help!! i need a break.
United States
June 2, 2009 1:27pm CST
I just made the biggest mess.
I TRULY NEED A CHANGE OF SCENERY OR SOMETHING. I make my tea in a glaaon glass jug. As i was going to put it in the refrigerator this morning i let that sucker slip out of my hands. I broke into what seemed a million pieces. Tea & glass went all over the inside of fridge
, all over the floor [that i just had mopped yesterday], all over the wall beside the fridge' etc. I want even mentioned the few choice words i used. I would get deleted for sure.
. TEA was in the drawers of the fridge' & most everywhere else. This mess was awful but that is my last glass gallon jar. Believe it or not old ones are hard to find. Loving antiques like i do i hate to break anything!!!! ANYBODY else having a good day like me?

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19 responses
@suzzy3 (8341)
3 Jun 09
What a mess.The other day I opened my cupboard door above my head to put some glass dishes away ,as soon as I opened the cupboard another big glass dish fell out of the cupboard and landed on my husbands mobile phone.The dish went everywhere smashing his phone to bits all in the washing waiting to go in the machine.It took ages to pick up all the bits then we got the outdoor hoover and vacummed all the bits up.What a shame it was your last gallon jar,and all that tea spilt everywhere at least my dish was empty.My heart goes out to you.xx
2 people like this
• United States
4 Jun 09
thanks, u are always so kind. sorry about your brakage. i really hate breaking anything. could have been alot worse. my friend jan's brother called me tonight. jan had told him what happened & he is going to bring me a jug tomorrow. bless her heart, her laid up w/ that stroke & worrying about me & my jug. that's a friend, isn't it?? THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE, SUZZY. HAPPY DAYS TO U.
• United States
7 Jun 09
I don't know Suzzy if she is or not. she has got no use at all of her left side. I'm afraid she isn't going to get it back. i hope &PRAY SHE DOES. THANKS.

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
2 Jun 09
This would upset me too - my grandson broke a Blue and white spode plate that I have and I oculd have wept. Love antiques so very much.,I am so sorry that it happened to you and I do hope that you can get another one from somewhere. Don't be so hard on yourself.
2 people like this
• United States
3 Jun 09
I'M SORRY about your plate. I know that did upset you. I hate to break anything especially some of my old things. maybe u can find one to replace it. i bet u could find one on ebay. do u ever go to ebay? THANKS FOR UR RESPONSE, HAVE A GREAT DAY.
• United States
4 Jun 09
i know that made you sick. i bet u can find one on ebay. do u have any friends that ebay that could look for you? wish i could see the plate i bet i could find u one on there. i use to sell on ebay but haven't in a few years.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
3 Jun 09
I have yet to master ebay! But this is a good idea. I collect old plate - especially wedgewood. This plate was in my BIL's family from the 1890's.
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• United States
4 Jun 09
THANKS PREE, for your response. Win a few, lose a few.

@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
3 Jun 09
Hi there Antique Lady.
I can't say that i have had a bad day today. I had my exam paper at one of my college disciplines and i have managed to write enough to pass it and get a good grade.
I have been shopping with my parents and got some of the things i want to eat or take with me to my girlfriend.
I am now cooking a stake for me to eat.... oops, i should check it NOW..
(comes back after 2 minutes...)
shew.... it was o.k.
You should use an unbreakable tea recipient, at least that way if you drop it, it won't brake.
2 people like this
• United States
4 Jun 09
THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE. Am glad u are having a good day. i now have a plastic one. glad your steak was o.k.

