obama? is he what we really need?????
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
United States
June 2, 2009 9:35pm CST
okay so there has been a lot of discussion lately on obama. Grant it I am kind of one that actually thinks obama being in as president is a good thing. Just because when a democrat has been office before things were good and jobs were good and plentiful, and I didn't have to worry about my parents having enough money to pay the house payment. Things have gotten so bad that bush didn't look at it to correct or fix it he left it for obama. yes, obama could have said no, but how can you say no to something in place before your time. some of this has been in the making since the great depression. i'm just saying give obama a break. Mccain would have put his thoughts in there and would have brought every troop in other countries home and where would be a country that has all it's millitary at bay but no one ready to fight a war if called upon. you leave open space for someone to get in and they will attack. It's like a hacker, there are so many loop wholes in getting access to ones computer that if you take all those loop wholes and put them in the millitary then we are week. but if you keep your strong out on the fore front then you might be able to get ahead of the war if one starts. Let me remind you that obama did not start this war, recession, terrorists - it was started long before he was born. So why blame him for something out of his control when all he can do is keep it at bay and then try to figure out the mess that he came in under. which I mine you was a hefty bag of a mess.
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11 responses
@tpayne33 (52)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I agree. This recession wasn't Obama's fault,but people are still blaming him. One thing is for sure that at least he is trying to something about it,where he previous president try to make believe that everything was fine. I think in the long run he will do the necessary things to get our economy back on the right track. It's going to take more than 4 years to do,but he will at least point us in the right direction.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Well, then please add your site to the argument. But please something else than just applause. I'd like to see some real arguments as to why what Obama did is great and why what Bush did is wrong. Just saying so doesn't really cut it. There are only a few people here taking up for Obama, and half of them do criticize at least some of his policies like anniepa. If you think that your position is not properly represented, you have to do something about it other than complain. If you can't do that, if I were you, I'd wonder if the position I think I'm in is really as great as it is made out to be.
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@jb78000 (15139)
3 Jun 09
well I'd planned to keep out of discussions about american politics since i don't live there. I just stuck that comment in because there seemed to be a lot of anti obama discussions going and not much dissent. anyway i approve of what obama seems to be doing or planning to do for the environment and i think shutting down g-bay was fairly brave. But as i said i don't want to get particularly involved in these discussions and it really goes against the grain to say anything nice about a politician...
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
3 Jun 09
Wow, where oh where to begin.....
"Grant it I am kind of one that actually thinks obama being in as president is a good thing. Just because when a democrat has been office before things were good and jobs were good and plentiful, and I didn't have to worry about my parents having enough money to pay the house payment"
So you base your vote on the letter next to someones name? Since your young enough to have only lived under one democrat, you missed out on quite possibly the worst president in U.S. history, Carter, I remember mile long gas lines, out of control inflation, and a generaly horrid economy by the end of his term, before he was litteraly boo'd out of office and he was a democrat.
"Things have gotten so bad that bush didn't look at it to correct or fix it he left it for obama"
Do you honestly believe the problems we have right now are the result of one man, one adminstration? I don't know what they are teaching in economics these days, but i suggest suplimenting your education a bit with alternative sources besides the indoctrination crap they teach in schools. this is a very deep rabbit hole.
"i'm just saying give obama a break"
Mccain would have put his thoughts in there and would have brought every troop in other countries home and where would be a country that has all it's millitary at bay but no one ready to fight a war if called upon.
Let me remind you that obama did not start this war, recession, terrorists - it was started long before he was born
Of course. And I don't blame him for them, however, I do xpect him to deal with them and if he doesn't do so propperly, I will critisize and call him out on it, it's my duty as a voter
Ok, points out of the way, there are a few things to adress here.
I'm going to let you in on a secret....there is no difference beteen the democratic party and the republican party on the large scale, they are very much the same, taking ourgovernment in the same direction, just in different lanes. You're old enough now to stop looking at things in terms of right/left liberal/conservative republican/democrat. there was an average of 6 candidates on the ballot this laste election for president. we keep voting in the same two parties election after election and somehow with a straight face manage to call it "change"
there is NO difference. they are both leading this country dangerously far from the principals of our founders and the constitution and We have allowed it out of ignorance, apathy and buying in to the right/left paradigm. It's a tool, a weapon the 2 parties use to stay in power and gain more power.
