I am afraid of Marriage, help!!

June 2, 2009 1:11am CST
Dear all, I am about to get married with my boyfriend at the end of this year. But i start worrying about the life after i get married with him. Below is the things that i am worried about: 1.His bank card have no money, i mean 0! I have to give him my money these two month, becaue he has no money in his bank or his pocket. The reason he has No Deposit becuase he started a business with his borther, i assume that he put all of his money into that business, but i never ask how much money did he invest. Should i ask? 2. He is living with his parents, as far as i see, i have to live with his parents after we get married, we don't have enough money to afford a new house. 3.His father likes to gambling! This is the biggest reason that i am worry about. His father already lost one house because of the gamnling, and his father seems sitll addict to it. I love my boyfriend, i think he love me too. But i don't want to have fight with him after we get married and those flight are all because of his family. Please give me some advice! Thank you very much!
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32 responses
@med889 (5940)
2 Jun 09
Firstly : To marry with him I am sure you both must love each other very dearly. "A marriage is two different people is keen to know each other beyond consideration" If you both respect your relationship then I sure you will succeed in this task. Secondly : Now that you are going to marry him, you haver a right to ask him how much he earns and how much i he invest in his business. You are already his partner so you have this right on him. You cannot allow yourself to give him money forever whereas you don't even know what he is doing with his money! Thirdly : Before saying yes to marriage please dear find out everything on him, what does he do, what are his vices, what of his true feelings for you, If he has consideration for you enough to be able to take care of you. Fourthly : A marriage is sacred so don't rush yourself into it without knowing everything which is important to know about him. Take your time dear. All the best.
@med889 (5940)
2 Jun 09
Hello again, well I think tis is what you need to be doing in order to be on the safe side, there is no wrong in finding out issues which you are unaware of before your marriage. To love someone or to be love by someone is very good but if you are planning to marry that person then you need to know if you both will be able to lead a secure life after marriage. It is your right to find out and you are doing nothing wrong dear.
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• China
2 Jun 09
Hi Med, Thanks from the bottom of my heart for your advice. You are right, i should find out all the answers for my quesiton and i need to know his plan for furture life, i need to know have a stable family.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
2 Jun 09
There is a saying that if you have doubts then don't do it...I think you should say to him you want to wait until you are both financial enough not to have to live with anyone else but make you you start off by telling how much you love him but you need to feel secure about everything for the future....
• China
2 Jun 09
Hi Lilaclady, Thanks so much for your advice. I think you are right, my boss once asked me that" are you more afraid to lose him or are you more afraid to marry him", but my answer is i don't know. I really don't know. I think i should wait.
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• United States
5 Jun 09
Hi lilaclady, To start with you have been given some good advice, some bad. know it's up to you to sift out what you can use. first of all, a person with a gambling habit won't stop on your say so. they'll feed you ever sad story in the book, and some you've never hurd of. and if it's a clost friend,loveone,or even your self. there'll always be a down pat excuese, for needing money. but in the end it always ends up in the casino. next, if a person tells you they need money to help get a business going, and there's a partner in the business with then. you need to document ever penny you give, or loan. and tell them you will expect an itemized recept for how they spent it. if it is honestly spent on what they said they were doing, then that will build trust.on your part. if not go flush your money down the tolet. it's just the same.don't become a fool for no body. money is hard to come by now days. start pulling your finances in a little tighter. and if he starts backing off you'll know. tell him you,ve set up a little savings accont for an apartment for when you get married. and it can't be touched until then. stick by that no matter what. if he realy loves you, he'll respect decision. and see your looking out for him, and your further. there are some real good men out there. and some times marrage is like a garden. there will all ways be a few weeds in it. but when you weed, and water that garden you'll produce a wonderful bounty of love. good luck, and if that don't work (honey go fishing)the sea is full.
