Born again Christians, need help here. . .
By denisewy
@denisewy (90)
June 5, 2009 6:05pm CST
Have you heard from God?
I've been praying to Him that I want to hear from Him but still haven't. I know self pity is a sin but I really want to hear from Him.
13 responses
@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
6 Jun 09
Denise, do not fear, God is hearing your prayers, and is right there with you at all times. Sometimes he talks to us thru other people, and he uses things of this world to talk back to us. Unfortunately we do not always see it, and we think God has abandoned us. Trust me...he has not. Instead, look around each day, take your time, don't be in such a rush that you miss when he is really talking to you.
Yes, there are times that he makes his presence known to you in a spectacular way, but to hear his voice in an audible voice, that might never happen. He often talks to us thru our own thoughts . And when that happens, you just know it's God.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
6 Jun 09
wooohooo you give me chills running down me. You know there was a lady that went to my church and her and husband was really close to my family. Anyways, she had mentioned to the pastor that she wanted to talk to God the way that Carolyn did( she's our choir director) anyways, it took a long time for her to figure out that God was doing his way of talking to her. God does things in mysterious ways. Sometimes we'll never understand why. I went to school for a couple of years at TTU in Cookeville, Tn and the church I was attending was a church that believed in speaking in toungs. Well, they felt that I hadn't been saved yet when I remember asking God into my heart one faithful night in VBS and I remember asking the pastor of my church to baptise me. I was at a young age and though I had drifted very far, you can never drift to far when you are a child of God. God always finds a way to bring you back. I fell into the wrong hands, trusting the wrong people and it got me into major trouble. my mom decided that since she had busted me out of jail (my only get out of jail free card I had) that she was taking me home. So she brought me home and I never spoke to any one of them people again. I realized then as much as I strayed when I got back home, I was at home. 4 years later, I have a 3.5 year old and I'm 7 classes from finishing my associates degree and I think the relationship with my mom is the closest we've ever been even when we were going the phase of her and my dad getting divorced last year. My point i need to make is that God works wonders beyond the realms of what we can even imagine. Cause today, I play piano for the church I attend, I sing in choir when I can, i even try to sing by myself or with my mom in church. Things are not perfect by no means, but God talks to me whether I'm in church or not in church. He never forgets his own children. Would you forget you had a child? Whether you believe that God is the only God or whether yuo believe that there is just a higher being. I just believe that God wants to read his word and believe his word --- the Bible --- And know that what happened in those days is just mere fantasy of what could happen if you took time to listen to God. It's not necessarily knowing if God is talking to you, It's taking the time out to listen. I'm not the brightest, or smartest person, but i've learned to listen to God when he talks to me. my pastor stepped down as pastor of the church and some time ago God had told me there was something that the pastor wasn't doing. I didn't know what it was, but 2 christmas's ago god told me to buy 12 poinsettias and place them the way he told me 2. The reason was because I wanted to know if my pastor was actually doing what God told him to do or if it was my pastor doing what he wanted to do. The poinsettias were moved and put in totally different spots than what God told me to do with them. The point is that God told me to do it this way for a reason so i could get my answer on what my pastor was doing. He wasn't doing what God told him to do, He was doing what he wanted to do. Anyways, my point being is that you'll know when God talks to you. The holy spirit is a power ful being and when it comes time you'll know. The only advice I could give you then is that if you're asking if God is talking to you, then he's probably knocking wanting to come in all you have to do is to let him in. That's when God speaks to you is when you let him speak to you. He doesn't force himself on to you. He guides you so you can grow and become strong against satan or whomever. Trust your instincts. if you still feel like you need help I would find someone that you know or trust or a pastor or priest of a church to help you try to find your. Some scripture that might is John 3:16 - also you might want to read before and after. It tends to explain John 3:16 a little more in detail about what it means. Cause John 3:16 is For god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, ..... so that you may have eternal life. Sorry my mind went blank all of a sudden. anyways, I hope that you can find your way
@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
6 Jun 09
Crysontherocks...Great Story! My favorite saying to people when the claim they are waiting for God to give them an answer is: "In the midst of all the praying you do, and the begging, and the pleading for him to answer your prayers, stop talking for awhile, and be silent....listen to him for a change."
@rtmolano77 (87)
• Philippines
7 Jun 09
You have to spend more time in the presence of our God. Thru prayer, reading in his word and invite the Holy Spirit to guide you while reading in his word , He will speak to you. More prayer, worship, reading his word and meditating on it.
@1corner (744)
• Canada
6 Jun 09
Denise, I'd like to help, but first let me start by saying your question is troubling. What exactly do you mean by wanting to hear from Him but haven't? Do you have a particular problem you want God to answer, or do you mean an audible voice to prove His existence? Your question is vague; the response will depend on what exactly you're seeking, and the motivation behind it. If it's a matter of wanting to prove He's around, which exposes a lack of/absence of faith, you can stop waiting. He doesn't respond to lack of faith. (Read Hebrews 11) If, however, you've been praying for a specific need, and want to be sure of His answer, you'd still need faith, and your Bible to instruct you about how God responds to that type of need. Lastly, self-pity is an attitude that'll get you nowhere, nor is there any virtue in it. You must have the right heart to approach God for anything.
