Favorite potato chips (light discussion)

@khayshenz (1384)
United States
June 3, 2009 8:42am CST
Let's not take life too seriously - sometimes, we need discussions like this one. Different flavors of potato chips are going out like crazy - I think they try to find a different flavor everyday or so. They have the ridges, the kettle cooked, the list goes on. My favorite flavor is the JALAPENO. It sounds spicy I know, but it's really not that bad. Its flavorful and salty, and of course with a touch of spice. Not too much though. Even though with a flavor like Jalapeno, I think they still anticipate that non-spicy food eaters would try it. What's your favorite flavor? Do you have a favorite brand as well?
3 responses
@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
Ooh I love Jalapeno as well, but I like it most on Cheetos heheh! As for potato chips, I love sour cream, and also cheese, and of course it just follows that I love sour cream and cheddar LOL! I'm not too particular with brand unless they have a flavor that no one else has like kimchi, but I try too choose the better quality one that are not too expensive.
• United States
3 Jun 09
i like the jalapeno ones as well just a touch of spice to them. i also like ranch flavored doritos as well. but hands down i'll take the spice
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I like Pringles cheesy chips....or bbq..they are my favorites....I did try some that tasted like ketchup one time that I thought were pretty tasty but can't find them now!