Any fellow-Beagle lovers?
By jeneias
@jeneias (608)
United States
June 3, 2009 9:51am CST
Ok, ok, I know I'm not the only one here who is in love with this breed. Come I the only one who thinks that these dogs are just the cutest, EVER!!? I've never had a Beagle, yet I think I can say that these are my favorite dogs. They're so lovable, adorable, funny. Maybe not the most trainable dog (if you're not determined), but they'll keep you entertained for hours.
Beagles are the reason I am on here, actually! I'm trying to make some extra cash on the side so that I can purchase my first Beagle puppy. Lot's of money for a Beagle pup; around $250, +$300 if I want it shipped!. I know I won't make all that here but it won't hurt to try to get something outta Mylot!
So, how many of you out there are just as crazy about Beagles as I am? Any current Beagle owners who could share some tips or stories would be nice for me as well as future owners!
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6 responses
@Bad_Daddy55 (497)
• Canada
9 Jun 09
Don't say not the most trainable... A person i worked with at Flex n Gate Canada has the best hunting dog around, she won 3 1st place finishes for her hunting prowess.

@penguin67 (48)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
Yeah, I agree - they can be trained, they are very intelligent dogs. I think a lot of the time, it's their intelligence that makes them seem untrainable - they figure things out, and then decide whether or not they want to do them!! They can be quite stubborn too! And one thing we have found with our little girl is that when her nose is engaged her ears are disengaged!! We can call and cajole and offer treats, but if she's on a scent (in our backyard) nothing penetrates until she is ready to give up on the scent! That's what also makes them escape artists - they're always wanting to track that next scent. But they are adorable dogs, and I would not have any other breed, having had Shebuh for 3 yrs now.
Sandra (Melbourne, Australia)
@penguin67 (48)
• Australia
22 Jun 09
I also have to add, that we have actually trained our beagle to 'leave' her food until we either tell her to 'take' or after we have counted to 3. This is pretty good for a dog that is ruled by their stomach! She can also leave a treat until we have counted to three - she will concentrate fully on that little treat, waiting for that 'three!' and we can really drag out the time between 2 and 3, and she will still wait until she hears that word three!
@jeneias (608)
• United States
11 Jun 09
:) Thanks for your response. Beagles, and hounds in general, are known to be stubborn little things, thanks to their noses. I didn't mean it as a bad thing. But it just makes it harder to train a Beagle, or any hound. Not saying it's impossible. With some treats I'm sure it'd be a breeze. But compared to a Golden Retriever or Lab, hounds take much more dedication and patience to train.

@calmario (1)
• United States
5 Jun 09
I have a beagle her name is molly and she is just the best dog. She has a nick name princess. We also have a pit bull (old 10 yr) and a new black lab, maya. Molly is 2 1/2 she is a 13"er the small of the breed but she has gained weight and I'm going to put all three on a raw food diet instead of dry kibble. I'm trying to read all i can about it but it sounds good to me to try raw for there health and to help molly loose weight she gained alot after being spayed. She was hard to keep in the yard but it can be done they truley aim to please you.
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@penguin67 (48)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
That's so funny Cheryl - our beagle Shebuh has a nickname of Princess too, because she acts like such a princess at times!! Like when she wants to go under the covers, she gives you this hard nudge with her nose, so that you can lift them for her!! She won't go under unless you lift them up and she can walk to exactly where she wants to lay down!! And man, if you don't do it straight away she can be extremely insistent with that nose...... and if it's cold and wet it's even worse. Sometimes I'm surprised she doesn't leave a bruise from the hard nudges she gives!!
And I agree, they are hard to keep in the yard! We finally managed to make our yard 'Shebuh proof' so no more escaping:) We feed her on a home made food - she was getting too fat on 'commercial' food (not to mention the additives in them!). We get this dry mix, called Phuds, which is made up of all kinds of grains and dried vegetables. I then mix it with boiling water and chicken mince (it is meant to be raw mince, but because she tends to put on weight, I cook the mince, drain the liquid, take the fat off the liquid, then give her the liquid as an extra treat - it has lots of good stuff in it, like the gelatine from the bones) She adores this food, and she is thriving on it - she's healthy, has a great coat, and is very energetic (as most beagles are - she's 3, by the way) It's only available in Australia as far as I know - but I'm sure there are similar types of mixes available elsewhere.
