Would you ever want to change your skin colour?
By liquorice
@liquorice (3887)
June 2, 2009 9:52am CST
I saw a programme last night about famous people who've had lots of plastic surgery (and many of the results were scary, I can tell you!!
- a great way of putting people off!!). Of course Michael Jackson came up, and lots of people were making the comment about how as well as having lots of surgery, he's somehow managed to change his skin colour and looks like he belongs to a completely different race to the one that he was born into. Which race he now looks was a mystery to everyone, and most people thought it must be some kind of alien one, lol!
By lightening his skin (along with his nose-job) he's wiped all visible traces of his African ancestry, even though he's apparently said in the past that he's proud to be an African American. I know that Michael Jackson's probably not the best example of a 'typical' person, but I've also heard of much more normal people being unhappy with their skin colour, and the market for skin lighteners is probably always a booming one. Conversely, other people just love to sit in the sun for hours in the hopes of getting a darker skin tone!
Are you happy with the colour of your skin? Would you ever want to change it, and have you tried in the past? If so, why do you want to change it? Is skin lightening consistent with being proud of your heritage?

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19 responses
@zeusdhi (63)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
I also saw a lot of people here in our place have changed their skin color. When i ask them why do they wanted to be really have a white skin. They says that it is good looking if you have white complexion.
For me no matter what your skin color is, you are still good looking. I mean i believe in what they say "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". But well we cannot really control what some people wanted their skin complexion will be.
But no matter what skin color you got one should be proud of.
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@liquorice (3887)
3 Jun 09
Thanks for your answer. I also wonder why it's seen as so desirable to have white skin. It seems as if so many people just want something different to what they've got, but it's more than that, because as in yours, in so many countries where the 'usual' skin colour isn't white it's incredibly desirable to be as light as possible. I don't think that any skin colour is better than any other, and I agree, you should be proud of what you've got, and who you are. And I like the quote you've provided as well. 

@zeusdhi (63)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
I think i know for a little why is it so desirable to have a white skin for other people. Because if you have a white skin, people will really do appreciate it. When you pass by so many people and they saw that you have a white skin they will all look at you and admire you. That's what i have observed with people having a very white skin.
I always say that quote to myself. :D Because for me no matter how you make yourself beautiful but if others don't like your beauty then we can't do anything about it. :D
@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
5 Jun 09
I have never understood why people would do this
I have a pale complexion and I cant change it but even if i could I wouldnt
its part of what makes me ... ME
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@liquorice (3887)
5 Jun 09
Oh I agree, it's part of your being. But then I don't understand anyone wanting any kind of cosmetic surgery or alterations. I prefer the natural look any day. Thanks for replying.
@sophie_dfuss (2365)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
I may not be the most beautiful woman in the world but in my bf's eyes, I am the most beautiful woman he has ever met in his life. Funny but true.
I am a Filipina and I have a natural tanned skin. In my country, they are saying that white skin looks good on you. I have tried some skin whitening products 15 years ago due to some influences but those kind of stuffs doesn't work. I don't want to change my skin color as I know that its not healthy and those skin whitening products contain harmful ingredients. My bf is a caucasian guy and he likes my color, he wants to be tanned like me in the future. I am proud of myself and will never change my skin color.
@liquorice (3887)
3 Jun 09
Ah, that's lovely! And your skin colour sounds lovely too. I think it's funny how people with naturally tanned skin want to be paler, while paler people sit in the sun for hours trying to go the darker colour; pretty crazy when you think about it. I've also heard that the skin whitening products can be harmful. I'm glad you're proud of yourself, you should be!
@ellie333 (21016)
3 Jun 09
Hi Liquorice, I am quite hapy with the skin I was born with and even love my freckles that suddenly appear when the sun comes out on my face, I have fairly pale skin, the old English rose type but haven't even ever been one who likes to get a tan, in fact I stay out of the sun as much as I can as I blister if out for too long even with sunblock. Love the skin your in as they say and I do. Huggles. Ellie :D
@liquorice (3887)
5 Jun 09
Hi ellie, I'm glad you're happy with the skin you were born in. It's much healthier to not get a tan. This year I've managed to get one without meaning to as I've been forgetting about sunscreen and underestimating the british summer.. I don't like being tanned from the sun as I now equate that with unhealthiness. Oh well, something I need to learn from! I agree, love the skin you're in. 

