Have you ever prayed for something stupid?

United States
June 4, 2009 8:09am CST
Deep in my heart I know that we'll be provided with everything we need in life. Whenever things look pretty bad, like if we don't think we can afford the rent and we think we might be evicted, I know that somehow it will work out and we'll be okay. We'll either find a way to pay the rent, or we'll find a place to go. We'll always get what we need, so I don't need to pray and ask for anything. I was watching a show on TV, a reality show with a bunch of spoiled rotten celebrities. One of them talked about how everything they pray for, they get. They prayed to hang out with Miley Cyrus, and they got their wish. Sometimes I will pray for more patience, understanding, compassion, and yes, even more money. I don't think those are stupid things. Have you ever prayed or wished for something stupid?
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31 responses
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
4 Jun 09
NO, I don't think that I have prayed for something stupid. I take prayer seriously. I pray a lot for wisdom so that I can get myself out of my difficulty. I pray daily for the health of my family andf I have also prayed for money to pay certain bills. Like last week, I needed around US$2oo to pay the heart Consultant. I dio not have the money and hate asking the children to send me money. I prayed about it and a the day before I went (at this stage I was thinking that I would get a cah advance off my credit card) and I suddenly reemmbered that I had not cashe din my widows pension. This is just a small amount of money and I forget to cash it in regularly. Well, I hadn't cahsed it for two moinths and guess what ? Ther wa enough money to pay the consultant and gas out of this money!
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• United States
4 Jun 09
Awesome! I know God always makes sure we're taken care of. We have a power bill coming up, and our rent was due the other day. We didn't have enough for both. I thought the power bill was due this weekend, and we needed last week and this week to come up with rent money. We called the power company, that is not due until next week. We'll make it. It will be tight, but we'll make it!
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• United States
4 Jun 09
That's the truth! Too many people have too much money and don't use it the way they should. Instead they're making sure they have more than they need! Ridiculous if you ask me.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
4 Jun 09
I know that you will make it o.k. No one ever promised 'Thou shalt have life Fair". That phrase was not carved in stone. But if we are faithful and do our best then we will have eterna life. There is nothing wrong with having a lot of money and money is good if it is used wisely. But if we are blessed with a lot of money then we are obliged to help others as much as possible. Our own financial well being should be taken care of, of course, and money for children should thye wish to go to college but we must help those - often through no fasult of their own - are in poverty. Blessings
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
4 Jun 09
People who have good wishes and hopes still starve everyday in this world. Hoping and knowing things will get better does not mean they will. And as far as getting everything you pray for, that's really ridiculous. If that were true, who would ever die... Have I ever prayed or wished for something stupid? Probably. However, I believe in a God who cares about the small details in my life. So maybe some of the things I pray about may seem trivial (even to myself sometimes). But He loves me as His child. As a parent, I am interested in the small things in my child's life too. But the Bible ALSO says that God looks at the heart. He knows my motivation. I can have some very selfish wants. But ultimately, prayer is aligning my will to His. As my Father, He knows what is best for me. He has the final say.
• United States
4 Jun 09
My beliefs are similar. I remember one time shortly after I'd gotten out of a long, bad relationship, I felt alone and really wanted another relationship. I prayed that I would find someone to be with. During my prayer suddenly I felt my mind changing, almost as if on it's own. After I had finished praying I was no longer in a hurry to find someone to be with, instead I was content enough to wait. I realized there were things I needed to work on, my own attitudes and flaws in my past relationship. When I was ready my relationship would come along and I didn't need to rush it. That's exactly what happened. About 6 months later I fell in love with my best friend, and we've been together for 8 years!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
5 Jun 09
Hey kats, Pray for patience, understanding and compassion is not stupid! Spencer Pratt is phucking spoiled azzhole! And praying to hang out with Miley Cyrus is moronic as and so are they both as they deserve each other the spoiled jerks that they are! That is not even like we live in the real world anyway! If we dare to even pray for something stupid it could never be as pathetic and selfish as anything like that anyway and God would certainly forgive us!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
5 Jun 09
Oh, by the way I watch those "entertainment shows at night" and when I saw that last night I just couldn't believe it! lol It just amazes me how low someone like that azzhole Spencer Pratt and his dumb azz wife could possibly go!
