Wake Up People!

United States
June 2, 2009 10:29am CST
Obama is becoming more and more blatantly open about his favoritism and support for anyone and anything to do with Islam . Do his fans still not see where he is leading our country? You can be sure he will be well greeted by the Islamic world on his upcoming trip. Any Comments? Justice Dept. Backs Saudi Royal Family on 9/11 Lawsuit WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is supporting efforts by the Saudi royal family to defeat a long-running lawsuit seeking to hold it liable for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The Justice Department, in a brief filed Friday before the Supreme Court, said it did not believe the Saudis could be sued in American court over accusations brought by families of the Sept. 11 victims that the royal family had helped finance Al Qaeda. The department said it saw no need for the court to review lower court rulings that found in the Saudis’ favor in throwing out the lawsuit. The government’s position comes less than a week before President Obama is scheduled to meet in Saudi Arabia with King Abdullah as part of a trip to the Middle East and Europe intended to reach out to the Muslim world. Lawyers for the Saudi family said that they were heartened by the department’s brief and that it served to strengthen their hand before the court, which has not decided whether to hear the case. But family members of several Sept. 11 victims said they were deeply disappointed and questioned whether the decision was made to appease an important ally in the Middle East. The Saudis have aggressively lobbied both the Bush and Obama administrations to have the lawsuit dismissed, government officials say. “I find this reprehensible,” said Kristen Breitweiser, a leader of the Sept. 11 families, whose husband was killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center. “One would have hoped that the Obama administration would have taken a different stance than the Bush administration, and you wonder what message this sends to victims of terrorism around the world.” Bill Doyle, another leader of the Sept. 11 families whose son was killed in the attacks, said, “All we want is our day in court.” The lawsuit, brought by a number of insurance companies for the victims and their families, accuses members of the royal family in Saudi Arabia of providing financial backing to Al Qaeda — either directly to Osama bin Laden and other terrorist leaders, or indirectly through donations to charitable organizations that they knew were in turn diverting money to Al Qaeda. A district court threw out the lawsuit, finding that the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act provided legal protection from liability for Saudi Arabia and the members of the royal family for their official acts. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/30/us/politics/30families.html?ref=global-home
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16 responses
@patms1 (521)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I agree. I think he is trying to give America away. How come he bows to a member of the Royal Family and the newspapers say nothing about it? I was very disappointed when he was elected but I was willing to give him a chance. Now I am very sad to say I am becoming very afraid. Be prepared. You will be getting a lot of hate mail about this. I responded to a letter saying how I disagreed with him and the first response I got referred to his skin color. I never mentioned his skin color and never made any reference to it in any shape form or manner but there it was. My response was "only 100 days and already they are playing the race card" By the way, speaking of race, how come we never hear or see his white mother? Is the lady alive?
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• United States
4 Jun 09
Adrenochrome As a former Brit I question why, if he wanted to show respect for the monarchy, did he only bow to an Islamic ruler and NOT to the Queen of England????. To me that shows he is very selective in the choice of who earned his respect.
4 Jun 09
As a Brit who lives in a monarchy, might I suggest that bowing to a monarch is actually just a formality and sign of deference and respect, not a condoning of that individual. In the world of diplomacy, etiquette is followed, even by some Americans. It is strange that so many Americans felt that throwing a pair of shoes at the American President was so awful an event, whilst overlooking that he was only 1 man visiting a foreign country. Americans expect that foreigners treat their leader with due respect, but now malign Obama for reciprocating. That is why the media said nothing about his bow. Also, let's not rush to judgement. He's only been President for a few months, give the lad a chance. Come back in 12 months and discuss the effects that his policies have had. You may be pleasantly surprised. You might also be even more disillusioned. Either way, he will have had time to govern and could be judged better. I appreciate that all Republicans are not white sheet wearing racists and would never claim they are. However, I was shocked by certain comments aired this week by certain members of the Senate who represent the Republican Party. Apparently, and forgive any mistakes here (I am British and don't get the same coverage that Americans do), Obama has appointed a lady of Latino background to the Supreme Court (or at least a high legal office). Certain Republican politicians were saying that she would not be able to judge fairly if a case arose where an "Asian worker objected to their Mexican boss". This assumption that a white judge has no similar problems whenever a non-white employee has a problem with their white employer, but that a Mexican could not be impartial was clearly racist. As I have stated, I do not believe that everyone who votes Republican is a racist, and that many voters chose not to vote for Obama based upon policy direction NOT skin colour, but I do believe that there is an element within the Party that is racist. I would urge Republicans to try and remove that small element from within their ranks. Enough about American politics, I'm off to see how many British politicians have resigned under a cloud of corruption today - 3 on Tuesday, 1 yesterday and today is European election day! Oh, the joys of democracy.