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@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
4 Jun 09
okay so since i got kicked off when i was saying what i was saying before. my main point i'm going to try to make here is every one gripes so much about the shape that we are in, but yet look who they are sending into office. WE( general public) vote for these people to be in there and vote for us and find good cause for us. so I ask this question- has it gotten bad enough for someone to stand up for what is going on in washington? yes I think it has, and although Obama may not be the brightest, and he might not be the smartest person as far as commen sense, atleast he's attempting to try to fix the problem which if i recall clinton done pretty good at that. why do you think there is still a clinton in the whitehouse. Grant it it's not the bill Clinton we expected but I think hillary clinton would have made a great president. I've also believed for a long time since obama got in that they just put obama in to clean it up a little and then Clinton come in a take over and fix it. I mean that's usually what the woman ends up having to do anyways. Am I right girls?? What's that saying: behind every good man there's a good woman. Who do you think was making the decisions in that family when clinton was in the whitehouse. Why do you think Clinton was put in the position she is in now. Everything is put in place for a reason. Every thing has it season as well. Regardless of how you feel about one side or the other, it's ultimately up to us to vote the right people in there to begin with. Now whether you think that OBAMA was the right choice or not, he's in there. I know someone compared him to ADOLF Hitler and I don't think that it was truly a fair comparison. I think maybe on the part of the way that people listend to obama and fled his way every time he spoke may have had some baring, but I think the general population need to realize that it's a different day and time than it was when the natzi's ruled and whether you want to believe it or not, you can't blame obama for the war the bush started, and you can't sit there and claim that mccain would have done better. one of the comments made was that mccain was too old and i agree, I mean I liked palen as far as that she was a woman and stood behind her beliefs. But we needed someone who was strong and knew his education and knew his historical facts and knew his political correctness all for the simple fact that you can't be weak and run the country. well I guess some people think that you don't need to know all that. i mean he's seeing as he actually sees the situation for being inside the white house that he can't do everything he promised all at once but rather sees what needs to be dealt ith first then go down the list. and if i'm not mistaken the first elsction bush ran in there was 19 candidates on the ballot including Ross perot. Who If I would have been an adult I would have voted for. i just think that if you whether you see this as a personal hit or not, you - in general- should do something about and put your self in a position to change laws and change ways that things are supposed to be done so that the right people will be put in there.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
5 Jun 09
Indeed, Obama is finding the reality of his job far different than the campaign trail. Were I ever to run, I would make VERY limited campaign promises, promising only to restore a constitutional government. I am actualy already in the process of exploring a run for represenative in my state house. I think this is where we need to begin making changes, in our state governments, our states need to stand up for themselves and take this country back at the state level, our states created the federal government, it didn't create the states, we own it, we are the superior authority over it and it's time we started reasserting that authority.
I don't nessesarily buy in to the comparison of Adolf hitler to Obama, I think that is a it much, BUT there are a few notable things there, the encroaching government control of industry, and the cult of peronality that follows him, we are setting a dangerous precident when we begin worshiping and idolizing public figures. Though Obama is no Hitler, in setting up this mentality, we are ensuring that down the road, when a hitler DOES come along, we will unwittingly open the door and roll out a red carpet for him/her with out ever even realizing it. Hitler didn't come charging in to power on a tank, he was elected as a very popular figure and was indeed welcomed with a red carpet.
I think Hillary may have been slightly less damaging and far less progressive, but still the same general direction, the two party stranglhold must be broken, I am an avid 3rd party voter and supporter and will in all likelyhood continue to do so.
Yes, we keep sending them there, we the voters keep putting the same two parties in office year after year and call it "change". Isn't insanity defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? It is why I support 3rd parties. I think 2010 is going to see a very different congress, a large number of people are waking up to this fact and I think you will see a number of independants and alternate parties sent to congress, it will be a good start.
thanks for your long and well thought out comment to my response.
