First Day of Classes

@mhethess (379)
June 2, 2009 6:00am CST
Hello everybody, it was a very busy day yesterday beacause it was the first day of school. And I encountered a lot of problem. We have so many enrolment I have 60 pupils in one class and I handle 4 sections, can you immagine how will I talk with that class size. I wish i had a megaphone and you know it is very tiring I cannot move. It is very hot inside a small classroom. I am also afraid that maybe some of the students have N1H1 virus. How about you have you encounter problem during your first day in school? Can you give suggestions about classroom management you know? Or do you have any techniques use in speaking or talking with a big crowd like mine? Thanks.
5 responses
• Philippines
2 Jun 09
wow, 60 students is a big size for a class. during hot weather (even on a rainy day), make sure you have drinking water with you. not only to quench thirst but you need it to sustain your voice for the entire day. you can take small sips so that your throught won't get parched or dry or something. you get that a lot when you increase the volume of your voice to accommodate a big size of audience. for sure, we make more effort in speaking a little bit louder than we are used to when talking in front of the class. make sure you move around so that students can be able to hear more of you or simply stand in the center. engage your students so you don't have to talk straight in the entire class period. engaging them to talk encourages learning and you'll be able to guage whether they actually listen to you or understand your topic of discussion. goodluck! teaching/ education is probably one of the greatest service a nation can offer, one of the best a person can do to another.
• China
2 Jun 09
It is just so big! I can't imagine you handle such a big class! I don't have experience that! I think maybe a mic will help. Anyway, you should let them hear you clearly and you can't shout for your thoat's sake! Best wishes.
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
That must be a really big class. I suggest you group them according to alphabetical order just so to minimize and lessen the noise in the class or you can schedule them by batch say 30 minutes with the first batch and another 30 minutes with the second batch. Just a suggestion though, using microphone is also a good idea. Or you can give the first batch a group project in the library while the other batch is in the classroom. This is what my former professor did to us in our Drawing subject in my early years in college it is also usually done in laboratory subjects where both research and actual demonstration of the experiment are essential. Good luck to you ma'am and God bless you on your teaching profession
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
education is really a big problem here in our country. my daughter's class, they are more than 50 students in the room... really shocking compared to what we were before, only 40 students. so far here, we did not have a hard time with the first day of school... everything went smoothly, i brought my son and we looked for his room, we found it right away, no trouble... but he got sick in the afternoon the first day of school... same with my daughter also, she found her room right away. is your class whole day? because here it is whole day for all elementary and high school classes. if yes my suggestion would be to make classes half day only and divide students, it would be easier for teachers and students alike. this is what the late senator raul rocco tried to change in deped but was not able to make it happen.
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
I remember when i was still in my elementary days (if i can remember rightly, grade 5), i have a terror but a good teacher who taught us to act differently while staying in her class. She have a rule in her classroom. The rules are stated in half of the blackboard and everyday she will ask one of my classmate to write down all the rules and regulations on the blackboard and if i remember it right, there's one rule that i personally can't forget.. 1. If you make a noise do it quietly, if ma'am will caught you, you will recite in front of all your classmates all the lessons you have learned from the first day of the school until the day that ma'am caught you making noise.. We're all afraid of that! So, everytime that she will enter the classroom, we make sure that we're done talking with each other and all the stories that happened to us (friends) are discussed before she enters our room.. =)
• Philippines
2 Jun 09
may be you have the same problem encountered every year. Lack of chair, room and even teachers.