• United States
3 Jun 09
ALL OVER mylot, WH, me, and everyone else who posted ANYTHING about why we thought 0bama was not the best choice for president we were called racists and hate mongers, no matter what we said. We were trolled from one end of mylot to the other, relentlessly for MONTHS. Many of those race-baiters got banned after saying some really horrible things, but there are a few remaining and new ones pop up everyday (probably returning from banned camp) trying to get us to drink the damned koolaid while accusing us of "wearing white sheets".
• United States
2 Jun 09
I always believed he was a sleeper agent for jihad, even before he bowed to the saudi king and apologized for America's opposition to jihadist murders of our people. It seems he is no longer a sleeper agent, but now an open advocate of islamic fascism. Every move he makes shows his hatred of America and her people and his worship of the ideology of slaughter for allah he learned whole attending madrassa. Of course he doesn't want anyone held responsible for the murder of three thousand innocent people in the worst terrorist attack in history, he likely celebrated about it!
• United States
3 Jun 09
Kennyrose have you seen the latest on Obama's elegibility question? White House 'dialogue' site scrubbed of eligibility posts http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=99933
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• United States
3 Jun 09
AngryKitty I have always suspected he was a sleeper when he first joined the campaign trail. Now everything he does only proves we were right. GOD HELP AMERICA!
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• United States
3 Jun 09
Amen! I agree, it is so sad to see so may of our fellow Americans blindly supporting him. His approval rate is soaring. And what has he even done for them to support him? He has locked our country into the direction of total ruin. And why doesn't he just show his birth certificate if he isn't American? Can't believe he's getting away with it. His becoming President is going to become the biggest joke in history.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I think this is down right frustraying for the families. BUt theywould have to have a very strong case and evidence to prove that they really did give money to people knowing it would got to Al Qaeda! and It shouldnt have gone on this long any how so that they can worm there way out of it grrrrrrrrrrrrr. YEah he going over there to play patty cake with them!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
4 Jun 09
sounds like what he is doing now!
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• United States
3 Jun 09
Maybe they will also play Spin the Bottle to see who Obama will kiss up to next!
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@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I do not trust Obama. I can't believe that people stood by him and are still standing by him in what he does. My friend who went to college with me is a HUGE Obama supporter. She thinks everything that he does is absolutely great. He shows huge favortism to the muslims. He wants to be known with his Muslim middle name. I don't know who he is fooling at this point and time. We are going to become a socialist country if he stays in office by getting reelected. Maybe people will smarten up when the election rolls around again.
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• United States
3 Jun 09
He's gonna be like a 13 year old girl at a Hannah Montana concert. Heads up right now, When he starts apologizing, it's not on my behalf. I refute any and all of anything that will come out of that guys mouth.
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• United States
3 Jun 09
Ima..."Ima" with you 100%
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Jun 09
Me too!
• United States
2 Jun 09
I don't know exactly where he is leading this country, but maybe we do need to reach out to the Muslim/Islamic people in order to have peace. How long have we been at war? War has done nothing but cause losses for both sides. I don't really agree with many of the things Obama is doing, but maybe this act will work. We shall see.
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• United States
2 Jun 09
I sincerely hope that you are not calling me those names. I didn't say that I know what his agenda is, I only said that maybe there is another way. War, so far, hasn't solved anything. And no, I know I would not like their laws.
