Poor Air Quality- bad for your lungs

@blion23 (403)
United States
June 5, 2009 10:24pm CST
I have been exercising a lot in my basement and I have noticed that I have been coughing a lot more than I normally do. Could a poor air quality in my basement and extended exposure be the cause of this
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3 responses
• United States
6 Jun 09
Yes that can for sure be the cause....does your chest feel tight? or do you wheeze? Im just wondering because i have asthma, which is a breathing problem, and not only do basements tend to have a lot of dust, there could be some hidden mold, and this combined with the poor air circulation could really flare up your lungs and make it hard to breathe, i would try exercizing somewhere else for sure if i were you
1 person likes this
• India
6 Jun 09
correct!! and the best option is free air isn't it?
• United States
6 Jun 09
Yes fresh air is good but exercizing in a living room with good air circulation or a newer air conditioner can be fine too, i have pretty bad asthma but i just put on my air conditioner and work out in the living room and im fine, the trick is i have a nice air conditioner that sucks the dust particles out of the air
@blion23 (403)
• United States
6 Jun 09
Yeah, I think that I want to exercise somewhere else for the safety of my health. However, I am not sure if I can because of the lack of space that I have. Would adding a fan help at all? or should I just try something else
@dante_off (607)
• India
6 Jun 09
Hey you should not exercise in your basement...its not good for health... It has been proved biologically..i mean by science.. When you exercise, you burn a lot of fat for which you require comparatively more oxygen than while you are idle...thats what makes you need more oxygen... So you should always exercise in open air in the morning... Alternative fix an AC in your basement and you are ready to go... But I would prefer open air in the morning... ~Cheerio~
@blion23 (403)
• United States
6 Jun 09
yeah i like open air too. I'll see what I can do because I hate all of this coughing that I have been having lately.
@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
6 Jun 09
Basements are rarely open to any fresh air, so the air can get stale. Basements often tend to harbor dust and mold, and sometimes loose insulation as well. I used to live in my parents basement, which was unfinished so the insulation in the walls was exposed. There was tiny fiberglass dust everywhere, and I'm sure I inhaled it. I only lived there for 6 months, and I've never breathed quite as well since then. Try exercising somewhere other than your basement for a while and see if your condition improves.