• Philippines
2 Jun 09
if you have doubts, then there's really... probably... good reasons why. then don't. don't get into something you are not sure about. marriage is a lifetime commitment. if you're afraid to take this step, then don't. you seem to be taking into account the financial stability of your soon-to-be married life. that's just being practical and nothing wrong about it. if a guy doesn't have a capability to take care of himself yet, then very likely he can't take care of the both of you. if you love him more than this flaw, then go right ahead and jump on the marriage thing. if you want to ask him about anything, i think you should go right ahead and ask it. even if it's about finances. as you are about to embark on a life as a couple you should be able to discuss things and share almost everything. personal issues with his family can be kept at bay but never for long. you should talk to him about it so it can be resolved. otherwise it will just get in the way in your relationship. be honest about your feelings and thoughts, don't keep it from him. you can delay the wedding a bit longer to smoothen things out. i don't think his father will change for you though, so you must take it on as it is if you really love your bf.
• Philippines
2 Jun 09
it is a bit hard i know, but you have to be open to him in talking things out and clearing a few issues. a marriage based on love and trust seems very ideal but these days, there should be the practical side too. money should not dictate how you go on in your relationship but let's admit the fact that it paves a lot of difficulties in the finances. if you can't think of a way to talk to him seriously about it, then just mention it casually one time. and see how he'll react. is he too sensitive to talk about money with you?
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• China
2 Jun 09
Dear Mylesnarvaez, Thanks for your kindly advice. Before yesterday, i did not realize that moeny is playing an important rule in our life. Before, i thought, love is everything, now, i know that only love is not enough, i need to be reality. I really don't know how to talk to him about such things.
@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
3 Jun 09
Here's my two cents worth for your consideration. I am getting married too.. But in two years time. Why? Similar reasons as you do about money. Time is set by me and my fiancé (He proposed in Feb). Because we do not have enough money now. We are giving us time to save and budget as well as plan what we would need. We have a house coming. We are also preparing and doing all the paperwork. We had a short talk and decided we need time to save an amount of money. We both are working towards it. Although it is tough as we think about money no matter what we do. We have to cut down on movies, dinner dates and anything else that costs... SO what I am saying is find an opportunity talk/discuss with your boyfriend about it. Postpone it. Talk about he expenses that would cost. Talk about inconveniences there would be when living with his parents, especially newly weds... Talk about the worry you have about his father. Tell him you are worried about your future together. See if postponing it will help? Afterall, it will not be just the two of you in the future. It will be about your kids too... Tell him, you are worried. Furthermore, you mention he started a business with his brother. Is it doing well? If it hasn't been well, suggest to get married after his business is sailing smoothly? Reason? he would have one less thing to worry about. Getting married needs planning and coordinations here and there, you wouldn't want him get tired over these things. In addition, you can reassure him that postponing would ensure you two have an amount of money, as both of you have time to save... You shouldn't be afraid of marriage. It is a commitment that both of you agrees on. It is a union of two willing couples in love, body and mind. So long as you give him questions to think about. Give him your reasons (strong ones) to back them up. I am sure if he is reasonable, and love you as much, he would think about it and both of you will come to an agreement. Discussing with him should not be a problem, as both of you has reach a stage in relationship to get married together. So if there are weird/unvalid reasons why he insists on getting married end of this year, I think you should think twice before agreeing. Marriage should be about love and not for excuses.
