stopping murmurring orcying to make you show your sympathy for the patients who are liing on the ground with the eyes closed. 4.a "student" with a bag, and i never believe these guys are beggars. 5. an unable one or disability, these beggars would get more sympathy from the passengers. 6. the "musician", and these beggars would get more money rather than the sympathy, and more money because they please people. onece i give them cions, but now i never do that again. the beggars we can meet everyday, and sometimes we meet them several times a day. and i cant distinguish who are the real one and who are the one disguised. that is my repond to you Question. and have a nice day.
• United States
1 Jun 09
I have honestly never gave a beggar money, but I have given them food. I once had Mac Donalds in my car, for me and my kids and we were going home. I actually saw a female, the thing is about this female is she was asking for money, looked like she needed it, but she was also pregnant. Thinking of my kids, I gave her the food, then went back to replace the food for my kids. Yea, she probably could have used the money, but at least I know for a fact that she ate something.
• China
1 Jun 09
I also met some female beggars, sometimes they pretended to get lost and asked me about the direction, then begged me for some money to take buses. As I know, they are just liars. BUT there is another group of beggars, they play some music or show some entertaining performance to the passers-by, under this circumstance, I would like to give them some money.
• India
1 Jun 09
i usually say no , because i know that what most of them do with the money afterward... i will come from restaurant one poor said i want money for food... i was give them a pizza but they said i want money....... from that day i will not give the money to the begger in the street......
• China
2 Jun 09
I would like to say you made a good decision. Those asking for money directly don't deserve being offerd.
• China
2 Jun 09
i used to give moeny to beggars, but now i seldom give money to them unless they are diable people, child, or old people. because a lot of beggars are poor because of laziness
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
1 Jun 09
Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. You are not helping a beggar by giving him/her money. In Progreso Mexico there are signs posted in English. " Please do not give the children money. If you do, you are paying them to stay out of school!"
@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Hello hualishiwo, I will not give money to someone begging on the street because of where I used to work. This one man stood on the corner right next to the store I worked. After he thought he had made enough money he would get in to his car and drive away. He probably had different street corners he worked. So no, I will not give any money to beggars.
• Canada
1 Jun 09
I sometimes randomly give money .. it depends how ( popular) lol they are ... when i go downtown there are a few that ive been seeing for years! from when i would walk to school ... sometimes if they ask i give some loose change. Once i gave someone some, and he said" do you have anymore?" he was lucky to get a little bit ! there was this one that would go to the park when my aunt went and expected like 2$ from her and would just put his hand out and then leave! i told her to stop lol... he wasnt even homeless
• United States
1 Jun 09
It is truly sad that some of the so called "beggars" out there are phonies, and it is just a racket for them. They are the ones who are ruining the reputation of those who really need it...but why judge all beggars to be the same as the one you got screwed from. Why assume they are all alike! When this happens everyone turns their back on all of them, when we should be helping our brothers and sisters who are really struggling in this life. Also, by turning our backs on all of them, we are hurting ourselves. We loose trust in people, we no longer care about one another, and we loose all sense of humanity when we turn our backs on all of them. In that pack of beggars, there are some who truly need our understanding, and compassion. I refuse to let one phonie beggar anger me enough that I would never want to help another human being on the street again. Where I live there aren't many street beggars, and those that are hide under a bridge, where no one can see them. Real sad. However, I did meet up with one several years ago...he asked for money. I was entering a Chinese Take Out place at that time, and told him to wait for me, and that I would give him some. When I came out, I handed him a few bucks and told him to please eat something, to which he did. I watched him from my car, go into the same restaurant to buy a meal. It made me feel good, and I'm sure he felt better after eating. My thought at the time was: "This person could have been Jesus..."
@flyhun (28)
• Germany
1 Jun 09
I've never given a beggar money before. Some are even unfriendly! They hold a plastic cup right in front of my face and ask for money. It's hard to tell if someone really needs money or is just faking. So, I rather don't give anything at all even though that's sometimes mean. I do feel extremely sorry, though. But I've seen a woman once, she had a sign that said she needs money or something and she wore really good clothes! I have no idea what was wrong with her, though. Again, it's hard to trust someone.
• United States
1 Jun 09
This is a question that me and my husband have talked about a few times on more than one occasion. It has gotten so "deep" that he looks them up and down before even considering giving them any money. Me personally I'm a sucker for wanting to help people and make sure people are eating and doing alright. Not that my husband isn't the same way but its interesting. He will see someone on the street and look at their face. If he sees that their face has been clean shavin' then he doesn't give them anything. He figures if they were able to shave their face well.... I look at him like huh? But then again even I sometimes wonder if they have a mercedes benz parked somewhere I can't see that they may get into once they are finished begging on the streets. Hey it can happen right?!