@VE3IYB (209)
• Canada
5 Jun 09
Have you ever prayed for something stupid? probably. but that brings up another moral question does it not? I mean, we are to bring EVERYTHING to the Lord our God in prayer, is there really in fact a "stupid prayer?" While something may appear on the surface to be "stupid" is it not the 2 way open communication with the Lord our God that is more important? Are we not taught to "lean not on our own understanding but, to trust in God for everything?" So have I prayed for something stupid? yes but, I am also prayed too long for something and not released it to God sooner. Case in point, I prayed that I would meet someone. I prayed the same prayer for 28 days straight. At the end of 28 days I asked God a question. God, why am I praying the same prayer that I prayed 28 days ago? God's response "I don't know" So I asked God did you hear my first prayer? He said "yes." OK, so then God did your hear my last prayer? He said "yes." OK then I said then should I not trust that you have the situation under control, and that I should have the faith to accept any outcome? He said "yes." Upon releasing it to God I never thought about it again. A month later I meet someone, 6 months after that we were married and have been for the past 17 years with one child. The problem is not the economy, the problem is that we are not using knee mail enough!
@rainmark (4302)
5 Jun 09
Like you, i do prayed to God to help me to find or to met someone special, the man of my life and i asked him a signed and after many many many months and it became a years of prayers and tears i met that special man and im happily married to him and we have a son now. I think it's not stupid coz it came from the bottom of my heart and i am sincere. And God never failed me. Happy posting.
@mrbluey (36)
• Singapore
4 Jun 09
Are you a Christian? I really like this topic. Yes, I do think God is totally faithful. He will give you all that you ask if it is the best for you. And believe me, God knows all that is best for every one of us. I think God does provide us with what we need. At the same time, a healthy prayer life is wonderful. Also, it goes in a verse, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness. And all these things will be given unto you..." This means that when you have been looking for God and His goodness, the rest will follow. He will faithfully provide for you all you need. (And this is something He has done all of our lives. I'm very glad you know that) On an even deeper level, this verse can be translated: "Seek the goodness of God, and you have been blessed with everything". It does have a deep difference. I hope I haven't rambled too much!
• United States
5 Jun 09
Hm... believing and trusting in God and His Son are all He requires for a relationship with Him. Sounds to me like she's got it, regardless of whether or not it's labeled.... Same things, different names.
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• United States
4 Jun 09
I'm not Christian at this time, but I do believe in God. I don't follow a denomonation, and never did. My religion just sort of came to me (I was raised by Athiests). It found me instead of me finding it, which makes it that much easier to believe in and trust.
• Singapore
4 Jun 09
Someday I hope you'll see the necessity of making a choice. Meanwhile.. Keep praying - pray for God to show you His glorious identity, to show you why He is true. Believe me - God does not ask for blind faith! Need a little help here? You might pay a little visit to this website: http://www.everystudent.com/features/faith.html Peace be with you!
• United States
4 Jun 09
I prayed to be immortal when I was 5 :P lol
• United States
4 Jun 09
I think a lot of kids pray for silly things. My biggest wish when I was a kid was to find true love! I did... but I had to wait until I grew up!
• United States
4 Jun 09
That's great! I don't think my wish will come true though :P
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
4 Jun 09
We are all immortal..... just not all headed in the same direction....
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Jun 09
The way I look at things is there is nothing on this Earth that is not worth Praying about. I am sure many of the Prayers going up to God each day might seem minimal to many, or even a little foolish, but does it not say to Trust and seek God in everything, and that means if it is something Small do not be afraid to ask and see what happens. But the way I look at it, in today's economy Praying and seeking God for answers for things could be the Best thing for sure.
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
9 Jun 09
It is better to work for what you want, don't hang your hat too high.