@ip5217 (1655)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
Oh man, I understand how you feel. I, too, would feel the same way if I'm a collector of something and that thing got stolen or destroyed, I will surely get mad.
My day is okay, so far. I just passed my certification exam, one more to go. After which, they can have me sign my new salary increase. I just got promoted by the way.
2 people like this
• United States
4 Jun 09
CONGRAULATIONS, on your promotion. wish u lots' of luck

@flyinglove (167)
• United States
3 Jun 09
i had exactly the same thing happen once, and yeah, tea all over the place is a mess!
i think it was funnier, though, the time when my brother, sister, and i were young and we decided to make cookies for mom while she was out. we put all the dry ingredients in a bowl to mix them up, but we put the bowl on the kitchen table RIGHT UNDER THE CEILING FAN. the fan picked up the flour and distributed it in a fine layer of white powder all over the kitchen. by the time mom got home we were all in tears thinking we would be in so much trouble because we didn't even know how to start cleaning up the mess. when mom came in she didn't know where to start, either, but at least she laughed about it instead of being mad.
2 people like this
• United States
3 Jun 09
OH MY, bet y'all were worried. I REMEMBER THAT FEELING OF DREAD. Lucky for y'all u had a good understanding mother. U were lucky. bet that was a mess.

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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Nope, I had a great day today. In fact I just got back from dinner with Grandpa Bob. Now that would have been a change of scenery for you. I have some old glass jars, maybe not as old as yours, but I do have some,I put flour and stuff in them.
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• United States
3 Jun 09

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@muru1950 (963)
• India
2 Jun 09
Hi antiquelady,
I am really very sorry to know that you have broken your glass jug with full of tea.
It is really bad to see a very old antique item getting broken.
Further it has taken you a lot of time to clean the floor and the fridge.
Hope that you will recover from that loss soon.
Have a break,if you need.
Happy mylotting.
2 people like this
• United States
2 Jun 09
Thanks MURU,guess it doesn't sound like a big deal but is what a big mess. I think i need a break, a long one w/some fun w/it. hope you are having a happy day. thanks for your response.
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Jun 09
THANKS STEPH, I think i'll stick to plastic pitchers w/a handle for my tea. They will be easier for me to handle. Thanks for your response, have a great day.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Jun 09
thanks jill, i need some luck, good luck, lately doesn't seem like i have had much. i hope that is my last stupid thiong i do today but don't hold your breath, i'm not.

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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
I could imagine that big mess you had! Certainly, more than the cleaning of all the mess,it is losing the antique gallon jar that affected you the most. Well, I do hate breaking things too but that happens and could not be avoided.I've actually lost almost all my antique glasses one after the other and it was sad to see them in pieces and being thrown in the garbage.
• United States
3 Jun 09
I sure did. I BET IT TOOK ME OVER AN HOUR TO GET THE DARN MESS CLEANED UP. i REALLY HATE BREAKING THINGS especially my old things. That is too bad about your glasses. I use wal-mart glasses for everyday. I would croak if my antique glasses got broke.

1 person likes this
• United States
3 Jun 09
THANKS JEN, It could have been alot worse. it could have been a good piece of glassware but hated to hated to lose my jug. Hope u are having a good week so far.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Bless your heart!!!! You've really had a time these days, haven't you? I was just thinking about the trouble you had defrosting your freezer and now this, LOL
! My word!!!! And the mess just went everywhere! I hope you will be able to find another glass gallon jug like that one. I was going to ask you if you liked antiques, seeing that your username is antiquelady. Both of my sisters and I like antiques, too.
Yes, I guess you would say I'm having a good day, too.
I went to the chiropractor today because I had been having a headache all day everyday since Sunday. I was also having a lot of stomach trouble off and on. I was hurting in all of my joints as well. You wouldn't happen to know if there has been a virus going around, would you? It seems like there's always something going around, though. I asked my chiropractor this and he said he had only had one patient here lately that had one. Anyway, I feel a lot better now. Kathy.

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• United States
3 Jun 09
HAVING old family pieces like that are really special. i have some old furniture but most of it i bought. i was my best customer.
. i really love glassware & have waaaaaaaaay too much in my house but i love every piece of it. i have alot that have been gifts.
yes, i twirled them curls for 47 years. i enjoyed my work but when i had the stroke 4 years ago my sons said that's it mom. i had other problems to & working had gotten really hard on me i was in so much pain. i hated to quit for more reasons than one.
have a happy day.