• United States
3 Jun 09
I'm over this conversation because I am not here to argue or have someone tell me (either directly or indirectly) that I am stupid. Everyone has their own opinion, and in mine, war with the middle east isn't solving anything. Maybe I am just a little touchy on the subject because I recently lost my brother, who was in the Marines on his third tour. Have a nice day.
• United States
3 Jun 09
I am very sorry for your loss.
4 Jun 09
I find this whole legal question puzzling. Osama Bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia, but is anti the Royal family there. Prior to moving to Afghanistan, he was a fervent anti-monarchy activist. Additionally, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, and opposing the whole idea of having American troops in Saudi, the Mujhaddin (as we used to call Al-Qaeeda) contacted the Saudi Royal Family offering to send an Islamic army from Afghanistan to fight Saddam Hussein. Because of their ardent hatred of Osama Bin Laden, the Saudis declined this offer, fearing that this Taleban army would then turn upon the Saudis and try to overthrow the Royals. These facts are widely known and have frequently been reported and discussed in the European media. Somehow Americans still believe that both Saddam Hussein and the Saudi Royal Family are/were supporters of Al-Qaeeda, when the opposite is/was true. No class action against the Saudis would have any legal standing, just as prosecuting my local newspaper shop owner (who happens to be Islamic) would. You can not prosecute any Muslim for the actions of a few terrorists. If you could, Ted Kennedy would be in prison for the murder of Northern Irish citizens. The families of the victims of 9/11 do deserve their day in court, but only when prosecuting the right people, not just anybody.
• United States
4 Jun 09
IMO Since the beginning of his campaign up to and through his current presidency Obama seems to be laying the groundwork to substantiate his now infamous quote "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction," says Obama In his book The Audacity of Hope. This latest event coupled with all the obsequious behaviour he has shown to anyone of Islam indicates to me his priorities do not lie with the USA.
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5 Jun 09
I feel that there has been an anti-Islamic over reaction in many parts of the world and that the political classes obsessoin with it has made our lives worse. The UN troops were making decent headway in Afghanistan, and the Taleban and hardcore Islamic fundamentalists were being kept in check in Pakistan. Western politicians started to want to get rid of the Pakistani leader, because he wasn't democratic. An election is held, new President and new Minister in Pakistan, and what happens. Resurgent Taleban in Afghanistan, more UN troop deaths (particularly US and UK) and a third of Pakistan under extremist control. Mubarak may not have been perfect and may have ruled with the support of the miltary, but he was someone the West could negotiate with, he was fighting and containing the extremism in PAkistan and the Taleban were caught between a rock (the UN) and a hard place (Pakistan). Saddam Hussein was evil, but had also been funded by the West for over 25 years, was on the other side of the fence to Al-Qaeeda (even D-ick[without the hyphen, his name offends myLot] Cheney has just said on tv that he has never seen any link between Iraq and Al-Qaeeda!) and was no real threat to the West, or even to Israel. Whilst invading there, Iran and North Korea developed nuclear capabilities. The direction the West was taking was having the opposite effect to its aims. A different approach could hardly do worse and just might make the world, including America, a safer place.
@AmbiePam (96483)
• United States
5 Jun 09
It is very alarming. Very.
@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
3 Jun 09
It was a difficult decision SHARED by the Bush administration. Obama is not a danger to this country, but divisive rhetoric such as yours (and some of your fellow paranoid responders above) IS. As a citizen of this free-speech country you have a right to point out your fears, but somebody really needs to explain how paranoid you are being. The rest of us have to rise to the occassion and stand against the HATRED you are trying to spur. World peace, and an end to most terrorism will come more from diplomacy than shortsighted tough stances. Freedom, as all things, must choose its battles carefully.
• United States
3 Jun 09
Until you have walked in my shoes do not presume to explain why you think I am being paranoid. Where were you when I suffered the hatred shown to a Christian woman living in an Islamic country?
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• United States
3 Jun 09
"Freedom, as all things, must choose its battles carefully." Did you steal that from William Wallaces speech in 'Braveheart'? Of course you didn't. It sounds rather cowardly and sneaky to my ears. Like freedom should be discussed with innuendo and whispers. I think not. FREEDOM should be SHOUTED and IN YOUR FACE. 0bama, Peloser, Weed, and the army of losers they're filling DC with are a clear and present danger to the United States and FREEDOM.
