Why cant people just be honest?
@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
United States
June 2, 2009 12:11pm CST
Ok so as every one knows my husband and I have been having a hard time. He told me yesterday that he had never truly opened up and let me in. We have been married for 12 years together for 14. How can a person do that. I mean expect for there to be complete honesty from me but he has been holding back for the past 14 years. It dawned on me I dont really know him at all. So my question is why cant people be honest with the ones they claim to love. I mean wouldnt it be so much easier to just be honest in the first place? What is your opinion on that please let me know.
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20 responses
@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
2 Jun 09
you know my BF has been with her boyfriend going on 10 years and she says she learns new things about him everyday... she also can't understand how I mate my husband 2years ago and we share everything... I mean the deepest secrets... but you know i told her there are somethings I wont share with anyone... until its the right time for me. especially if it has to do with my past. and I feel my husband maybe doing the same thing. and I understand that because some things are not meant to be shared.
but within a marrige honesty,and truth are key to everlasting love... and each one should always be truthful especially when it involves another person...
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@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I can understand the need for keeping somethings secret but its the big things I am finding out that are driving me nuts. For example I just found out that he has a son that he had when he was 17. I mean thats something that I should have known about before we got married or shortly after we got married. I mean wow. Thats huge to me. I dont know am I over reacting? I dont think so but thats just me.
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@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
2 Jun 09
oK its a build up of alot of things.. and that very factor above is a major fact that should have been shared with you. that information is life changing... I understand where you are coming from... that would hurt my feelings and make me think twice... only because its been so long and that is a big secret... and to think he made it worst by hiding it. you would have probably excepted his son, and gotten to know him by now...wow
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@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Well I would have accepted him instead of slaming my door in his face and telling him he is a liar that my husband does not have any other children other than my daughter. I was rather embarassed to find out that he did have a son and that I was really rude to this poor kid. I mean he was just looking for his dad. Thank goodness he realized what had happened and came back later to talk to us again but omg. Had I known in the first place I would have welcomed him into my home. But really thats just the smallest of things he has kept from me. I really want to put this behind me but I am so afraid of what he is gonna tell me next you know. I wait on pins and needles for him to drop the bomb. I am full of anxiety and my meds are not even working. Not to mention I feel that the only reason I have to be on meds is cause of all this that he has dropped on me in the last 20 days.
@foodlover (50)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
I know someone who's been married for 25 years already. They have a weird marriage and i am definitely sure the husband was not honest with his wife. He kept things with her that shouldn't be kept especially about his family.
in my opinion, honesty is not present when the person is not at all pleased with his or her own life. It is like a mask that they put on so that people will treat them the way they wanted to. They keep or hide things that would make them feel inferior. But most of all, they are not honest at all because they feel that they would not be accepted the way they are.
@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Wow I never thought of it like that. Thanks so much for your eye opening response. Maybe he is ashamed of what he has done in his past and thats why he has kept me out.
@foodlover (50)
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
there are a lot of reason why he do those things to you, but i believe that there is a reason and purpose for everything. You just have to see the bigger picture beyond the problems you now see. If you don't mind, i suggest you just hang on there and pray about it (no offense if you're not a Christian). This is just my thought because marriage is a holy sacrament given to us. We should do things to keep it that way.Hope i somehow help you.
@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I am honest with him. I have never lied to him no matter how bad it hurt or what ever the outcome may be. I have issues with trust and the last thing I would ever do is put some one what I have been through. My honesty is not an issue with him. His honesty is lacking with me.
@Gwapako_28 (2140)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
Thats actually the question in mind as always. In every person i met and even with the people i love. I don;t know why most of us, tells a lie or cant just be honest. Telling a white still a lie. Why not let us tell the truth and let it set you free as always. No matter how bad and hard it is, the important is we say what is real and happening instead of lying and sometimes, just keep it until we die.
@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I think what makes it hard on me is I am trying to teach my daughter that honesty is the best policy but its hard for her to understand cause she knows her dad has not been honest with me. I mean we had to explain about her brother that she never met that is grown up and starting a family of his own. She put it together that he lied to me and she is the one that called him on it. Said to him you lied to mommy and me you said I was your only child. What do you say to your child when she says that.