@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
5 Jun 09
you email him??? Why? How come you don't talk or discuss this face to face? At least video chat??? So that both of you can see each other's reaction... At least if you see his facial expression, if he is true about everything being ok, you will be assured by the expression he may have... At least I would... If you are on good terms with his mother, why don't you try talking to her, sound her opinion on postponing the marriage??? Just make sure to make this casual! You need to emphasis on the worry you have mentioned here. If you are not in good terms with his mother, try to be now. She is another person who can help with talking to your to-be-husband. If you think and feel that all he said is just sweet things and has not come true before, talk to him about it... ask him why? You don't like to be lied to. You don't feel assured about all this.. If both of you go on the marriage, you would be unhappy as you feel there is no firm assurance from him. (If you have think through the times both of you have been together and you are sure and confirm that he has never make ANY of his sweet promises come true, ask him the following too.)He has never make his promises come true, how would you know he will make sure that this will all be okay? then again, being an outsider, I don't know what type a person is your to-be-husband. Maybe he is really making plans to reassure that both of you will be happy in the future. Maybe he is really earning good money from his business? At least that is a stable income, provided his father doesn't go too deep into debts which may cause problems for you and your husband-to-be... then again, his father may be going through rehab and curbing his habits? It is always good to give second chances to people who are willing to change! Loans for marriage is an option but not a must. To me it is a big NO! Because I would hate to be in debt after my marriage. It is like a huge fall from heaven. So it is up to you on your thoughts about the loan. As this is just my personal feel to the loan thing. Just a word of caution, everything all of us said here is based on what we think from what you have described. DO NOT follow what we say blindly... Just think about what we say against what you have been through... You MUST think both side of the coin to really make a decision. Everything here is suggestions that you can do so do it if it is really suitable! This marriage may just work and you are probably just too worried and nervous about it? AGAIN, this is just WHAT I THINK...
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• China
5 Jun 09
Hi Ksherrie, Thanks again for all the advice and thoughts that you gave me. I really can't answer you why we use emails to commucate. Even since i asked him some of the question on the phone, we don't talk. And i was waiting for his explainnation or something to come up with. So finnally, there was a email came from him so i told him that since you want to talk in emails, fine, let's start. That's how we start emailing. But i am going to meet him tonigh to talk about things face to face. This talk will decide weather we will move on together or bye for ever. I've printed those emails out just in case i forgot some of my points. You know people when they become too excition or too nervous, they forgot their points, that's me. I am kind of nervous now.
• China
4 Jun 09
Hi Ksherrie, I did send him an email about all the worries i have. He replied that i am over worried, he stated that everything will be OK. YOu know what, he has been those who can tell you so many sweet words to make you happen, but none of them come ture. So i don't know if i should trust him. His mother went to a Fengshui master ask for a good date, that's why it's set at the end of this year. I am not sure if they will be happy about the postone. What do you think if they borrow money to get the wedding done?
@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
2 Jun 09
Dear lovely Vivian, I hope this can help you out from worried things, i'm trying to give it step by step regarding your matter ... 1. I think you must ask him, how much he invested on the business, i think you must takes a little part (in this case the part i mean, you must know what and where did his money go) so you will know that if he really have a good plans with his money or not, considering life after marriage your financial status will be mix with him 2. About living with parents is temporary ok, in several experiences i heard from other, there will be much better if couples are live in different house to avoid unwanted things happen, so try to rent an apartment or house will be better, but don't force to much, if your boyfriend financial couldn't support for it, the solution is saving money little by little until you can buy or rent it, but comparing rent a house or apartment, buying a small house is just more fine, the point is at least you have a house 3. If his father have the bad habits, don't try to speak to him directly, at least you could tell your boyfriend to suggest his father, to stop gambling because his family really need the money even it is in the small amount, there's no way to become a rich people by gambling unless you are the owner of the casino. One things you should remember is that you are married with your boyfriend, not with the whole family, so don't let it block your way to be happy GBU! Hopes you won't afraid anymore, and happy with the wedding
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• Indonesia
2 Jun 09
Oh ya sorry i forgot one more thing, try to ask him this matter, about your worried, and about what you think and want, before you decide to get married let yourself to be heard by him, from this you might know what is his plans on the future for you, the reason why people lives is how you make other people happy with your existence (in this case if he really loves you, then he will do anything to make you happy even it is hurt his feeling - fighting with his father because of his bad habits)
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• Indonesia
2 Jun 09
Well if that's makes you worries, then it is depend on how much you trust him to do that At least you must know that he tries something which related on the plan he has, the plans will only be plan forever if there's no try at all, the result could be succeed or fail, if he never try anything to start the plan then it will be 100% failed Well i got some tips for you to help you a little bit, this is a question for him : Do you have plans after the marriage, about financial, living or etc2 (things that you need to know) ? What is your plan? When do you want to achieve it all? How do you start it? There ... it might help you a little bit, please keep in mind that he didn't have to answer it at that time instantly, but make sure he answer it, if he can't answer the third question, well you know what happen next It's the common answer that people will said that i want to be rich, but when we ask how rich you want, what is your plan to get rich and when will you achieve it? lot's off people will make a silent Let's say talk is easy, but when this question is appear, it won't be easy anymore
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• China
2 Jun 09
Dear Maxilimian, The more advice i heard from you guys, the better pictures i got. i now know that i need to tell him all the worries that i have. But the things is what about he is good at saying but not good at doing, you get my point? It's earise said than done. What about if i listens to his plan but the plan never works out? All those thoughts just keep bothering me!