@ccdiane (151)
• Cheyenne, Wyoming
6 Jun 09
To mylot,
I would like to see if I can shed some light on your discussion. You had a question on why you have not heard from God. I need to ask a certain question, are you wanting God to speak to you in an audible voice? The reason I need to ask this question is most people are thinking that this is the only way to prove that God exist. When you said you have been praying to God and wanting to hear from him. One of the ways God speaks to us is through his word. Another way I know is through a still small voice from the Holy Spirit. But most often God speaks to us by reading, studying, and meditating upon what we have read in His Word. This is how he teaches us to be able to hear Him. Don't get discourage,God is there with you. Sometimes we want Him to speak to us in a way we want to hear from Him instead of hearing from Him in a way He wants us to hear from Him. This just means we need to be open and acceptable to His ways of answering our prayers. Both of my recent experiences in hearing from God has been through the Holy Spirit, because God is a spirit. That's why we were made in his image, we have a spirit as well.
When we are born again our spirit is made alive in Jesus Christ. I don't know how far you are in your Christian walk, but just remember God is there with you every step of the way, just continue to feed upon his word each day to get to know Jesus and the Father, he is now your friend. You will learn to hear from God as you grow deeper in your Christian walk. I hope somehow I have helped you.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Jun 09
You can be sure that God hears everything you say or think. In my experience, I have found few people who really do want God to speak to them. Sometimes the adversity in your life is needed for the lessons you are to learn. It's not about having everything go your way. If you truly seek God, He can be found. His favorite time is after you are in bed when the house is quiet and still. Perhaps, instead of getting others to show you the way to God, you should search for yourself.
@fheroan (615)
• Philippines
7 Jun 09
well, hello not really a born again christian...i dont belong on any religion, im just a simple christian(dont try to understand why..:D)..
I would like to give you an example, if your a parent, and you child wants a bar of chocolate, but you didnt want to give him, but he is so persistent to urge you to give him chocolate, so as a parent, who loves your child, you cant do anything but to give the bar of chocolate that he wants coz you want him to be happy...
This kind of situation is also the same with our relationship with God. he is our father, he hears our prayers but he just want to test your faith, if you give up then maybe it doesnt really suits you that things that you're praying for..
i advice you, if you really want to have contact with Him(well, he dont really works directly with you sometimes, He usually cause your surroundings to answer you) consecrate the things that you really treasure the most..b'coz consecration is a kind of prayer to God that when u say it to Him, He won't 4get it, even if you 4get he'll remind you someday, its like a promise..
i actually experience this, i consecrated to Him that i would graduate in a science section in my High School(well, you know, science section is a special kind of section where in all your grades must be 85+ or B i think in America) not an intelligent person...but He didnt forget my prayer and i survived my four yrs in high school graduating in the science I thank Him so much that He didn't forget His promise to me...Have a nice day..:D
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
6 Jun 09
often when we pray to god, sometime he give us something to work toward what we are asking for. like with me when i first gotten bipolar and asked him to help me to get over this,
god had given me great doctors, a great therpist and also great friends who interdouce to me a pastor who wasn't trying to get me to switch from being cathic but help me to build faith.
so sometime he will give other things or people to help us. but yeah sleft pitty isnt cool. i dont or wont never want anyone or myself feel sorry for me.
@Arolle1982 (2)
• Bahamas
6 Jun 09
It is easy to sink in self pity, but you are not having pity on yourself you are merely seeking your saviour. God smiles at this. God does hear you and will answer day you will just be sitting reading a scripture or you might be sleepingand a thought of f dream comes to you, that within your own intellect you7 could not concieve and its true, pure, and know this is GOD... I knwo that some of us get overwhelmed by the big voice of God that we hear about speaking to the Isrealites, adn Abraham, because that is how it it depicted on movies, but God speaks to our hearts...he is spiritual, not physical!
Hope this helps!
@strawberrybaby39 (2086)
• United States
6 Jun 09
You hear from God through his word in the bible. Sometimes people expect to hear his voice. When we pray and ask God I want to hear from you please speak to to me. And he says ok. But our we paying attention to what way he is answering us? No where not listening at times. God can tell us things through his word or by another person mouth. He will tell that person this is what he is wanting to know. Please tell him this for me. And when the person tells you what he said it just slips right over our head. Trust me many Christians miss it when he speaks. Even I have.
@adam1980 (516)
6 Jun 09
i wouldnt realy say i am a born again christion and am a bit iffy about what i do and dont believe in but when me and my wife went to a church service before our wedding we were trying for a baby with no luck, i prayed to him to help us and she fell pregnantthat month, i dont know if this was just a coincidence or a sign to me
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
6 Jun 09
Psalms 46:10 Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
One of the things that we often fail to do is to listen to God often he speaks to us in a whisper and if we are not still and quiet, if we do not open our hearts and minds to hear him then we will not hear what he has to say.
You have to do more than pray, have you turned to your bible, are you reading it are you spending time with God every day in quiet meditation. You have to turn off your thoughts, you have to turn off the radio, the tv and just listen to your heart.
You also have to be patient, God does things in his own time, he does not rush, he does not provide us with answers in our time he does it in his time and often no answer is our answer.
@lizshab (44)
• United States
6 Jun 09
If we are going in faith that God's Word, the Bible, is true, just like Him; then we can see from many verses that God does indeed hear our prayers. Psalm 65:2, Hebrews 10:22-23, John 15:7. 1 John 5:14-15. We also know there are many examples of God hearing the prayers of His people: David, Abraham, Elijah, Nehemiah, and Cornelius just to name a few. My question to you is, in what way do you want to hear from Him? God uses a variety of methods in communicating to us: through His Word, through other people, by the Holy Spirit, an audible voice, dreams. And just because you haven't gotten what you want doesn't mean that He is not hearing you or not answering you. The answer may be "No" or "Not right now"; lots of times we do not like those answers and feel that God should always say "Yes", but He doesn't.