Adolf Obama!
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
June 1, 2009 4:58pm CST
Thanks to the RNC, we now have a dictator who has taken control of the auto industry in the United States (just like a dictator that the US of the passed helped defeat).
I do blame the Democrats, but I blame the Republican Party even more. Herr Obama won by only 3 million votes (which ain't hay, but isn't a huge margin either). This means that if the RNC had of offered a viable choice in the last election, we may not have been watching the government take over private enterprise a piece at a time.
Obama, I wonder if all our war dead and vets who fought against Communism feel the stink of your spit on their graves and in their faces (respectively).
Obama, you and Hitler would have been buddies. You're of a like mind... you both even wrote of your struggles, warning the world of who you were.
I wonder who will be the target of your very own holocaust.
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17 responses
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
1 Jun 09
First of all I think you're criticizing way too much on obama. It wasn't like there was much choice in the matter and what is he supposed to do when these industries come in and ask for a bail out because they were short on money. Obama clearly stated his plans before entering office and if you weren't familiar with it than you need to go back and look it up. The auto industries asked for this bailout under Bush not obama. Know your facts before you start accusing. Why do you think the car industry wanted to get the bill passed before obama took office? I worked for sitel corporation who handled the customer service side of the chrysler campaign and chrysler was talking about going into bankruptsy for years. GM buying them out in june of 09 was only delaying the inevitable. Walstreet and the auto industry was just the beginning. The only thing obama was gonna do was straigten out the credit card industry was if you ask me in dyer need of help because they keep raising fees and know one stops them. AS hard as it may seem to think of it but this mess with the different inudstries as been going on for quite sometime. Bush just neglected to look at it. Whether you want to believe it or not. Mccain would have had the same things to deal with if he got put in there instead of OBAMA. And as far as your reference to adolf hitler - hitler killed people because he didn't like the fact that he was who he was and there was nothing he could do to change it. He brutalized people for just being who they were and also the concentration camps were far worse than anything seen in this day in age. I had a friend of mine that i went to church with whose parents had to go through that and to even think that you would put obama and hitler together. Hitler was almost the devil himself. Obama started working on those at Gitmo being wrongly mistreated and then giving those who were deemed guilty the trial they deserve. How in the world do you think that obama and hitler would have become friends. you need to do your research before you start something that is way out of your league to begin with.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
2 Jun 09
Yes, there was a choice. It's called NO. If GM had been allowed to go bankrupt they would already be on their way to recovery and we wouldn't be stuck with the huge bill. It's been proved over and over again with Amtrak. Bailing companies out doesn't work.
The prisoners at Gitmo have a luxury stay in comparison with the prisoners in the US. I'd even venture to say it is probably the first time in their lives they are getting three meals a day. How many prisoners in Leavenworth Federal get to order out? How many of them get a free laptop?
Greed is the word of the day. I don't blame Obama for it. The greed started before he took office. Can't blame Bush either. Shacks are selling for $100,000 plus these days.
Obama deserves the criticism. The comparison with Hitler is accurate as Obama is leading us into fascism as Hitler did with Germany.
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@dogsnme (1264)
• United States
2 Jun 09
"....criticizing way too much on Obama." I disagree. He deserves plenty of criticism as do most if not all the other politicians in Washington. Just like irishidid said, Obama most certainly did have a choice in the matter. He could have and should have said, No! The auto makers may have asked for the bailout under Bush but Obama didn't try to stand in the way of it either so that makes him just as guilty as Bush as far as the bailouts go. Obama isn't going to straighten out the credit card industry or any other industry for that matter. The whole reason the credit card industry and all the other industries are in the mess they are in is because of the government and those industries being in bed together. And I'm glad Bush neglected to look at it. Why? Because it isn't his or Obama's or any other president's job to "look" into it or fix it. If we want the credit card industry to be fixed then we need to stop turning to the politicians to erase our every mistake and put a bandaid on our every booboo. We don't live in a nanny state for crying out loud! Well, I don't know, maybe we do now. Wanna know how to fix the problem with the credit card industry. It's simple. Pay off any credit card debt you have and stop getting the credit cards. We can solve the problem just like that without running to the government to fix it for us. We, the people of the United States can fix just about all of our problems in the same way. But, we've become so accustomed to running to our politicians or to someone else when we screw up that we've forgotten what it really means to stand on our own, independently. My father told me years ago when I was a teenager that, "with freedom comes responsibility." I didn't understand what he meant at the time but I do now, more than ever. If we are to be a free nation, like our founding fathers intended, we better wake up and buck up and start taking responsibility for that freedom. And we aren't. We better start realizing that being responsible for that freedom means that times may come when we have to take up arms to defend that freedom, that we need to take on the responsibility of knowing what the Constitution says about our rights and our freedoms, that we need to stay in constant touch with our Representatives and Senators and keep an ever diligent and watchful eye on what the government is doing and be willing to stand firm and let them know in no uncertain terms that we will not stand for them exploiting our rights, our freedoms, and all that is rightfully ours, for their own benefit, while doing it in the name of what is right for the nation. I'm not speaking in favor of any politician. I don't trust ANY of them.