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3 Jun 09
It seems like most people in America are worried about what Obama is doing. Why elect him?
• United States
3 Jun 09
I am certainly NOT one of the idiots who elected him. His adoring fans chose to ignore all the warning signs and the secrecy which was evident during his campaign and still now veils his religious and nationality background.
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• Philippines
3 Jun 09
It must be hard to trust him knowing that he's doing something that which he believe is right. not to mention that he's a newbie. He's playing a very dangerous Gamble on this one trying to side on the other side of the fence attempting to reach out to the Muslim Communities across the Globe.I hope he's not ever doing it because it might cost his presidency.
• United States
3 Jun 09
I pray it does cost him his presidency!
2 people like this
4 Jun 09
To be fair, offending every Muslim in the world will not make America safer. Acknowledging that the majority of Muslims are law abiding decent people will help undermine the extremists who are attempting to recruit people to anti-American activities. People won't try to blow Americans up if they believe that America is not the enemy of Islam, but is the enemy of extremism. After all, Bush was wasting time, money and peoples lives (including brave American soldiers) in Iraq whilst Iran and North Korea became nuclear powers! Hardly making America safer.
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
He's gambling....
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
2 Jun 09
That's what happens when you have a usurper in the White House. All the evidence we have tells us he is not a natural born citizen- (no, the certificate of live birth proves nothing, that's not his real birth certificate). Our founding fathers put these qualifications in to prevent people with other allegiances from being our President.
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@lilnono (228)
• United States
4 Jun 09
You can wake someone who is asleep but you can't wake someone who is pretending to be asleep. There is very little difference from one president to the other. People like Obama because he seems different not because he is different. No matter who the president is the royal families and corporations are always in control. Al this liberal vs conservative BS is just to keep people busy.
• United States
5 Jun 09
You are right. However, I think it's more accurate to say it's the Democrat VS Republican BS.
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@rexertea (117)
• India
3 Jun 09
It's not fair to blame President Obama. I would like add couple of things here. first of all it's absolutely wrong to blame the Saudi royal family. Just because the attacks was launched by Osama, a Saudi citizen, you should not go on thinking that every Saudi is involved in the attacks. Secondly, you should know that Osama's father and Bush senior had a business relationship in the past. they were partners. They had a very good relationship before. It's just Osama got wrong with America after the Soviets left Afghanistan and that's where everything got wrong. Saudi's had a good relation with the United States in the past, and what Obama did was nothing wrong. Saudi's will always be in a good relationship with the US, they never supported Osama bin Laden and they don't need to support Osama. People should be broad minded and sensible enough to pass comments about the President of United States of America. Moreover, the victims of Sept 11 should also be sensible enough to understand that Osama bi laden is a billionaire himself, he doesn't need finances from outside to launch attacks somewhere.
• United States
3 Jun 09
It doesn't matter why the Saudis are being let off the hook, due to greed or appeasement. You are right, Bin Ladn didn't need to take outside finances to launch terrorist attacks. But he did. And... if it can be proved that royal/gov't money was used to finance these attacks... let the show begin. 0bama projects a weak and simpering ura to world leaders. Unless he's reading from a teleprompter, making commercials for 'The Tonight Show', or making snarky comments about FOX, he comes across as an English as a second language buffoon.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 Jun 09
So Obama upholds the same position of the Bush administration and a district court and that indicates Muslim favoritism? I can't be the only one to scoff at that leap of logic.
@Lxia2009 (12)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Hey Guys don't sweat it. All of this has happened before and it will happen again. No matter who is in the oval office he is only a puppet. If he gets too out of hand the powers that be will take care of him. Right now they are just culling the herd just as they did in the 70's. In a culture like ours people get greedy and have to be brought down. In the 70's it was the steel mills. Now it's the banks,the auto co's and next will be health care. In about 2-3 years everything will even out. Just stay at home don't spend extravagantely and enjoy your family. The real action is going on behind the seen you will never see the real people in control.