The Government should legalize The Herb

lol - lol
@zackn87 (345)
United States
June 5, 2009 9:44pm CST
Nobody has EVER died from smoking tha herbb. people have died from WATER. Herb is safer than water. Anyone agree?
3 responses
• United States
7 Aug 09
I've never heard of someone getting stoned and go robbing a bank. Why drive and drive when you can smoke & fly. You get stone, you get the munchies, then you goto sleep. There is alot of benifits to legalizing it. Our national debt would be gone if they would legalize it. Then the gov would regulate it and alot other crap. If pot is sooo bad then why do they give it to cancer patients. Because it helps with pain, get their appetite back, etc. There is alot of pros and cons to this issue.
@Beenice (237)
• Canada
9 Jun 09
Is that because you are smoking it that you want it legalize? It surely not going to make it more "healthy" to use it an herb alright but they are suppose to be used to kill extreme pain when you got cancer or else,and it does more damage than the water can do to you read on it. Good luck with your health.
• Philippines
6 Jun 09
No. it's more fun doing it secretly, don't you think so?