Both my husband and myself have had dogs when we were growing up, but we both say that Shebuh is the best dog we've ever known. She is so affectionate and loving - she just makes every day happier.
Sandra (Melbourne, Australia)
@penguin67 (48)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
Jeneias, you are definitely not alone in loving the Beagle breed!! I adore them! We paid about $350 Australian for our Shebuh, and it's the best money ever spent. She is the light of our lives. She is loving, gentle, kind, sweet, affectionate, playful and soooo funny!Some tips I have for you are - firstly, ensure you have secure fencing. And I mean SECURE!! They are known escape artists. They can climb, dig or chew their way through a fence if they want to (just go to YouTube and key in 'Beagle escape' and you will see some extremely amusing escape attempts by beagles.)
Secondly, if you have one, don't ever let if off the leash outside of a fenced enclosure - as they will follow a scent and unless you have PERFECT recall, it is very hard to get them to come back. There has been many a time when I have chased Shebuh around our neighbouring streets, as she goes on her merry way, following scents and exploring! We have since made the fence escape proof, and ensure that she is unable to run out the front door when visitors arrive.
Thirdly, they are ruled by their nose and their stomach, subsequently they are inclined to get fat. You need to be very vigilant about keeping them out of the trash, as they will eat just about ANYTHING, and they can be harmed by eating the wrong thing. I say that you need to be vigilant about their diet, because Shebuh is a little overweight and we are only now managing to get the weight down. The pleading eyes are very, very hard to resist - so I have started giving her less at meal times, so I am still able to give her small treats without her stacking on the weight. Surprisingly though, she enjoys apples and oranges almost as much as her meaty treats - so I'm not so concerned about giving her too much fruit, as it is good for her....... but never feed a dog grapes or raisins as they can be poisonous to dogs and cause liver failure.
Lastly, they are a very energetic breed, and they are 'pack' animals, so unless you have the time to devote to them - in walking them, playing with them and spending time with them..... or you have another dog to keep them company...... you will find that they will act out with destructive behaviour, and bark and howl for attention, which might not impress your neighbours!!Don't get me wrong, I adore Shebuh and beagles, but you need to know exactly what is involved in owning one. Too many beagles end up in shelters because people see them as a puppy - and I truly believe that beagle puppies are the most adorable of all puppies ever, with their little puppy paws and velvety ears - and don't realise that they grow up into a dog that can be a challenge. Ensure that you do your research about the breeders, know exactly what you are in for, make sure your pup is properly socialised at a young age (before 12-16 weeks) and that you start training early. If you do all of these things you will be rewarded with the most amazing companion you'd ever know. And if you do get your puppy - make sure you come and join the BeagleWorld forum at Yahoo groups..... it's a great place for advice and general chat with other beagle owners.
I hope that I've helped you out with my information, and don't hesitate to ask me, if you have any other specific questions about Beagles, because believe me I have learnt a lot the past 3 yrs!!Sandra (Melbourne, Australia)
@jeneias (608)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Thanks, Sandra, for all that information. I haven't gotten my Beagle pup yet, but this info will definitely come in handy! Also, this will be my first Beagle, so I'm going to need all the help I can get. If you don't mind, I'd like to add you as a friend so I can easily contact you in the future. Thanks again! :)
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I love all dogs. Actually when we adopted our dog from the shelter they told us that she was a beagle mix. As a puppy she kind of looked like a beagle puppy, she had the coloring and the ears. As she got bigger though she started looking less and less like a beagle. She may have had a little beagle in her, but she ended up resembling a grey hound and a shepphard, she wsa not quite as big as either of those, but much bigger than a beagle. But I do love beagles I love their ears, and their sweet eyes. I hope you are able to get your beagle pup soon.
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@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
4 Jun 09
I have had two "part" beagles and they are certianly sweet and loveable, but you have to be patient and undertanding to train them so they won't chew up your stuff or scare your neighbors, they are very protective too.
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@Guitarpunk (738)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Yeah, Beagles are soo cute. They are my favorite dog breed next to Collies and German Shephards.
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