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Same way everybody blames Bush for everything. BTW, it was Obama who wanted to get all the troops back ASAP but quickly realized how stupid that idea was after his advisers told him that logistically that wasn't even possible. Now as president he notices that it's not safe to get them all back, period. He is even going to leave some in Iraq. What a change in tune.
I don't think Obama is what we need because despite all of his education he doesn't have a grain of common sense or he would have seen a lot of what he planned for us doesn't really work. And although my little kids, even my three year old, know that money doesn't grow on trees and has to be earned, Obama keeps the printing presses humming. It's not working that well. I don't see much stimulation. And look at the car companies and how pushy he is there and how little disregard he has for the creditors. Those creditors are not investment bankers. Most of them are supply companies who are now forced to close their doors because they don't get paid for the material they supplied to those car manufacturers. Except of course their employees are not UAW people, which supported Obama during the campaign. The list goes on but is too long to post it all.
Obama may not have caused this trouble. Well, only conspiracy theorists may believe that. But he had been tauting that he can handle the situation. That he is the only one who can get us out of this and deliver jobs to us. I have seen several people being interviewed who fully believed he'll personally make sure that every American will have a job as soon as he is president. They wouldn't listen to reason that it is not possible. He has instilled high hopes in people and is now not living up to it. And yes, I blame him for that, because he doesn't now how to get us out of this. He doesn't know what to do. And to make matters worse, he is not leading by example. He is asking the nation to tighten the belt but I have not seen him tighten his own belt. You don't have lavish parties or quick trips to see a Broadway play (I don't even care if he paid for it all, which I doubt), when the average American is wondering if they still can pay the bills next month. It reminds me of Marie-Antoinette. The struggles of the average people... well, he could care less... 'let them have cake'....
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
3 Jun 09
A lot of the stuff isn't Obama's fault. Most of what he walked into wasn't his fault. But a lot of Americans simply do not find this good enough. The fact that we were--according to Obama--in the middle of the biggest crisis since the Great Depression when he came in does not warrant a free pass from everyone.
If Obama supporters would like to grant our president a free pass, I think that's fine. But I also feel as if they shouldn't continue to blame Bush for everything that Obama's doing in the exact same breath.
At some point, whether anyone is willing to admit it or not, Obama took over our country, and by default, everything became his. To prove that it was his, he enacted the measures that he wished, pushing for more spending, and pushing for government control of various industries in order to right the ship. By doing this, president Obama proclaimed that he was now in charge. So, honestly, it's impossible to have it both ways.
The war is the war. No wars are clean and tidy. I truly wish that we weren't in war. But I also understand that it's not that simple. The war should be viewed in the context of the world, not over a cup of liberal guilt. Trust me; even the hardest of the neo-cons aren't actually PRO-war. They're not begging to fight more wars. They just hold a different standard of protecting America against terrorism. A standard, by the way, that Obama is quickly becoming privy to.
Things done by the previous administration, though many disagree, were done to keep us safe. It's very hypocritical to blame them for doing that and then to criticize someone for criticizing Obama because they disagree with his actions.
A lot of us share ideological differences. It's understandable that some dislike Bush, dislike Republicans and conservatives in general, and want to explain that we should all be on board with Obama. But we all simply do not see things that way.
Being the president is a thankless job. Things Obama is doing to help his country will get him criticized. Why? Because not everyone agrees with the way he's doing it. It's no different than Bush. He did things in order to help the country. Not everyone agreed.
Obama's coverage is still the most favorable of any American president. He still has a relatively high approval rating. He is still given the benefit of the doubt by millions upon millions of Americans. If you're actually expecting more than that, well, you're not looking for fairness: you're looking for groupthink silence.
I think it's wonderful that we have dissent in America. It helps to keep people honest. However, criticisms should be fair and explained and kept in context. Anything outside of that is slander.
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@kudatua77 (43)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 09
there not being easy to be a vvip.do u think its easy to be a Mr President.There a million people he should care.out side or inside.Just what he make,its just for goodness of his country.Become a people below him just ordinary people,just make our job.Let him make his job.Easy.Give time to Obama to fix it.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Jun 09
Obama stole the property of every stock holder and bond holder of GM and Crysler. I'll ask you, is that what is needed?