Now, as far as the comparisons with Hitler goes, I can understand why you wouldn't compare Obama and Hitler. I certainly don't believe Obama would commit to having millions of innocent people murdered. But, at the same time, I do agree with irishidid that the comparison between Obama and Hilter is accurate, but for a different reason. I study World War II and I've read quite a bit about Hitler. Hitler was a racist. He was a megalomaniac. He murdered millions of Jews and Communists because he believed they were greatly to blame for the sad state of Germany at the time. He also believed that Jews were subhuman and didn't deserve to walk the same earth as the Aryan race. He also murdered gypsies, and Germans who were born with physical and mental defects. Now, like I said, I don't believe Obama is capable of such atrocities as these. But, there is a very strong similarity between the situation in Germany before Hitler was elected and the situation in America before Obama was elected. Both countries were suffering great hardship and despair, Germany perhaps more so than America, but still, things were not looking good in both situations. Both economies were suffering. Both countries, in their own way were not too favorable in the eyes of the rest of the world. And, everyone was desperate for a leader who seemed to have all the answers. Both, Hitler and Obama were great orators. It could maybe even be argued that Hitler was the greatest orator to ever live. Remember the crowds in attendance during Obama's nomination and inauguration? Remember, how they were elated and cried and rejoiced because he had won? Remember how it seemed as though he had finally united a nation in despair? Well, that's very much how it happened when Hitler was elected. Let me finally rap this up. My point is not that Obama is just like Hitler. I don't believe he is. My point is that it is very dangerous to have such blind faith and trust in one human being. Hitler obviously didn't save Germany and Obama can't save America, nor is it his job. But, everyone seems to be relying on him to do just that.
America better wake up, and fast, and realize that if we are to keep our freedoms, we need to take responsibility for those freedoms instead of giving that responsibility to someone else. Our founding fathers created the government to serve us not rule over us. And the only way they can rule over us is for us to give them that power.
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@GoCubsGo77 (75)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I do not like the fact that you are comparing Obama to Hitler. how many people of other nationalities and beliefs has Obama killed in his own country? None. Go back into your hole and wave your confederate flag because you sown like a racist. Hitler had over 11 million people killed that didn't look like him or believe what he did. If you are going to criticize Obama than try and compare him to someone else besides Hitler. You are just making yourself look ignorant by comparing those two people. If people on here are okay with comparing Obama with someone who killed Jews and non whites than maybe I am on the wrong site. Go hang your white sheet up in your closet.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
2 Jun 09
Hitler hadn't killed anyone in his first 100 days either.
What bigoted fool! Just because we disagree politically you accuse me of being in the Klan? Should I remind you that the Klan is a construct of the Democrat party? Do you know that all the prominent Klansmen in national politics today were Democrats when they were in the Klan?
Take your stereotypical ignorance and take it somewhere where people are stupid enough to swallow your hate.
Don't ever lie to anyone about being anything but the bigot you are.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
2 Jun 09
Hey, in all seriousness, I've seen those old photos. The people Hitler killed kinda looked just like him. Only skinnier and without the Freddie stache.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Anyone who doesn't like Obama is in the clan. You know that don't you Ted? And Mr GoCubsGo, Hitler killed PLENTY of white people. You must be pretty ignorant to believe that "non-whites" were his target. His own "Master Race" didn't even look like him so your asinine claim that he killed those who didn't look like him is completely baseless.
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@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
2 Jun 09
HOW DARE YOU COMPARE OBAMA TO HITLER...there is no reason to argue with you because you are ignorant... its people like you who give Americans a bad name...your anaology is tired! it disrespectful not only to me but to those who endured the agressions of the holocaust...
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Jun 09
One would think that a person who survived the holocaust would do everything in their power to fight any government official following in Hitler's footsteps.
No, Obama hasn't brought on a holocaust, but that isn't the first thing Hitler did, is it. The first things he did was seize the means of production and tell the people who they should hate.