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jun 09
I am always praying for really silly little things haha most of the time I get them too! I seem to get most of them answered for what I ask for which I always think is quite weird, although I have been asking for hubby to get a job for the last four months but no luck so far with that one, although sometimes I do think someone up there is teasing us as good jobs come along and hubby goes for them gets told literally hes got the job and then he never hears off them hah!!!
• United States
4 Jun 09
I am so sorry things are going so horribly! Perhaps the right job for him just hasn't come along yet. I've always told hubby that every job he's ever had has trained him for the one he's meant for. Each job teaches him something new, a trade or skill that will be important. When he looses a job I say "That one was only meant to teach you that skill which will be needed for the job you're meant for"
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
20 Jun 09
Have I ever prayed for something stupid in my entire life? Not that I can remember. I always pray for things that is important to me and to my family. Like good health,courage, wisdom and lot's of blessings from him.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
9 Jun 09
haha yes.... when I was a kid, i was snowtubing and i started praying that i wouldn't fall off. Sure enough, a second after my amen, I fell on my butt and had to walk down the rest of the hill in shame (my tube got away from me). Now I only pray for things that are actually important. Haha.
@mbs2323 (254)
• Malaysia
4 Jun 09
Hey katsmeow123, During the previous season of American Idol, I thought both finalists were amazing and they both should have deserved the title. And so I prayed that the competition would come out with a different result, a tie! Is it something stupid to pray for? My mom thinks it is. Happy mylotting :)
• United States
4 Jun 09
There are some that those prayers would not be stupid for, I bet those contestants were each praying they'd win.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
10 Jun 09
Luckily, I haven't prayed for something stupid. I always pray for good health, guidance, strength. I read once that you need to pray like a child. Pray without hesitation. God wants us to lean on to Him, that we still need Him despite of everything.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
23 Oct 10
Hm I usually dont pray for stupid things but after several attempts of cheating at uno and losing after playing it with my nieces I prayed that I would win and I did twice. Its funny how God listens to the silliest of prayers. Er another weird thing i prayed for was elf ears which oddly enough my ears are kinda shaped this way.
@shaggin (74036)
• United States
6 Jun 09
What a great positive outlook you have. I try to be that way but I tend to be a pessimist so its really hard for me to think positively of the future. I take life day by day thats about all I can do. I was taught when I was small never to waste gods time on materialist things. Along those lines I also think praying and asking to meet a celebrity is not something we need to do. I remember in high school some kids praying they passed a test. I don't think I ever did that. I think I did pray that I would get through my school years as I had a really rough time. I usually pray that the Lord keeps me and my family safe other then that I don't really do anything specific unless I hear someone is in the hospital or critically ill then I will pray for them!
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jun 09
Hi katsmeow, In my opinion, the best prayer is gratitude and a willingness to share what we have with the less fortunate. To ask the universe for compassion and understanding so that we can love those we do not understand,even those that some would call the unlovable, is a noble prayer. Knowing that our every need is already met is also prayer. Those who would ask for favours for themselves over others don't understand prayer. Blessings.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Jun 09
I want to hang out with Miley Cyrus so that I can tell her what a spoiled rotten brat she is. Just kidding... Well I watch these jewelry tv shows during commercials and occasionally I wish that certain items would magically appear on my finger. They never do. hmmm....
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
5 Jun 09
Maybe what some see as stupid is not to another. Who's to judge? To me the spoiled rotten celeBRATy you mentioned sounds stupid to me too. But maybe i have pray for something that you and her think is stupid. I guess in recieving and answering prayers Jahovah is the only one who can say its stupid or if and when he answeers.
@rainmark (4302)
5 Jun 09
I neve prayed for those kinds of things, it sounds stupid for me. What i always pray is the good health,safety, love,for my whole family and guidance from God for my family and for my life,and i pra that he will help me to find a job coz i really really need money now. But when i was a kid i prayed for pretty dress and shoes
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
7 Jun 09
If I make a wish, I make a wish for the salvation of all the living creatures in this world, including me...Yeah, pretty stupid wish, but its from my heart... happy mylotting...