@chapstek (85)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
Hi there liquorice! Good day to you. For me, I would not like to change my skin colour regardless what color it is. I would accept what the Lord gave to me. Also, beauty is not on color, its inside. People perceive color differently, to others, being tan is beautiful and to others, being white is beautiful, the same as to black. Well, for me, every color is beautiful if the inside is beatiful. :)
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@liquorice (3887)
5 Jun 09
Hi chapstek, I agree, beauty comes from inside. And so cosmetic surgery/ whitening/ tanning can never really make anybody more beautiful. I love your attitude. 

@califbhabe17 (10)
• United States
2 Jun 09
no i dont want to change my skin.. this is what god gave me.. so love your own..
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@liquorice (3887)
3 Jun 09
I'm glad you're happy with what you've got. Sound like you have a lovely complexion, and wise to stay out of the sun. 

@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I love my Moco, dark chocolate skin color. and I love to see smooth dark skin. I wouldn't change it for the world.
I do remember as a child wanting to be light. My family has a mixture of Indian African and Mexican. My sister is light with long pretty straight hair and I always wanted to be that way too. I wondered why I was so dark with curly black hair and a plump noise.
I think me wanting to be like her was do to inner and outter racisim. I mean on TV beauty was protrayed as being white or light with long glorious hair and light eyes. and even within my African American culture (if you can call it one, its been striped of it essence) to be light meant something... it meant you were special... why because over time we were made to beleive white was better... and dark was an abomination. even in alot of cultures to be dark was considered ugly...I didn't know it but this same thing goes on in the spanish cultures as well
but as I grew older and begain to understand myself I was able to branch out and grab my understanding of what beauty was, I took classes to get a better understanding of my african cultures...and I came to the understandign beauty has nothing to do with color but the person you are inside... I think all colors are beautiful... and people who are looking to change that don't see the beauty within themselves.
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@liquorice (3887)
3 Jun 09
Wow, your skin colour sounds beautiful! And you have such an interesting background. Your description reminded me a bit of a friend I had at college who was from Mauritius. Her ancestry included Native American, African, (Asian) Indian and Jewish, and she was sooo stunning!!
I'm glad that you learnt more about your African culture and learnt to appreciate all the colours and recognise your beauty inside (as well as out). I agree that all colours are beautiful, thanks for your answer.
@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
2 Jun 09
i am from asia.. born with tanned skin / dark skin.. whatever you want to call it,
very proud of it.. and wont change it..
i think people who truly knows who, what they are all about - their background, their culture, their history, their origin.. would accept themselves as they are, not worrying, not affected by what fashion, or latest trends would be.. what others want them to be..
more importantly.. i would rather worry about having 'beautiful' and 'healthy' skin, than worrying about the skin colour or skin tone... 

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@liquorice (3887)
3 Jun 09
I'm glad you're proud of your skin colour, and I agree with what you're saying. Your skin colour is part of your background and who you are, and it's a shame that so many people feel the need to make changes to themselves these days. It would be lovely if everyone accepted themselves and concentrated on the really important things such as health, like you say.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
2 Jun 09
I would not want to change my physical appearance at all. There is a lot that can be changed like attitude and behavior and lack of knowledge. Banishing ignorance from my brain is a good way to make some changes. Cheers!!
@liquorice (3887)
3 Jun 09
Great answer, and I agree. If we make the changes you're talking about, maybe fewer people would feel the need to change their skin colour!
@glesil_00 (1142)
• Philippines
2 Jun 09
I am brown and sometimes i want to have fair skin but i do not think to have plastic surgery to achieve my desire.
I am already content and i accepted that i am naturally brown and skin lightening can help to lighten my skin a bit but it is not permanent, my true color will still prevail.
@liquorice (3887)
3 Jun 09
glesilk, I'm glad that you're content with your skin colour, skin lightening sounds like it would be a time-consuming thing, and I'm sure would reduce your confidence in yourself as it's something that you'd be hiding behind. Much better to recognise that you're beautiful the way you are. 

