Would you get the DNA test done or would you leave it alone?
By peedielyn
@peedielyn (1207)
United States
June 3, 2009 3:15pm CST
My BF has a dilemma and I am trying to be patient with him about it. He was married previously and "had" two children out of it. They divorced because of her infidelity. She cheated on him with two different people, one of whom she is still with. The other one could possibly be the father of the his 10 year old. This little girl looks nothing like him or his family and the traits are really off too. He has had this suspicion since she got pregnant with the little girl. When it came time for her to have the baby-SHE claimed the little girl was 2 months early and the Dr. told him that the baby was full term. When they finally divorced, he told her he knew that she might not be his, and in return she tried to tell him different. The judgement in the divorce was for him to pay well over $500 a month--which we had no problem with--for child support.
Right now, the kids are out of school and we get them for a week at a time, every other week. He's upset because he still has to pay her support even though he has the kids that week and that is straining our checking accounts to feed all four of mine and his three (he has another from a previous relationship). He is constantly talking about how his gut is telling him that the 10 year old is not his. He loves her and wants to maintain a relationship with her but financially, we would be better off without the extra $280 going out. I feel his concerns and looked up DNA testing kits online. He wants to do the test without the mother knowing, so there won't be any conflict right away. The mother is constantly calling and harrassing him for money and with his health, this isn't helping. I told him to do it without her knowing (it's possible right now). And if the test showed that she wasn't his, to not tramatize the child but talk to the mom about dropping some of the child support. What would you do? Help please!
11 responses
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
4 Jun 09
If he wants to know that's fine. Does he want to hurt the child? The child thinks of him as Dad. The mother probably won't let him have anything to do with the child once the child support stops and the courts won't either, obviously if he's not the dad. Maybe he should confront the mother first. Maybe a little threat of a DNA test would have her reduce the payments or he wouldn't have to pay while he is keeping the kids for a couple weeks out of the month. It depends on why he is doing the DNA test as to how he should do it. Maybe take the test without anyone knowing and after he finds out the results he could confront the mother, after her answer go to a lawyer and then have to go to a doctor for the test to be legal. It really depends on what he wants. Does he not want any contact with the child? He needs to be careful how he approaches it. Before doing anything the home DNA kit might be best and then decide what to do if anything.

@mommaj (23112)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I'm so happy for you. It looks like things are looking up. Maybe your husband should ask for full custody of the children since she is having "problems" right now. It would probably be in his best interest if he cares about the kids to ask for custody to "help" the mom. Seems she doesn't need money, she needs care. That may put you in financial hardship because then you would have to pay for their care. You could ask for child support from the mom.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Jun 09
Both parents have to give a blood sample along with the child in question. Even if it were possible he'd still have to get the kid to agree. In the best case scenario he does a swab, do you really think that will hold up in court? The judge is more likely to say that since he didn't do anything when he first suspected it, then he accepted the child as his.
He's willing to damage a ten year old emotionally for $280 a month?

@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
11 Jun 09
I totally want to apologize on this note. I didn't mean to step on feet when I was acting like a know-it-all. I truly am sorry. As far as the child not knowing, we talked to her doctor and he said that he would swab her during her regular check-up and would send out the test for us. That might keep things at bay. I thought that was brilliant idea when my dad told me what he thought we should do. When I told the boyfriend, he said that she gets swabbed for strep almost every time she goes in because she is so prone to the disease anyhow so this would be routine for her. I feel you on that case you spoke of. My cousin got ripped through his social security because he claimed he was bi-polar and was hearing voices. He also was in debt for 5 kids in child support and here in Ohio--they getcha!! I hope things just turn out nicely, regardless of what the test says. The mother is so scared right now that he's going to abandon the little girl because he might not be the father and he says on the contrary, you don't tell her and she won't know. He doesn't want to lose the child at all, but wants to know to put his mind at ease. With the health problems that he's dealing with now and his son being on the verge, it scares the heck out of him that "his" daughter could be at risk too. I see all points in this matter and it is disheartening but I am following my gut and pushing him to do the same.