Obama has seized control of the means of production of US cars and sent his hyenas in ACORN after the recipients of "bonuses" that he, himself authorized in the first place.
Maybe I should have said, "hitler wannabe" instead.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
2 Jun 09
Para, comparing Obama to Hilter only shows your complete ignorance on the subject. Need we all remind you that George W. Bush was the one that told congress that we needed to bail out the banking industry? Last time I checked he was a republicans, and he shares more simularities with Hitler than Obama does. I am not comparing Bush to Hitler, but they have many more simularities than Obama.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Jun 09
There is a difference between a bail out and stealing an entire industry out from unders the investors and bond holders. The same bond holders (I might add) that Obama asked to take on the extra debt.
Btw, most Conservatives were against Bush's bail out plans to, so you can't put that one on us either.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
4 Jun 09
Oh Ted, here we go again.
There is a difference between a bail out and stealing an entire industry out from unders the investors and bond holders. The same bond holders (I might add) that Obama asked to take on the extra debt.
Weren't the Democrates blamed for all of the AIG bonuses, and weekends because they didn't put restrictions on the spending. Now they put restrictions on it, and republicans are upset. To bad, Bush bailed out the billionaires that got us in theis mess (and created the problem with the big three), and Obama had to get the country out of it. He is doing his job, and that is what we pay him to do.
Btw, most Conservatives were against Bush's bail out plans to, so you can't put that one on us either.
Don't even go there Ted. Who voted for him in 2000? CONSERVATIVES Who voted for him 2004? CONSERVATIVES. Who backed him up when ever he screwed up? CONSERVATIVES. Who is to blame for the monster known as George W. Bush? CONSERVATIVES. With out CONSERVATIVES, he never would have been able to bail out the banks. So YES you are to blame for this, and NEVER forget it.
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@GoCubsGo77 (75)
• United States
2 Jun 09
So I guess if McCain won we would be calling him Herr McCain, I mean he resembles hitler more than Obama does. The problems we have started along time ago when Herr Bush was in office. He is the one that sent out troops over to fight a war over oil and now we can not get out of that place. He is the one that was reading books to school children when the Towers went down. Herr Bush is the one that got information about a possible attack on US soil and sat around and didn't do anything about it. Herr Bush is the one you should be criticizing not Obama. Herr Bush drove the economy into the ground not Obama. Obama has to clean up Herr Bush's mess and now you want to criticize him? Like I said no matter who won we would still be in the same place with companies going Bankrupt, people losing jobs, people losing homes, people without health care and etc. Herr O'Reilly, Herr Limbaugh, and Herr Bush are also evil people
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
2 Jun 09
Blah, Blah, Blah.
When you grow a brain and can come up with an original thought, feel free to share it.

@tpayne33 (52)
• United States
2 Jun 09
First of all, our president is not a dictator nor does he want to be one. You can not compare him to a man who slaughtered over 3 million people in a 4 year period. The reorganizing of GM is something that was bound to happen sooner or later. The government involvement in GM is something that will in the long run improve the economy as a who. You may disagree with the way our government is handling this recession,but can't say that a little progress is not happening.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
2 Jun 09
Then why is he seizing private companies and dictating how they will run? He stole the company, gave part of it to his buddies in the UAW and gave the investors and bond holders the shaft.
There was a legal way for him to handle the problem at GM.. it's called Chapter 11. The same thing they are going through now. The only difference is Obama got his fascist, Marxist meathooks into it.
He uses the tactics of the Mafia, mixed with every other two bit dictator you can name.
Crime in the name of progress is still crime. If was illegal and Unconstitutional from the beginning. But I guess having Obama's butt in the big chair in the oval office is more important to you than either the law or the Consitution.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Jun 09
So why is he "allowing" Chapter 11 now? Because he can do it with full control of the proceedings... just like a dictator.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
2 Jun 09
To me the comparison is accurate in the aspect of fascism. I certainly don't believe that Obama is going to start having people killed.
Many companies have gone bankrupt over the years. I did a search on them and found there are quite a few that are still around today after recovering. They didn't get a bailout. All the bailout has done is put a burden on future generations. We all own a part of GM now. I'm not holding my breath waiting for that dividend check.
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@jend80 (2071)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 09
This post is either ultra confused paranoid scaremongering
or blatant trolling. I hope it's the latter because the idea of people who seriously believe that the US is currently being run by a Communist who is the same Hitler (btw Communists were the/one of the first victims of the Nazis) is genuinely terrifying.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
5 Jun 09
Admittedly it's largely a rant, but not without reason. Hitler seized control of industry early on in his adminstration... just as Obama has. Hitler demonized the leaders of industry in order to gain support for him stealing their property... just as Obama has.