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
Some people find it very difficult to open up even to those who are closest to them. In fact, there are many people who have been together for more than 20 years and still keep secrets from each other. You just have to live with the fact that most people cannot be completely honest to others.
@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I am not asking for him to tell me everything just to be honest with me when I ask him and to open up to me the same that I have done for him. He is my life I am devoted to him and our child I dont think that asking the same of him is too much to ask. The things that he has not told me are life changing things you know things like him having a son that I never knew about. Stuff like that. After being with someone for 14 years you dont expect that sort of thing to come out like it did you know.
@snugglepuff09 (93)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
I always believe in the saying, "Honesty is the best policy". Where ever you go and what ever you do, it is always best to be honest. There are times that I can't be honest due to certain circumstances like if I hurt someone or if it would not do good to the person but I realized that whether I keep it to myself or just tell the person, they will still feel the same. The good part is when your honest, all the more they will trust you and believe you. Some people may have a hard time being honest to other people and to themselves maybe because of past experiences or they just have a trouble telling the person. Someone special is like that to me. It is really hard for her to open up to me since she isn't used to it. Inside the family they aren't open to each other so that is why I understood that she isn't open to me. But I'm just being patient and wait till the time she will learn to open up to me. I am not an expert on this but I'm sure there are reasons why people aren't honest. It might take awhile for you to find out the reasons but I hope it isn't that bad. And also, I want you to know that whether its been 12 years or 48 years, you shouldn't stop knowing your partner. I am not married but I do believe that everyday is a process of getting to know the person or your partner. It doesn't have to follow that if you're married you already know everything about your partner.
@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I understand that. However when you ask someone a straight forward question and they lie to you and you find out years later that it was a lie and that most of what you know about that person is lies it makes you wonder what other things has he kept from you.
@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
Good day.. It's hard to be honest because it's hard to be vulnerable. It's not only being honest that's put pressure in a relationship but also the question on how that person would react afterward. When one open up to someone., literally that person would be naked and being vulnerable is something people don't want to feel. We are imperfect creatures and being as such we commit mistakes and will continue to make mistakes. I think that's why we are not programmed to tell everything or being bluntly honest because of that imperfection and also with that imperfection one also doubts that being honest would make that other person fully understand and accept that truth. I think it's not only honesty that's important but also the will to correct that mistake and will do everything on one's part to make the relationship works.
@momtrying2makeit (3270)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Hi there autemnrose2008 I am sorry to hear that this is an issue for you and your husband. This is some advice I would like to give you maybe you guys can go and take to someone about this so you can open up to each other. I hope that might help and I feel for you.
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@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
3 Jun 09
We are in counseling but I am not sure I want to continue as every time we go he has some other bomb shell to drop on me. I just dont think I can take it any more. You know everything is crumbling around me and he dont understand why. Thats what hurts the most. He dont understand why I am having a hard time getting over this.
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@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
2 Jun 09
Hello Autumnrose2008, well from my own experience I won't let anyone get too close to me. I had a bad marriage/relationship with my ex. I now have been with the same man for close to 8 years and am in no way ready to get married again.My feelings had been bruised and battered by someone I thought I could trust. I admit I have trust issues and anyone I would have gotten involved with now understands this.It took me years to admit this to my b/f. Honestly I didn't even want a serious relationship again but since I am in one it did take me 6 years to even say why I didn't want one.I really am glad my b/f has patience with me and knows I will trust him eventually.
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@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I understand that. I am willing to accept that if that is the reason. He basically said that he didnt put his all into us because he was not sure that I was the one there for never really opening himself up to me or being completly honest with me. Never telling me when I was doing something that he didnt like. And the list goes on but I dont think that him not opening up and being honest has anything to do with a previous relationship. I think its just his way of protecting himself and letting it go way to far.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
2 Jun 09
Honesty from the start really is best, but for many reasons, some people are not. Perhaps they fear rejection or are hiding secrets about things they've done wrong. Others feel so low about their true self that they make things up, perhaps tell lies that make them look as they wish to be.