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
4 Jun 09
On the contrary, it can be done with one parent, a brother, a sister and even an aunt. They do it in crime labs all over and since I am a licensed phlebotomist I can vouch for that. The judge can say what she wants, all we have to do is go into court and tell them that she just informed us on this little tid-bit and we go from there. I know the judge in question personally, as she saved my dad from paying support for my little sister that biologically isn't his. She also saved my butt from an abusive home. The fact that he wants to know for piece of mind is the subject at hand. He loves her dearly, but since his health is so bad, and the fact that her mother told him that there was someone else--kinda plays a key role here. I've got education on my side. Just needed opinions. Thank you for responding!
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Jun 09
I stand corrected. It's been a number of years though since we did the test so things are bound to change.
He still can't do it without the child and how does he plan on explaining it to her? What's to stop the little girl from telling her mom about it? She's the one who is going to be hurt by this in the long run. She's the only innocent one in this matter.
I understand him being ill and unable to pay. Those things happen. I'm just looking at this from the perspective of a mother whose ex claims disability just so he won't have to pay and kids who find it hard to understand how he can claim to love them but refuses to take care of them. I tend to be a bit cynical when it comes to issues like this.

@suzzy3 (8341)
4 Jun 09
What an awful situation but you must have the test done,how the child will feel must be handled properly,who on earth is the father of this poor child,the mother must find him and tell him to support her.your poor partner what a terrible place to be,loving the child he thought was his own but now saying to this child you are on your own.The others can have stuff, but because of an accident of birth you cannot have what the others are getting.Once the test is done it might be his child.So you will have to continue to support this poor child.I feel sorry for the child the mess adults can make is paid for by the children.the childs mother should get her act together and take a part time job to pay for this herself.My heart goes out to you as well,what a mess.Good luck in sorting it all out.
@mrsl2008 (634)
4 Jun 09
This is a very tricky situation & should be considered at great length. The little girl regardless of biological origin is his daughter. She does not know any different & is it really worth damaging her emotionally? She may not wish to continue a relationship with him if he puts her through it. She may well cut him off at a later date.
I'm sure your boyfriend regards her as a daughter, loves her as a daugther and would do anything to protect her. If he just wants to put his mind at rest, do the swab but if it's just not to pay the money, you need to do it by the book or the ex will dispute it and make it even more ugly than it needs to be.
Times are hard for everyone and you sound like a wonderful family!! You are a very caring person, this shows as you have posted this here. It's a difficult subject.
Write down all the pro's & con's, consider the worst cons, e.g how is this little girl going to feel? Her life could be ripped to shreds in a matter of minutes. I know full well your BF most likely wouldn't treat her any differently but she would always know he questioned it regardless of the outcome. It also opens up all sorts of questions if your BF isn't the daddy, who is, how can she find him and so on!!
It is so awful that she cheated in the first place with absolutely no regard for anybody else and the possible outcomes!!
You need to focus on which is more important, the little girl or the money??
My eldest is from a previous relationship. I found out about the pregnancy after I had split up from her dad. Needless to say I found myself in a similar situation however I got the information about the DNA tests, how much where etc & told him, if he doubted to go and get a test but he was paying. He wasn't short of the money but never did set it up.
He paid me unofficial child support every week straight into my bank, so I could not later dispute it but when I entered into another relationship 5 years later, the money stopped.
I haven't bothered him for it and he hasn't bothered me but my eldest never knew him the last time she saw him she was 9 months old. She's now 10!!
Sorry about the ramble!!