Would you applaud Obama if it was your property he stole to "nationalize" and give to his buddies in the UAW?
I know the recession isn't Obama's fault, but the Democrats have held Congress for two years now... and have done nothing whatsover to fix anything.
Blame Bush all you want, but don't let Congress off the hook either (during either party majority).
Bush did make mistakes, but our economy was pretty healthy through most of his admiminstration, and the entire time the Republicans ran Congress. In other words, you ask us to give Obama his due, well, I ask nothing more than you giving Bush the same breaks you ask us to give Obama.
Rememeber, Bush had a lot of messes left over from Clinton... Clinton had a lot of messes left over from Bush Sr... and talk about messes, Carter left nothing but a pile of crap for Reagan to clean up.
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Obama is/was the LAST thing this country needed, but I was called a racist and every other name in the book for speaking out against him. Obama wants to turn American into a socialist and a Muslim nation, and he has already started the wheels turning to do so. I tried to tell people that this is what he wanted, and that he was going to waste no time getting to work on his hidden agenda. Unfortunately, we are not stuck with this a$$hole for at least four year. Hopefully, the American people will not be stupid enough to elect him for a second term, and hopefully, he will not screw up too much while he is in office. Oh well, don't blame me...I told you so...and I voted AGAINST him LOL
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@marcyyyy (517)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I am very happy that Barack is our president, and I did vote for him. I think his confidence, intelligence, and not having fears to correct a huge economic crisis even tho he's being critisized terrribly, is commendable. Sure, he'll make mistakes...he's only human. But when I listen to him, I feel very safe, secure, and so happy that I voted for him. I believe he's been thinking about all these problems all along, and we need to wait to see how everything turns out!!! He's doing a great job of getting the world back on our side again...I'm so tired of being hated, just because I'm an American. We need his charisma and diplomacy. Maybe he did say he'd take out all the troops right away, but he can admit that it's not that easy...there has to be a slow, systematic way to do it. Go Obama!!!! Thumbs up to you!!
@carrotman92 (446)
• United States
4 Jun 09
Of course he is, would you rather have John McCain? a guy that might die in office and then we would have the ding bat Palin as a president. The whole world would go down in shambles. Obama is doing a good job. He is turning around the economy. We all know you have to spend money to make money, so he has spent ALOT of money, but the stocks are going up. Stocks are near 9000 again ( 8750.00 ) Obama is doing great! and plus he is another thing, he is making and breaking som many records. And another thing, of course obama didnt start thus war, Bush did. Why are we focusing in IRAQ? is OSAMA BIN LADEN in IRAQ? no AFGANISTAN... so why dont we puy more troops in AFGANISTAN! and focus more in AFGANISTAN!
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
4 Jun 09
"Of course he is, would you rather have John McCain?"
No, absolutely no difference between him and Obama. So what about the other 4 candidates that ran in the elections?
"The whole world would go down in shambles"
You mean as aposed to the eutopia it is now?
"a guy that might die in office and then we would have the ding bat Palin as a president"
You should meet his mother.
"We all know you have to spend money to make money, so he has spent ALOT of money"
yes, as long as you HAVE money to spend, not monopoly oney you print when you need it, learn something about economics, and I don't mean the propaganda crap they are teaching you in highschool right now.
" but the stocks are going up."
and down....and up....and down (see above statement)
"Stocks are near 9000 again ( 8750.00 "
closed at around 8600 (see statement 2 lines up)
" Obama is doing great! "
could you be more specific? What "great things" has he done and how have they specificly effected what things and how hve they fit with in the frame of the constitution (cite text please)
" and plus he is another thing, he is making and breaking som many records"
yes, he has spent more than any other president in U.S. history, in fact, he has spent more than ALL OF THEM COMBINED in the few short months he has been in office.(see statement 4 lines up)
"And another thing, of course obama didnt start thus war, Bush did."
Yep, so your OK with Obama keeping 50,000 troups there indefinately?
"Why are we focusing in IRAQ?"
I don't know, ask Obama and the pentagon
"is OSAMA BIN LADEN in IRAQ? no AFGANISTAN... so why dont we puy more troops in AFGANISTAN!"
I don't know, why don't you ask Obama and the pentagon.