It hurts, though, to find out someone you thought you knew was faking it. To accept or reject the "real" person that your spouse is, well that is up to you. You can't change the past, though. Best wishes to you and your spouse on sorting out the troubles.
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@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I see what your saying. I guess I need to think about. I love him no matter what. I mean to me he is my soul mate. I am sure we will get through this its just gonna take time like everything else.
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@onlinemoneymakerconr (134)
2 Jun 09
He probably thinks that if he opens up you may not like/love him as you did before. I think you should tell him that you want him to open up to you and when/if he does you should really be positive because the last thing you want is a divorce.
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@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I am so worried about that as well. I mean if the guy I have devoted my self to for the last 14 years is not the same guy. What if I dont like this new person he wants to become. I just dont know why people cant be honest. I have kept a positive out look through this all but it seems that more and more weight gets dropped on my shoulders on a daily basis. I just want an honest and open marriage. You know thats all I dont feel its too much to ask.
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@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
3 Jun 09
So true maybe thats it. I can only hope that this is just a little bump in the road. Thanks for your response.
@adonze (8)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I do not believe divorce is inherently the answer. Some people have bad experiences growing up. When this is the case, they have trust issues. Also, aside from that, no one is completely honest. We all have three selves, one for the world to see, another for those closest to us to see, and one more which only you and God (if you subscribe) know about. Ask yourself: Have I really been as honest with him as I think, or have I held things back myself? Have you ever bit back your comments when he did something you didn't like? Have you ever held back your opinion at any time?
The fact that he is telling you this now is evidence of him wanting to let you in more. Why don't you see where this takes the two of you?
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@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
2 Jun 09
That is some great advice. Thanks so much. I am gonna hang on for the long haul. I am willing to start over with him you know clear the slate and start over. Its just kinda hard to hear that after you have shared the most intimate of moments and been open and honest from day one. I will be the same open person I have always been and hope that this new start is what he needs.
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@WilliamLudwig (2)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Greetings Autumn and myLot readers. I will try to speak from a similar position, to that of your husband. Personally I find it very hard to open up to people, to be blunt it is low self confidence and trust issues. For me, I feel it had a lot to do with my developmental years(teens). I had a very distant(figuratively speaking) direct family, so finding people who were truly interested in ME was quite difficult. As time passed, my feelings and issues became an irrelevant manner. My personality suffered, I went from being a semi-outgoing, outspoken child onto a quiet, shy young adult, lacking confidence. A barrier developed between who people know me as, and who I actually am. The barrier still exists today and continues to grow. No one I know has a clue, and it will probably stay that way for some time.
Anyhow, I hope the whole "Barrier" approach helped you get a feel for what your husband is and has gone through. As for "having a hard time", push through. He spent 14 years being someone else, just to keep you happy. So if you ask me, that is genuine love.
Good luck!
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@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Thats just it he did not spend 14 years being a different person. He just never let me in. He always kept himself at a distance. I was not happy as I only asked him to communicate with me let me know whats going on instead he lied to me and hurt me time and time again and now wants to start all over and put all of our past behind us. How do you put that hurt behind you when you know that the person that caused it is unwilling to communicate even now. I am really just so confused. and kinda angry at the whole situation.
@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
2 Jun 09
My most recent relationship has been with a man that lies at every turn (I know this now). Every time he gets caught in a lie, he swears he's going to stop... and then he lies again. I can't be with someone who isn't honest, I just can't. We've gone over and over the reasons why he lies. It's literally his first instinct. Even if it's not a problematic situation or no one is upset with him, he will respond to any direct questioning with a lie. He told me once that he thinks he lies because that way, he "won't get in trouble" or he will "have time to think about what he really wanted to say."