• India
2 Jun 09
hi,before advising .please let me know more about u & ur family..Also ur boyfriend and his family..that means wht ru doing and ur boyfriend right now (studying/job).how many members in ur family..& they r also interested in ur marriage r not... marriage ll happen only once in ur life..think & proceed ..
2 people like this
• China
2 Jun 09
Hi Sridhar, He has a yonger sister and oldder sister, they both married. I have a yonger sisiter. We are all working now. I know marriage is once in a life, that is why i am thinking too much now
• India
2 Jun 09
If you ask me, the faster you get rid of him, the better for you. Love is a two sided coin and from what you say, no guy would continue taking money from his would-wife and then think of marrying her before repaying…he is becoming dependent on you and once you start living in that house, both father and son might think of you as a goldmine…son to invest and go bankrupt and father to gamble. You would then be in no position to deny any of them. If he truly loves you, then you should set your terms too…first and foremost he should have a decent job and secondly, he should have a decent amount in his bank…something that will take care of hard times without his having to fall back on you all the time. You may also demand that account to be made into a joint account in both your name. see these are some of the precautions you can take but I don’t think you will be very happy after marriage into this family…gambling is a vice that has made paupers out of princes… You have every right to be worried and I would tell you to go slow on this and give this a thousand more thoughts. What do your family and friends say about this?
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• India
3 Jun 09
'we waste all of our effect'...wasting all you efforts that went into builiding this relationship? That is your past....think about your future. I would still very strongly adivse you not to go ahead with this marriage...at least keep it on hold for sometime, give your bf an ultimatum and see what he does. If he mends his ways, it will be better for you both...if he doesnt, you would know the truth.
• China
2 Jun 09
Hi Sudiptacallingu, You are asking a very good question. My mom is so against about this when she knew that his father is addict to gambling. No monther in the world would let her daughter get into trouble. Me and my boyfriend have tried very hard to get my mom agree on our relationship, but my mom still not happy. My sister used be in my side, now she is worried too. She wants me to be happy. I really don't know what to do next. It will surely hurt badly if we boken up, we waste all of our effect.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
8 Jun 09
You are right to worry. Love is one thing but reality plays a bigger part. I think it is strange that he is doing things without advising you and then expecting you to give him money. You should not have to ask him what he is doing with his money. That is not the way to start your life together...you can see that can't you? Do you really want to live with his parents? I think that would be awful. I also think the father will put pressure on you to give him money for gambling. Is this what you want? I know you have wanted to progress with your life with your boyfriend for such a long time, but I fear very much that your boy takes you for granted and your future is already set up for failure. I feel sorry that you are in this situation because it is not a happy one. I know you are a lovely, loving girl who wants to be happy with her boy but I don't think it is going to work out happily for you.
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• China
10 Jun 09
Hi MsTickle, Thanks for your advice. Just to answer one of your concern, i know his father might ask me for money for his gambling.But to tell you the truth, i won't give him a cent for gambling, i can buy things for him, but not cash for sure. I don't afraid that he is going to tell his son what i did, because i am 100% sure i have the rest of the family's support about this!