@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
2 Jun 09
Well I'm white and white people can change their skin color quite easily. We just need to stay in the sun long enough and we will get a tan. Eventually our skin color will lighten again.It's much easier for a white person to darken their skin than it is for darker races to lighten their skin. That skin lightening stuff uses harsh chemicals and probably damages the skin. The same as if you stay in the sun too long. Changing your skin color is not very safe. The important thing is just to love yourself.
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@liquorice (3887)
3 Jun 09
Yes, you're right. It's much healthier to stay the colour you are as there are big risks involved whether you're trying to go lighter or darker. (Although from your name I thought maybe you were blue, lol!) It is important to love yourself, it's a difficult thing to do sometimes, but hopefully everyone will be able to do it.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I always like to tan myself in the summer to have brown healthy looking skin but I'm fine with my skin tone, just like to be outside playing in the water so my skin get tan as well by that and I like it.
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@liquorice (3887)
3 Jun 09
It's good to be happy with your skin tone. Make sure you slap on the sunscreen! (Don't mean to preach, but healthy looking is not always actually healthy - although I'm sure you already know that, lol!)
@maezee (41988)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I don't agree with skin lightening or any kind of medical procedure that would change your skin color - but to each's own. I don't think that it's denying your heritage - as heritage is more than just the color of your skin (it's your culture, language, way of life, etc). One doesn't necessarily have to look the part to play the part.
I might be considered a hypocrit, though, because up until a month ago I was tanning in a salon in order to get a tan (slightly darken my skin color) - but for some reason, I think this is different. And honestly, I'm not really denying "my heritage" because while I'm 1/2 Czech, me & my family are really caught up in the "American Culture" and we RARELY practice & celebrate anything from our own heritage's culture.
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@liquorice (3887)
3 Jun 09
That's an interesting answer, thanks. You're right, heritage is much more than skin colour. Although colour is obviously a part of it, and I know that for some people, looking the part is very important. For example, I used to work with a girl who was black and she was prouder of her heritage than anybody I'd ever met before. To her, her skin colour was an important link to her African history, and the generations that lived before her. So from this kind of viewpoint, maybe changing your skin tone can be seen as denying your heritage. And the way that you look also influences how other people (within or outside of your own culture) identify you and possibly whether or not they accept you(?).
I suppose it depends on why a person wants to change their colour; some people do it to look as if they belong to a different race (eg. a black or Asian person might want to look as if they're white), while some people just want to look healthier (like with tanning). I think that's probably the difference you're talking about.
You're certainly not alone in not practising much from your heritage, this is probably true for many people (most people?) these days, so the issue of skin colour representing culture is probably becoming a less important one.
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
3 Jun 09
I am an Asian and i have wheatish complex.In Indian culture fair women are always considered beautiful so i have always wanted to have fair skin.But i was not very desperate to have fair skin but it was just my wish that my skin could get lighter.I grew up and came to know that inner beauty is far more important than outer beauty and when i emerged as a stronger and determined person,i started liking myself.
After marriage everybody in my in laws family commented on my complexion since my husband has a fair complexion but now i am above all these things and enjoy my reputation of being friendly,helpful,soft spoken and honest human being.
@macel19 (202)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
I am contented with my skin color, I have a fair skin in nature and very proud of it.For me, skin color is not a big deal for me but some people find skin color important in part because of it's aesthetic value. Some believes that skin color has special value or place them above with others.I just observed that most asian women girls are very particular with changing their color, they think that if they have whiter skin they will look more beautiful and attractive. Most of them spent a lot of money for whitening soap, lotions and etc. Some would even go for laser and plastic surgery.They spent a lot of effort and time to get the wither skin they dreamed of. Some want to have whiter skin because they want to gain confidence. There are a lot of reasons why people want to change their skin and honestly I am not against it, if they want to change thier skin color.But for me it is not a big deal for me.
@shikaymaru (700)
• Malaysia
2 Jun 09
I am proud of my skin color. My skin tone are yellow brownish like. I don't think I ever want to change it at all. I'm happy the way they are. I don't judge people based on their skin color.
I think what matter the most are their inner self. 

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@liquorice (3887)
3 Jun 09
That's grea shikaymaur, I agree with what you say. Skin is just on the outside anyway, it's what's inside that's important, (..and I mean character, rather than organs and veins etc. , lol!) People are equally beautiful no matter what their skin tone. I'm happy that you wouldn't want to change the colour of your skin, you sound like a beautiful person. 

@cbeee3 (2061)
• India
2 Jun 09
I would not consider changing my skin colour.Not in a million years! I think that is by far the most superficial thing people can think of and I am totally against it. God made us special in our own way.And I am proud of it.
Speaking of Micheal Jackson.I still remember how much I laughed when I heard the song "It don't matter if your black or white" and he was trying so hard to be white.:) .Sorry had to bring that up :p
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@liquorice (3887)
3 Jun 09
Lol! Yes, I remember how ironic that song was! I'm glad that you wouldn't want to change your skin colour, you're right it is a shame that some people feel the need to do this to themselves, also risking their health in a big way. I agree with the sentiments of the song (even thought I can't take the singer very seriously!!)