most unfogetable incident

June 3, 2009 3:28am CST
In our whole life there are very few incidents which we never forget,and most of ime feel very happy or laugh when we recollect them so let share such incident with all our friends. so plz share unforgettable incidents of ur life
1 response
@daliaj (5674)
• India
3 Jun 09
There is an unforgettable incident for me, which is embarassing too. This is about bribing a ticket examinter. That was the fist time I travelled alone in train and my ticket was not confirmed. I was very worried, so my dad told me to give Rs 50/- to the ticket examiner and ask for a seat I have the money, but he refused. It was very embarassing. That nice man finally got a seat found a seat for me. On that day I decided that I will never bribe anybody in the rest of my life.