Obama has managed to create an unhealthy mixture of Socialism, Fascism and Communism. Socialism when he stole the ownership of GM out from under the investors and bond holders, then gave a large portion of it to the UAW. Fascism when he created a partnership between GM and the government. Communism when he set the US government up as the Central Power over the means of production.
Furthermore, he did it all without an iota of authority to do so. The US Constitution granted The Central Committee (Obama, Pelosi and Reid) no more authority to perpetrate this theft than you or I have.
He's a dictator, a thief and a two bit thug.

@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Jun 09
It is disturbing to me the way Obama and his appointees are handling the whole auto industry fiasco. Supposedly, the US taxpayers now own a piece of GM, but I doubt we will ever see a dime from our "investment." On the contrary, owning a part of GM is like owning a big black hole that is swallowing everything in its path. How much more of the our tax money is going to be poured into the black hole?
Glenn Beck says Obama is like a master magician who keeps you looking at one hand while his other hand is pulling a fast one. "The government doesn't want to run the car companies," he says. Then why is the govenment running the car companies? A rose by any other name. Obama may not be Hitler, but I think in more than a few ways he is Hitler-like.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Jun 09
It's the classic Fascist scenario. The taxpayers make the "investment" and government officials collect the profits. But with Obama it's not just fascism, he has handed the UAW a boat load of interest in the companies too, which is socialism. He has also created a central power to run things.. which is communism.
He's got the entire evil Trifecta.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Jun 09 many evil isms. A good dose of capital-ISM would really help straighten out the economy.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
2 Jun 09
This is what fascism is. Obama and the current government fits this to a t whether you want to accept it or not.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Jun 09
Absolutely. Obama has found a way to be both fascist and Marxist... not a common thing among dictators.
@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
2 Jun 09
Good day.. I beg to disagree with your choice of comparison. I mean equating Obama with hitler? I mean even I who was a staunch objector of the Iraqi war wouldn't dare match Bush with hitler, how then one can do so with Obama? I mean I will only equate someone in league with hilter when that someone send 6 million people to their horrific deaths just because they were born of a different race. I think equating Obama with hitler is unethical and truey unfair, I mean let us give chance to this man if you don't like his performance don't vote him in the next election.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
2 Jun 09
Give him time. Hitler wasn't a murderer in his first 100 days either. But he did seize control of the industries of Germany.
((I do admit to a modicum of good old fashioned rant here though).
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
4 Jun 09
What's done is done. It's no use blaming anyone now. Lol, I guess the Republicans didn't know there was going to be an election last year. And they had no idea until the last minute that Obama was running. We all have to decide what we the people are going to do about it.
If he's not a dictator, why is our Czar list constantly growing.
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@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
2 Jun 09
The thing is communism no longer a dirty word in America. I think some of the youngsters that voted for him actually support it.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Jun 09
Yup, but then again, no dictator took freedom from the people of their own nation without the consent of the people.
@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
2 Jun 09
you cant jump to the conclusion that obama is behaving like adolph hitler, he knows what he is doing concerning the auto industry and i believe that his actions might have occured as a result of some internal politics within the auto industry especially the general motors which have angered him to do or say what he is doing or talking
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Jun 09
What authority does Obama have to steal GM out from under the stock holders and bond holders?
If you agree with him stealing their assets, then I hope he robs you of your property too! You would deserve it!
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@kelpie (190)
• United States
2 Jun 09
As simple as I can put it, since I really do not like this subject that much:
I don't think any democrat is a democrat anymore and any republican is a republican anymore. It's all been mixed into crap in making us believe that just because they claim to be a democrat that they are, and vice versa.
Quite frankly, I think this country has been corrupting itself since before I was born (1989).
And though I do not want to even border the crazyness of it all, I might have to agree with a lot of people that believe in it, but our government is riddled with corruption since before the 1940s, just technology has helped all of this get better and more disguised. But in all seriousness, you never know, and this may be true after all.
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@kelpie (190)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I don't really have an interest in politics. And because of that, I don't know as much about political stuff as I would know about something in my area of interest say like how solid state drives work differently than harddrives, and which solid state drives are the best to get for the price. I don't like being incorrect about my facts, and because I wouldn't put much effort into something I have no interest in, I'd rather leave it up to those who do have an interest in it and will make their best effort to be right. I could be a bystander, and that would be just about it.
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@Mikaela_taz25 (1842)
• Philippines
2 Jun 09