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
So your problem is financial stability. I never have any relationship but I was impressed by your problem, of course you love him but how can you live in this earth when you are not financial stable, you are one smart girl. My idea is this, you should ask him anything about money. Just give a respectful introduction like that you are not invading his privacy but when you are married you have to know everything you do especially with money because it is shared its a conjugal property. And also when you have growing family money really matter so you have to know. He have to prove to you that he can save you and he have to be ready because marriage is a serious thing.
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
Ok update us of what his plans for you. Godbless smart lady.
• China
3 Jun 09
Hi Grecychunny, I received an email from him today(for we haven't talk for 2 days), he is saying i should have confident on him, we've been thourgh thin andthick together, if i changed my mind now, there is nothing he can do. So i reply him about all the question i have, i ask for the money too, i share my earning with him as well. I am waiting for his reply.
@csrobins (1120)
• United States
4 Jun 09
YOu should definately ask about his business and how much he has invested in it. You have a right to know EVERYTHING. I mean you will have to be tactful in the way that you go about talking to him so as not to hurt his feelings or anything. Its okay that you have to live with his parents I think. Thats not too big of a deal. I definately dont think its a deal breaker or anything. It could cause fights though and be very stressful so be careful of that. And with the gambling thing i seriously dont know what to tell you. I hope he doesnt have that same problem. It wouldnt hurt to talk to him about all of your worries though.. I will pray for you guys. Hang in there!
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• China
5 Jun 09
I am going to talk to him tonight. Let's see.
@hanah87 (1835)
• Malaysia
4 Jun 09
It is a very big problem.It is scared to think about bad life we should life in after marriage.Maybe you should discuss about this problem with your boyfriend.You have the right to him now because you will get married with him.You should not gamble your life with him too.He must honest to you and settle this problem.If not he mayble not should married a good woman like you.Thank you.
1 person likes this
• China
4 Jun 09
Appreciate your comment. I will think very carefull about it.
@frankjoe (27)
• China
2 Jun 09
hello, so sorry to hear about that,a very diffcult situation~~ But the most important thing is you love him ,and then the rest things can be solved.Good luck!
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@Archie0 (5652)
2 Jun 09
I'm not a guy but I feel that way about marriage! It's funny because the way I see it is that more and more guys now want to get married and are ready psychologically when alot of girls aren't! I simply dont like routine! I think routine kills anything no matter how good it is.. I'm scared my marriage would end up being this boring relationship that is based on routine. I'm afriad I would all of a sudden feel stuck or feel like I've wasted so many years of life feeling stuck! I'm afriad love will die and I will be one of them ugly fat housewives and have my husband wish he was with another younger prettier woman. I'm afriad of being responsible for somebody else other than myself, being single means doing everything the way you want.. if you do that when you're in a relationship you will be selfish.. and if you dont do what you like and try to please your significant other then you would feel like part of you is dying.. your dreams and hopes for the future are over.. Compromising isnt always easy and alot of the times after a couple have both compromised, it's still not enough.. they still dont meet somewhere in the middle.. Bottom line.. it's hard and it needs alot of work.. it's only natural to be scared! Have I depressed you enough? lol.
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• China
3 Jun 09
Hello there, You are so right! All the afraids that you mentioned matches mine. I just want some advice from thos who married and tell me how did they over come those difficulities. My friend asked me if i have confident on him, i used to say yes, now, i am not sure.
• China
2 Jun 09
Hi, Vivian, i am almost in a same situation with you . my boyf always spends all his income every month or even more. we intended to get married at the end of this year, but now we have to put it off because some other reason. as boyf and girlf, we know almost everything about another half, including money. we will run a family together, of course we have to understand it and then to arrange it well. i'll take it for granted to live with and take care of his parents. i know he loves his family just the same as i love him. i don't want to make things difficult for him. luckily, his parents are nice. however, if you can't stand the present situation you should talk with your boyf straightly and try to reach an agreement. For example, if you can't stand his father you can rent a house first in order to avoid fighting with him for his family problem. Distance would make the relationship better, i think. i hope that i can help you more or less. Be happy!!
