Our mountains and visit beautifull place

June 4, 2009 3:45pm CST
In summer holiday I go to the mountain.I take my family and make more visited and more monumental place.I go to the Bucegi mountains.You can tell me where are you going in your holiday,summer or in other season?
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3 responses
@cobradene (1171)
• India
21 Dec 09
I may go to the Himalayas or Leh. This year and last year, I visited the mountains as well. Both in the Himalayas as well as the Nilgiris and had a great time. I will try again this year to visit the mountains one more time. I love the mountains too and every time I am there, I just don't want to come back. It's so peaceful and lovely out there. No disturbances, and full of birds chirping around and it's beautiful when the breeze whistles through the tall pine trees. Just want to go back.
@balanica (86)
• Romania
21 Dec 09
Anul asta nu am reusit sa ajung la munte dar anul nu s-a sfarsit poate merg. Vara a trecut de ceva timp dar inca visez la frumoasa vacanta petrecuta in Grecia. Intodeauna vorbim cu bucurie cand e vorba de vacanta, relaxare si imagini frumoasa. Numai bine
@stvasile (7306)
• Romania
7 Jun 09
I prefer going to the mountains instead of the seaside too. During the summer, I usually help excavating for dinosaur remains in the Hateg Basin. I've done that for the last 4 or 5 years, and I enjoy it.