Here's an example -- one day, I discovered some personal items from my dresser drawer were left on top of the dresser. I knew I hadn't placed them there. So, in a phone conversation, I mentioned it to him and said "do you have any idea how they got there???" and he said he had "no clue." I couldn't imagine one of my daughters going into my dresser (they are older teens and really don't go in the room for any reason). When he got home, it was still bothering me and I said again, "I must be losing my mind but I don't know how those things got there." At that point, he admitted to me that he had been rifling through my drawer (I won't say why -- that's a whole other can of worms that has nothing to do with your discussion) and left those items out by accident. He let me go all day wondering what the heck was going on when he knew, right from my first question, that he was the one that left them there. Just a simple question and he couldn't be honest upfront. I agree that it's very hard to believe you ever truly know someone who is a habitual liar or one who "lies by omission," even for the most minute things.
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@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
2 Jun 09
I absolutely understand what you mean... it's like getting up every day and waiting for the other shoe to drop. I've been thinking more about your discussion since I posted and I know you're asking about honesty. However, I realize that it's not just about being honest ~ it's trust too. I've come to understand that, because I didn't get honesty out of the relationship, I lost trust in all of it. Things that I never questioned before became points of uncertainty. Things that were simple suddenly seemed complicated. Even when he did tell me things up front, I had a hard time believing them... history repeating itself in my mind, you know? As in, "well he never told me the truth before so why should I believe him this time?" I'm glad that you have the support of counselling to help you work on and through this time. No matter what happens, you're going to feel stronger on the other side of it.
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@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I dont think I could handle that. I mean for the most part he is honest in the day to day things its the big things that he has kept from me for so long. I mean I am not sure I even know who he is now. Its rather frightening I just dont know what to expect next you know.
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@Flirtykumquat (927)
• United States
2 Jun 09
Usually in the begining people don't let people in on everything but I am not sure why after 14yrs he wouldn't be honest. I have found out in my personal experience that the more I opened up in the begining I usually end up losing the person. I try not to get to close to the person until I know it is sometheing serious. Your husband could of went through something when he was yougner and has a trust issue and just never spoke about it. Sometimes counseling works try that.
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@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I understand holding back some things early on in the relationship but after 14 years you would think that he would have opened up long ago. We are in counseling thats how I found out about him not letting me in. He wants to start over with a new beginning and grow from there. I am just kinda confused about why now after all this time. I am giving him this chance to prove to me that what he says is true. I want to start over as well. Maybe this is our new beginning.
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@chapstek (85)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
Hi there Autumnrose2008! Good day to you. Well I think people sometimes lies because they do not want to say the truth which can hurt the people they love. But why do something that can hurt your loved ones in the first place right? For me, honestly also can show your love to others but they are afraid that their loved ones would get hurt if they say the truth. Being honest is not that easy Autumnorose2008, if hurting people is at stake.
@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Granted but wouldnt it be easier to just be honest and deal with the pain as it comes rather than dropping it on someone after all this time. I mean that hurt takes even longer to get over.
@kudatua77 (43)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 09
JUST let yur husband do what he want it.If he still let u in,u got through his heart.do the best way u can,dont pretend u likehem.Be yurself,and make yur husband him self.Be creative.go everywhere he want to go.follow him.take what he love to take,good thing only.Like what his love to like.Be dress,get smart,Learn him,dont u ever toucher his heart.take back yur love from him.Do u love cooking?This is the best way.
@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I have followed him for the last 14 years and found out that the man I loved and followed is not the man that he really is. I have been the perfect wife cleaned his house had dinner on the table etc etc and it didnt matter he didnt let me in. Made excuses for his bad choices and put the blame on me all the time. What more can I do?
@kudatua77 (43)
• Malaysia
4 Jun 09
wow,u got veavy problem here,i cant blame u and i dont understand yur husband actually,just 2 question,why are u married him?and y his married u?
I dont get it.r u married coz u love him?did u nor that i married to.but before i getting married,i fall in love with other girl(actually after engaged).But i still can accept my wife,have 2 nice boy and 2 nice daughter.My happinest justat my kids,not with my wife,But i still pretend my marriage foer my kids future,being good necessary its just the way i think.if he not let u in.let it be.but u must pretend ur marriage before someone could let u out.carefull..yur frend kudatua77..