I hope things work out for you & your family
All the best
Mrsl x x
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
11 Jun 09
When I first found out about it I sat down and weighed everything out. I wrote it all down. And now, that the mom agrees to do it, we think this is the best idea. We don't want the little girl to know right away. She is an emotional wreck anyways and her mom agrees with us that regardless the outcome, we don't want her to know. She didn't agree to finding the possible biological father, but seeing how my BF already knows who that is and where he is at, this won't be a problem. We thought that the extra money would be nice, but with his health deteriorating at the rate it is, and his son is on the verge of disaster, this is another factor. What if she has what they do?, and so on. I don't want Samy hurt. She's a good kid and the mistakes of her mother shouldn't be placed anywhere near her shoulders, but I feel the boyfriend on that note. He knows the "winner of a man" that the other possibility might be, so he has no fear of losing "his" little girl. We all figure that when the time comes that she might want to know, then we will tell her. If not, then not. I get $2 every six months through official child support so I know where you are coming from. I got tested every time so there was never any doubt. I never liked going to court and stopped it right there. My kids don't really know their dad but see him once in a blue moon. I have never denied him any rights but I guess I am a sucky mom by not encouraging it more often. I just feel that you shouldn't force your kids on dad--if he wants them he will let them know. This plays into samy's situation. The guy we think is the father is a loser and that's being nice about it. So, my bf has no problems keeping his little girl. Don't apologize for ranting! I love to talk! Thank you!
@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
4 Jun 09
I don't know that it would be that simple to get the child support dropped. If you are going to do a dna test you have to make sure that it is one that would be recognized by the court. those diy home tests might not qualify. he needs to go back to court and have the support adjusted because of the amount of time they spend in your home. if she is harassing him for money, he can also bring this issue up in court. i know from experience that men get screwed but at least put up a fight. you or your husband might mention to her that if she does not start to back off you will request a dna test. mind you, it can be pricey to do a court ordered test. $400 is average cost for one. but in the long run if she turns out to be not his biological child it is worth it. good luck.
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
11 Jun 09
In Ohio, it's not that easy. Ohio will not bastar*ize a child so in order to take his name off the birth certificate, they would have to prove that 1. he's not the father and 2. who is the father. As a matter of fact, I just read up in a law book and plus my own experience with that is that his name will not come off the Birth Cert, but he won't have to pay the support. He asked me about getting that money back and I said that whatever he paid in is gone. UNLESS, he asks the courts to escrow it but then he would have to come up with a good excuse. We are not wanting to go to court yet. He wants to know BEFORE he tries to open the case back up because that is just extra hassle and money. I am hoping that everything works out right. The test that we are going to use costs around $100, but if we want it usable in court it will be an extra $350. Like, I told him, if you find out that she's not yours from the home test, then you can take that to the child support office and they can re-order another test at that point to provide for the courts at around $75. The reason that's so cheap is because the child support office said that the company we want to use is linked to their labs and all they need to do is retake the test or submit the results and that kinda discounts things. I'm telling you--it pays to be nosy!
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Well, I am glad that this came to a good ending. I am sorry that he went through all of that. I talked to the BF and he said that he still wanted to love her like he always had, but he needs to know the truth, regardless of the outcome. If he isn't the father, then the one who we suspect is. And that itself is a horrible thing. We all agreed that she wouldn't know until the time came and I am thankful for that. She is just hitting puberty and is not only whiny anyways but 10 times worse because of the hormones. She truly would not understand what's going on due to the fact that shes about as mature as a 2 year old. I can only hope that all good comes out of our situation. Thank you for sharing your story. This gives me lots of hope now!
@angelsmummy (1696)
3 Jun 09
This DNA test needs to be done hunni. You 2 should not be paying for a child that may or may not be his!! i know its a hard decision and it seems like you are going through alot! If ypou get one from the internet then make sure its atleast 95-97% accurate! Obviously you would be better off not paying for the child. I think it will be best going behind her back to do it as it would cause conflict and she may not agree to it!! Good luck and let us know how it goes!!!!
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
3 Jun 09
This was my opinion to a T! He thought that doing it behind her back was better because he was didn't want the little girl to really know what was going on because she tell's mommy everything. Our family doctor said he would swab her so she wouldn't know what was going on either to make it easier on us. I hope this works and I will definately keep you all posted. Thanks again!
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Jun 09
You can't do it behind her back. I've been through this with my oldest. You need DNA from both parents and the child.
