john cena - pathetic as a face wrestler?

June 4, 2009 8:46pm CST
john cena used to be better in microphone when he was a heel. but ever since he turned face he's becoming very lame day by day. i think he's kind of pathetic as a face (good guy), he needs to change his gimmick a bit. what do you think?
6 responses
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
hi red. i agree that cena is a better heel than a face in wwe. i remember his battles against big show, kurt angle, eddie guerrero, and undertaker. i particularly like the match he had against eddie guerrero in a parking lot and they were slamming each other on car hoods. that was entertaining!!! i also like his "frrestyles" were he will rip his opponents and deliver some real funny jokes. cena is good in the mic and i do agree that he needs to add mor evariety to his in-ring skills. the five knuckle shuffle is a big joke for a finisher. the fu and stfu looks more believable but still not as impressive liek the other finsihing moves of other wwe stars. anyway, hopefully, wwe creative decides to create a storyline were cena will be a heel again. cheers!!!
@flyhun (28)
• Germany
12 Jun 09
I wouldn't say he's pathetic as a face. I think his possibilities are simply limited. Now that WWE is PG, he can't make that many good jokes anymore and say certain things. I agree he was good as a heel. But as a face he's gotta be nice. And maybe it also depends on the storyline he's currently in. He might always do the same moves, but other wrestlers do, too. Those are their signature moves. Besides, it's true that his merchandise sell very well. He's also a make a wish ambassador. That's pretty benefiting WWE.
@shyamlal (3533)
• India
7 Jun 09
I hate this guy..he may be a good worker or whatever people say about him..but it doesn't show on the ring...In it he is really boring..his mic skills is too cheap nowadays..Donno why WWE relies high on him...he is a pathetic wrestler...
@jakeb1 (562)
• United States
11 Jun 09
John Cena might not be a popular star in the WWE but he is the top star. He sells merchandise like no one else and the kids love him. Cena as a heel was great and had good raps and he has gone stale these days. Vince will never make him heel again though, as long as the money keeps raking in.
• United States
9 Jun 09
Well I think that this fued they have with him and the Miz could let him return to some of his mic skills he did as a heel without having to turn him one.
@drorocks (17)
• United States
7 Jun 09
John Cena is a top star in WWE but I surely do not get why he is there. Sure he works hard (so i heard in interviews from other wrestlers) but he is just boring in my opinion. He needs something new and his wrestling definitely needs to be spiced up a lot. If you look at his wrestling for example tag matches. He gets the hot tagged, he immediately goes for the shoulder block and then another should her block, after that he picks them up and slams them to the mat. Which sets up for the 5 knuckle shuffle. He then goes for the FU or whatever the new name is. Its always the same stuff. It's soo boring -- I am surprised people still cheer for him.