Politics - Millitary

@winman (235)
United States
June 4, 2009 7:01pm CST
Politicians should keep there nose out of war and military operations. I've noticed and its 100% true, every single military adviser to the president and anyone will military training and military history will tell you we are winning this war and will win. The people who are saying we cant win and that we are losing are politicians who know nothing about war, who have no idea what war is and cant even tell the difference between winning and losing. I'm tired of politicians getting in the way of are military they should stick to law making and law abiding and let the military do there job. We are winning the war and we are going to win so stop complaining you don't have military training or degree in military history so keep you nose out of it and don't try and correct a man who's been to war and is a general and has been in the military for 20+ years come on general Patreius knew his stuff. Is all you beurocratic and democratic idiots who don't know anything. I'm sorry but your like the little kid who always gave his lunch money to bullies. So please if you don't know the difference in winning and losing IE In the past 6 months about 10 U.S Soldiers have been killed( not by terrorist but by old bombs)There hasn't been an actual soldier killed by the enemy in over 8 months. So please Shut up about losing. Thank you
6 responses
• United States
5 Jun 09
Although I appreciate the fact that you're thinking about the real issues, not television and gossip columns, remember that if you're trying to make a strong point, grammar helps. But buddy, I have to strongly disagree with what you're saying here. You do realize what America is about, right? It's called a democracy. People have a right to express their opinions, no matter what they are. If you have a right to tell people to shut up, they have the right to tell you to shove off. I believe that part of the problem Americans have with this war is that it seems almost pointless now. After so much confusion, mostly due to crappy communication (BY THE MILITARY/GOVERNMENT, don't deny it!). People feel like we went into this war based on the threat of nuclear weapons, but NONE have been found. Now we're over there why, exactly? Where does our involvement end? Where do we draw the line? I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable simply handing over the lives of my friends and family, those in the line of duty, to people that may or may not be good at what they do.
@winman (235)
• United States
5 Jun 09
Blame the News for that little lie that we went to war for Nuclear Weapons. First off we went to war cause they had Weapons Of Mass Destruction. This could be a Nuke, A Mustard Bomb, Or any type of weapon that would decimate a population. Yes Iraq has those weapons yes Afghanistan has those weapons. We saw them used in the gulf war, people are so simple minded they hear WMD and think Omg There looking for Nuke's which was completely wrong. Also we found Missiles and missile platforms that could launch a ICBM Loaded with any type of weapon (Biological or not) To the usa and many other Country's. We destroyed them and have destroyed most biological and other type of explosives we have found.
• United States
6 Jun 09
Winman, how many other countries in the world have WMD's, and radical leaders? How many of these countries have ACTUALLY tested a missle that could carry a warhead with a WMD in it? There are many bad people in this world, and Saddam was one of them, but he wasn't the most dangerous.
• United States
6 Jun 09
Regardless of whether or not the media is to blame for the misinformation, the public has a right to know what the country is getting itself into, which I believe was your original question.
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
5 Jun 09
I just had to respond, first off my belief is that nobody wins a war many killed and many others that survive it mamed or mentally disabled. You call this a war my friend but this is only a battle. The war has yet to come I am afraid to say. One will win when all the others are destroyed. I tell my kids all the time you can pick and choose your battles but you can not pick and choose your war. You can win all the battles but the war is the end! I will not say whether we are winning or losing but if life is lost then there is a loss right? It is not about we killed more than they did.
@winman (235)
• United States
5 Jun 09
I understand your point of view is yours and thank you for not complaining or posting some flaming stuff. I can see your point with loss is a loss, but you cant win with out someone losing one of my favorite some quotes from Scatman John. "How can someone win if winning means that someone loses, i sit and see in wonder what its like to be in touch no wonder all my sisters and my brothers need a crutch" The song is "Scatmans World" Check it out hes a great artist with a great story to tell. RIP Scatman John
• Thailand
5 Jun 09
War is an act of politics, in fact it is the ultimate political act. You are correct that politicians should not involve themselves on a tactical level but the strategic level of a military operation is a political act and must, of necessity involve politicians. Politicians make the discussion as to whether to go to war or not. Politicians must determine what the strategic objectives are in a war. After these discussions have been made they need to get out of the way and let the military do its job.
• United States
5 Jun 09
Winman, the problem that the American people don't like to put their young men and women in harms ways without good reason. It takes a politician to sell a war to the American people, generals usually aren't good at dealing with people. You also need the a$$ kissing of politicians to get the votes needed to approve a vote to go to war, and most importantly FUNDING, if you don't have money from the Americans tax payers, you aren't going anywhere. You will never be able to serpate the military from politicians, there is way to much power and money involved. The US defense budget is more than the GDP of most countries in the world. Defense constractors donate tens of millions of dollars a year to politicans so they can ensure they get their pet projects passed. Remember the Crusader? I have two close friends in the military (one is in Iraq right now), and they both tell me how bad it is there. But, it is their job, and they are very good at what they do. I am one of those "democratic idiots" who didn't support Bush's reelection war in Iraq, but I did support the war in Afghanistan. You are 100% correc that we are winning the war in Iraq, and that general Patreius did a great job of turning that war around. But, Afghanistan is the whole reason we got into this area, and we need to finish that war, and win it. It is to bad that we had a president for the last eigtht years that felt that Bin Laden wasn't the most dangerous man in the world. It is good to hear that we do have one in office now. You are correct, I just wish that Bush would have shut up and got out of the generals way.
@getitok (278)
• China
5 Jun 09
Military must be controlled under the present, or the top leader of a country. War is the extending of politics. No politics, no war. Win what? you mean kill more people by your advanced weapons? Who make the weapons? Who improve the weapons? Who offer money for developing weapons and training military? All of these depend on a strong economy. A strong economy is a result of good administration of the country. And good admistration requires great politicians.
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
For me the president really value al0t of their military advisers becAuse they will be the one who will depend to their presidency when a coup de tat happen to their administration,maybe their just want to show the world that they are powerful and n0 one can be ab0ve them buT for me that was n0t riGht.BecAuse we are talKing here the lives of the civilian and the innocent people who just want to live peacefully ,for every disputes fr0m the rebel cAn be fixed througH a peaCe withouT any sacrificing live that was only my opinion n0 pers0nal or hidden agenda to hurt any official im just sharing my oppinion