The "Stimulus Bill" - - How's It Doing for you? (Give it a grade)
@valentinesdiner (1214)
United States
June 5, 2009 8:48pm CST
Back in January, the stim bill was to jump start the economy and get the construction and green power jobs needed to bring us into a new economy - - or at least an improvement on the old one.
We are still losing over another quarter- million jobs, the dollar is starting to tank in world markets and the deficit keeps on keeping on.
On the other hand, things coulda been a whole lot worse and we would be rioting in the streets - - for food.
For me, I'd give it a B minus. Easily passing, but will have to doa lot better.
So give it a grade - - how is the bill doing so far, for you and your hometown?
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9 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
6 Jun 09
All I see down here in Florida is road construction...everywhere. It seems that any road just sitting there minding it's own business is fair game for resurfacing or widening. We still have a big problem with foreclosures but our tourism is doing okay so that's a positive. There's been talk of a big inland port project here in the south central area which will bring a lot of jobs with it but, so far, it's just talk. I'd give it a C-.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
6 Jun 09
Some parts of Florida just seem obsessed with road work. When I lived in Tampa I literally watched the same road get repaved 3 times in one year despite the fact that there was never anything wrong with it, nor was it ever dug up to work on anything beneath it. I believe a lot of these projects are just money sinks because it's earmarked and can't get put elsewhere and if they don't spend the money, they won't get it next year.
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
6 Jun 09
Yeah roadwork is a never-ending thing here in california too, whether its building another lane in the freeways, or another lane in popular roads to reduce traffic, all it does is encourage all of the insane drivers here to drive faster once the lanes are done.....or it was the freeway exit ramp to go to the new indian casino, where people can blow some more of their dwindling california money on blackjack and slot machines
, that roadwork project was the one that really made me shake my head 

@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
6 Jun 09
A C maybe. I'm not impressed. I barely see the results of it personally. And, the economy only seems to be getting worse
@valentinesdiner (1214)
• United States
6 Jun 09
Got to give you that... the economy continues to fall further and further... even with a little in the paycheck, the constant droning of bad news amkes me want to stuff any money under my matress.
Even then I won't sleep any better...
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
6 Jun 09
I must say that I can't really give it a grade because I live in California, so we pretty much screwed ourselves over economically so its hard to tell if the stimulus bill has had any effect, it doesn't seem like it has but my elderly family got some checks so i will give it a C-, but like i said, this is California and we are in such a hole and crappy situation that it will take more than a stimulus bill to bring us back on top again
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
6 Jun 09
Things are really bad for many people and who knows what is going to happen next?
@lisan23 (442)
• United States
6 Jun 09
I live in Wyoming - one of the top states to receive stimulus money for new jobs (we have a lot of energy options here). Construction jobs are starting to appear again, they had disappeared for awhile. Also, the company that runs the wind turbine farms is increasing the number of turbines, and in turn, the number of employees each week. That industry is actually seeing a huge growth (and the farms are about 20 miles from my home). So, for my area, I'd actually have to give it an B+, but give it a few more months and I actually think it'll be hovering in the A area. However, that's simply because where I live there's a lot more to be invested in. Unfortunately a lot of other states don't have the same natural resources (and aren't nearly as windy with wide open spaces) as Wyoming.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
6 Jun 09
I spent an hour last Friday waiting for a road grader to get done tearing up a road so it can be repaved. One of my customers that paves roads has every one of their trucks on the roads working. That is 375 jobs that wouldn't have been there if the stimulas bill wasn't passed. Many of these towns and villages that are paying for these jobs are doing so with stimulas money. The reason it took so long is because of the time of year and weather up here in Ohio. You can't pave a road in March around here, the weather just won't let you do it. My construction customers are kicking but right now, they can't hire enough people to work, and they don't have enough equipment to keep jobs going. The economy is getting better, but it has a very long ways to go.
@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
6 Jun 09
I would have to give it a D. Passing, but only just barely. The little bit of extra stimulus money I got with my tax refund is nice, and I will be using it to cover the costs of moving into a new apartment at the end of this month. But aside from that little boost, I haven't seen any real results so far. I'm still stuck with temporary employment that ends in two weeks, and no real prospects for another job. I don't think that the stimulus will have done its job until employment rates go back up and people can find decent jobs again.
@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
6 Jun 09
If you're reading the news and a check the stocks (major ones like S & P, Dow, Nasdaq) - you would probably be less likely to say that the economy is still on the downturn.
In reality - the economy's declining is much less steeper (as is the unemployment rate). Just because the new president passed the stimulus bill - the economy is not just gonna bounce back up right away. The declining rate has to slow down (which is slowly happening), then hit a plateau, then will rise. That's just how it is.
The actual bill itself - I'd give it a C. Why? I'm not impressed with this whole spending-spending-spending. The US will be in deep sh!t soon because of the spending spree that we're doing just to "stimulate" the economy. I'm sure there are other ways, no?
For me and my State? It's not doing much - since my state is in a deficit as it is. I'm looking forward to the day that I vote for a different governor - coz they Governator ain't doin' his job right. He should've just stuck to acting, dammit!