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• China
3 Jun 09
Hi Carriema, I think your points is good, but i think if you don't live with them after you get married, their parents might think i don't like them, that will make the relationship between us even harder. Don't you think?
• China
3 Jun 09
That's a problem! maybe you can tell his parents your idea first. of course think of a good reason to support your idea. The elders would think that you respect them and consider your idea. though you don't live together, you can show your love to the elders through actions. Anyway, it's really hard to do than to say. haha...
• United States
3 Jun 09
okay, not that i've ever been married, but it seems like to me that you need to step back and get a plan of attack on how to conquer these habbits. i understand that there are things you can't control, but there are places like apartments that are based on income that you can get in. You might want to look at that now though because some of them do have a waiting list. DHS is a good place to go for food stamps. This will help as far as knowing if you'll have enough money for food. get on it now, then when you get married you can add him. i know some people think it's stooping low when you go that route but I did and three or four months later i had a baby to think about and it helped me tremendously. You don't have to stay on it forever. You control how long you're on it. food stamps you only go in once a year and renew. There are things that you can do that can help you to keep you from getting into situations that you don't need be in.
• China
3 Jun 09
Thank you very much for your concern, i think i get your point. I understand, i need to figure out by myself that what is my bottom line and how long can i stand to it if me and him in the bottom line. I haven't figure it out yet, but i am sure i don't want to suffer for those bad things. If marriage life is worse than being single, why am i bothering myself to get into that trouble, right?
• China
3 Jun 09
Thank you for your advice, but i don't understand your point. What is food stamps?
• United States
3 Jun 09
im just saying that there are avenues that you can look at too keep from having to live with his parents. food stamps is actually on EBT cards now. They used to be called food stamps because you got your vouchers as if they were stamps. anyways, you don't have make your situation worse and you can control some of it. i know these are options that some people seem to be stooping to a low level with going to ask the state for help but it's one option to where you don't have to live in a situation that you don't want to be in. so, i was just trying to say that you shouldn't make it worse. sorry if my point wasn't made. I just know how hard it is to be in a situation you don't want to be in. sorry if it wasnt explained my little girl fell asleep on me and i was trying to write at the same time. guess i'll learn not to do that again.
@youless (112871)
• Guangzhou, China
3 Jun 09
Since you will be his wife, I think you have rights to ask him many things, including his property. It is a very tough case if your boyfriend's father is addicted to gambling. Perhaps your boyfriend can persuade him not to gamble again? I can see gambling can lead to many troubles. Somewhat it will affect the family. I think it's necessary to have a frank conversation with your boyfriend with these cases. Don't be shy or afraid to talk about these. When I got married with my husband, I talked many things with him before marriage. As I don't want we will have any disagreements after marriage. I love China
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• China
3 Jun 09
Hi Youless, Exactlly. Better make everything clearer before marriage rather then end up fighting everyday after marriage. The problem is his father has lose a house for his gambling and now he still doing the same thing, my boyfriend's relatives look down on him because of his father's fault! No one can persuade his father to quit, that makes me even more worried.
