Role Playing Games are Fun
@lululastrange (339)
United States
June 5, 2009 4:16am CST
My beau and I have been role playing for a long time, as a matter of fact I personally have been role playing for about 12 years.
It started with AD&D and then it moved to Vampire: The Masquerade, then slowly, as I grew up and found an appreciation for the classics I started playing Shadow Run and Cyber Punk and even oldies but goodies Mech Warrior.
I miss the old games, they were so much fun, even if they were a little complicated.
Now a days everything is either a die 20 system or a die 10 system so its pretty streamlined... Back in the day there were all kinds of crazy systems... You had to learn a new dice system for every freakin' game you played.
Still, my current love is Exalted, its a white wolf game, so it has a lot of familiar concepts for me, plus it leaves so much room to actually fine tune and build a really creative interesting character.
Of course, you always have to have a good group to play with. Ours is so/so.
Its better then some, but worse then others' that I have been involved with.
Anyway, even if you don't respond to this, I would suggest looking up role playing online.
Its a great stress reliever, it really fun and its a good social interaction that doesn't include alcohol or drugs.
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