1 person likes this
• United States
3 Jun 09
I think the old devil is after me, lol. it was a biiiiiiiiiiiig mess. had to move the fridge'. it took me a long time to clean it up.
I love antiques. i has a store for over 10 years. i had it & the beauty shop together. i was a hairdresser for 47 years. u are talking right up my ally when u talk antiques. do u collect anything particular?
hope u get to feeling better. there is always some kind of bug going around here. have never been to a chiropractor but my oldest son goes all the time.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I didn't know you did hair for 47 years. That's a long time. I used to do nails and I really enjoyed that. I don't collect antiques but I do have some antique furniture in my house. For example, I have a secretary in my den. I also have an antique sofa in my music room. There is also some antique furniture in two of the bedrooms. We had all of this furniture in the house we were living in when I was born. I bet you had some pretty antiqus in your antique store.
I mainly collect sheet music and records. Kathy.

@xoxcharityxox (567)
• United States
2 Jun 09
That's horrible. I would have used a few choice words myself. Sometimes it just seems like everything goes wrong all at once. I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for or not but a lot of times wal mart carries the glass jugs. They have the ones for sun tea with the pour spout on the bottom. I don't know anywhere else you could pick one up. I love my tea also. I use a tea maker though. I didn't know if I'd like it that way or not, but it's actually pretty good and easy.
2 people like this
• United States
2 Jun 09
It was a #$$%*&%$ mess. Thanks i have seen those jugs at wal-mart. i just hated it about my jug because it was an old one. THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE. Have a happy day.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
3 Jun 09
my 3 year old son is quite fussy about foods,so i boil some potatoes and carrots,put them in the i find it easy to feed my son,the other day the mixer malfnctiooned and the lid flew ,spraying the contents all over the kitchen!!!and i didnot find it a bit funny,though my hubby was looking amused!(maybe to irritate me)
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Hi there antique,
Thankfully, I am not having a day like yours. I have had many of them tho so I can feel your pain. need to take a break. Go for a walk or visit the library...something. Usually when those kind of things start happening in my day...they will continue until I do take a much needed break from the action. I see this was written 21 hours ago. I hope things have gotten better for you by now.

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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Ps...I recently got a gallon jug from walmart with a cool spout. It is plastic and only 6.00. I'm sure it is nothing like your antique one but it works pretty well and as clumsy as I tend to be, if it breaks...i'm only going to be sobbing about the mess. It would at least hold your tea until you can replace the one you lost??

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Oh sweetheart!! I'm so sorry this happened to you!! I have done a similar thing too once and it's no fun to clean up after. I'm not sure if they're antique but my parents have or did have some gallon jars that they used to use but don't any more and I could see if they have them still and send them to you if you'd like? Seriously, they don't use them any more so I doubt they'd want them.
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Jun 09
YOU ARE A SWEETIE. Thanks for the offer. my friend jan who had the bad stroke told her brother about it & he's bringing me a jug tomorrow. Wasn't that sweet of her. i do apprecaiate your offer, very kind of u.

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
3 Jun 09
kaguvkov, That is not nice of you to say to my friend Antiquelady. If you don't have anything nice to say then please, move on to other discussions or don't answer any at all.
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• United States
3 Jun 09
GOT A LITTLE ATTITUDE, HAVE U?? U need to watch that.
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@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
oh so sorry to hear about your day my lady hope you didnt hurt yourself from the broken glasses. Just avoid using your antiques from now on so you will not break any of them anymore. Well I have had a bad week and not day I do hope this will end by tomorrow. I do hope you are ok now my lady. God bless and wish you all the best.

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• United States
4 Jun 09
I'M SORRY u have had a bad week. is it still the problem of who did what? I hope things get better for u REAL SOON.I am fine, was lucky i didn't get cut because i was barefooted when it happened.