@MsCYPRAH (394)
3 Jun 09
If you are afraid of marriage then DON'T do it! That is your instincts telling you what you should do and when people ignore those instincts they usually have some suffering afterwards. When it comes to relationships, the signs are ALWAYS there at the beginning whether the couple will work or not. It's just that some people tend to ignore those signs because they so desperately want that fairy tale ending, or want a husband/lover/spouse, that they would ignore anything to get it. But people do show us who they are as early as possible and, if we are taking note, we will actually see the signs for ourselves. This gentleman not having any money is not the problem. That is his life and he has to sort it. The problem is that you are already giving him money and you are not married yet! Any man that you have to give money to at the start of a relationship is a red flag for the future. He is already dependent upon you for some kind of support which will NOT get any better when you are married. In fact, it will get worse because then whatever you have becomes his as well! So you might find yourself mainly working to support him while he find all sorts of reasons and excuses why he has no money. The most important thing about getting together with someone is that you must feel very happy and comfortable about it. You must feel that both of you are equal in the things that matter, that at least he has a job too, not just you. You are obviously not happy or comfortable with him so please don't get married regardless, because you will live to regret it. Our instincts are our subconscious which knows far more about us than the conscious mind is aware of. Trust those instincts. Do not go against them as they are there to protect you. By the way, don't judge your boyfriend by his parents, unless you don't mind being judged by your parents. His father liking gambling is nothing to do with him. All you should focus on is your guy and his actions. Don't get caught up in his family issues and burden yourself with irrelevant stuff. Focus on your boyfriend and his readiness to take on responsibilities, and he clearly isn't ready yet. People don't get married when they are still living with parents and don't even have any kind of income. They make a life for themselves first then think about marriage. Sounds to me as though your guy could be leaving one home where he is looked after for another convenient home. Is that what you really want? Time to get out of that relationship which is clearly going nowhere, and is already draining your resources, and find someone who deserves you. Someone once said: "If you settle for less than you deserve, you'll end up getting less than you settled for". Think about it. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
• China
4 Jun 09
Hi MsCYPRAH, Appreciated your kind advices. I think i believe in Instincts too. You are right, our instincts are our subconscious which knows far more about us than the conscious mind is aware of. It's really making me hard to decide what to do now. Maybe give both of us some time to figure out what is the best for both of us?
@bagumbayan (2705)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
You can see now how your life will be. I suggest that you talk to your husband to be to postpone the wedding until such time that you are both prepared to tie the not. Is he working. Where will he get the money to support both of you. Is he not into gambling too. Love is there but to support that love without money is quite impossible. Think so many times.
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• China
4 Jun 09
I will think before i lead. I don't know if there will be a wedding or not. We might end up with a "good bye for good". But i really waiting for the magirce to come.
@loneleaf (165)
• China
4 Jun 09
Vivian, I think you still have a choose, you both don't have to marry at the end of the year, it's up to you, even he had made a proposal of marriage to you.His family is not good and he gives you nothing about him, why?You trust him and love too, he loves you certainly, but where is the true trust and responsibiliy? as I know, in Chinese, a man should afford the whole family by himself, if he does know this , he should let you know whatever he did and doing, and also make you relax about the problem of his father, so I advise you take his reponsibility and love in consideration and have a frank and direct talk with him before you really want to marry him!
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• China
4 Jun 09
I will talk to him when i am ready to talk, because that is going to be a big talk.
• United States
4 Jun 09
Hi vivianchen I know its hard to make a decission whe you love someone that you are not sure if that person is right for you. If you have doughts about getting married you should not merry him until you have a place to live just you and him. I don't think I healthy for a couple to live with the parents. Not all parents are the same but some get into your personal problems whe they should not. You soulf wait untill you and him have a stable income and your own home so you could have your privacy.
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• China
4 Jun 09
You know what, i do want a house, but we can't afford one so far, waiting until we have a stable income and own home sounds good, but how long will it take?I don't know.
• Canada
3 Jun 09
I also think maybe you should think about waiting, and talk to him abou tthis. Getting married will put you in debt maybe, since it cost quite a bit of money... and what if you were forced to pay all of this. Many couples split up because of money problems and being in debt and such, it is probably a good idea to just talk to him about this problem and tell him how you are feeling, instead of just worrying about it, you dont want to stress yourself out!
1 person likes this
• China
3 Jun 09
Hi Maryzilla, I think i will just wait. i am waiting for his reaction as i've told him the worries that i have.