What are the best timings to work at home in a day?

@Dasari100 (3791)
Anantapur, India
June 5, 2009 2:56am CST
I think many of them having different time tables but i really wonder they work long time and few of them short time so i think we need to choose right timeings for that unless we can't do 100% on our work so which time do you prefer to work either in the day or night? Most of them having this type of doubts and i hope many of them give wonderful views for that.
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4 responses
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
5 Jun 09
Hello Dasari!!! Working at home? Did you mean working in mylot and this kind of online jobs. If yes, in my case, I prefer mostly at night. After about 8 pm and on and on until I want depending upon my mood. Most of the time, I don't devote the full time on work, I may also be doing some other tasks than mylotting. Not only in the night, but If I am on the computer, I may also work at the day. At daytime, mostly I check the comments I get for the responses I give or also check the responses I get... Well, this is in my case... happy mylotting...
@Dasari100 (3791)
• Anantapur, India
10 Jun 09
It is always good to give responses to others discussions because it encourages them as well as get gain,knowledge and it is really wonderful to spend our time to knowing things.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
5 Jun 09
I work at home as a writer, editor, artist, and blogger. I put in many hours a day, and I believe that each individual should choose the time of day to work that is best for him/her. For me, that is late afternoon and well into the night. It seems to be the time when I am most productive, so I take advantage of my own inner clock and energy level. Karen
@Dasari100 (3791)
• Anantapur, India
10 Jun 09
It is great work that timings because after finishing our personal work then we can do our work very quickly.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
5 Jun 09
I am definitely a morning person and I am at my best very early in the day although I find myself writing well into the night because household chores tend to take priority which can be frustrating but I am fortunate that I can be at home doing what I love which is writing. It is important to create the routine most suitable for the individual.
@Hvaniday1 (550)
• Malaysia
6 Jun 09
Well anytime and anywhere is the best time. What is your plan? Do you work the whole day or work when you feel right?