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
4 Jun 09
Well she knows now, but the test we are doing doesn't need the mother. Oh and we are not submitting anything to the courts until they order it. The one we have doesn't need both parents and isn't dealt with by the courts. I have four children and they never needed my Dna until we needed a bone marrow transplant. It can be done. She has finally agreed to it though!
@camomom (7535)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I would talk him into doing the test. Try not to let the daughter know what's going on. Tell her she's being tested for something else. Keep it from the mother until you get the results. He will still be her Daddy just not her Father. If she is not his child he needs to get the child support dropped.
@smartie0317 (1610)
• United States
4 Jun 09
Someone I knew went through something simialr. He was raising a kid that wasn't his and when they broke up, he had to paid child support. It was later revealed, by the mom, he was the father. he went to court and the court said he had assumed the role of father and still had to pay child support until the child turned 18. So, he still might have to if he's not the father, but has been there for 10 years assuming the role, and if he wants any type of contact with her.
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
11 Jun 09
I agree that there is that possibility and we have discussed that. The only thing that would work in our favor is that we all know the judge personally. This woman has seen us all in diapers and if it hadn't been for them being married, she would have ordered one. Speaking with her, she said to do it privately and gave us a list of labs to go to or talk to. And though she can not take the name off of the birth certificate because they might not know who the exact father is, he might have the child support completely stopped for that child. The only catch, she said, was that he will never see the money he has already paid in. My BF said that he didn't care. There were many circumstances that play on him finding out. Peace of mind, health and family diseases, morals, and stopping a money hungry so &so from getting what she "THINKS" she deserves. That sounds selfish but this is the judges words. She gets over $500 just for one kid that she had at 15 and my BF took care of from 3 months of age and then some. The judge knows us all to well and so I see that if we can keep things quiet that maybe this will work out peacefully.
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
4 Jun 09
I'd do Da NA test on my kids even if I thought they were mine. You can never trust anyone. Everyone lies about something and that's why this great technology was invented.
@cicisnana (772)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I would do the DNA test, but with the mothers consent, no matter how much she b*tched about it. He has the right to know if that is his child or if she isn't. And if she isn't, there is no reason for her to be supporting her. Of course, the only downside is going to be the girls feelings. Especially if she is his child. She may be "well, you didn't want me to be your child." Of course, at this age, she may very well feel he doesn't love her. But as she gets older, she should be able to understnad the reasons for him doing it. Tough call sweetheart, I hope you guys make the best decision for your family.
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
3 Jun 09
He wants to know for himself is how this started out. We don't need mom's DNA to do it and it's perfectly legal. He thought about the little girl in this too. She won't know what's going on until much later as we already know and so does the mother that the other possibility is a "winner". At this point because she thinks she runs his life because she's the ex, he wants to hit her in the face with a big fat "shuttheheckup". I told him that I thought this would save money on a lot of things. She gets well over $1200 now for all three kids, and he helps raise them all (with at least 1 out of three his for sure). I hope it all works out just fine. wish us luck! and thank you for responding!
@Corkery (3)
• United States
4 Jun 09
WOW, that is a toughie. I can understand his wanting to know, but he must consider the feelings of his daughter. She is 10...she wouldn't understand and the hurt it could cause...
I wouldn't do a home test DNA as you can't be sure of their reliability. I also wouldn't do it secretly, that could cause even bigger problems.
If he is determined to do this, despite his daughter's well being, he better be prepared to shell out money for a therapist for this little girl.
Whatever you decide to do, please consider that poor little girl.She is the real victim here.
Good luck to you. I hope you can resolve this with minimal pain.
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
11 Jun 09
I agree with you totally. I think he is the victim as well. He needs to know for his peace of mind, plus the health risks in the family are now involved. Like I said above, we plan to let the doctor swab her and go from there. If she is his, then this will be dropped. If not, mom is begging not to tell and no one had any intentions to tell her. He loves that little girl and doesn't want harm to come to her and like he said, if he had done this sooner, he might not have gotten the chance to love her and be the "daddy" she loves so much. He doesn't want to lose her, just wants to know. Thank you for the response.