Are we as God's children, SPOILED BRATS????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
June 6, 2009 10:34pm CST
If you look at every person on Earth, we all have one thing in common. We all want the easy life, to have it made, to have everything go our way,to be void of problems altogether. We all want this and almost expect it for when problems do arise, we often get angry. Well, trouble isn't really supposed to happen Is it??? Like everything in life,there are reasons. The reason is that we have all been to Heaven where there are no troubles, everything does go our way, we do have it made. God loves us and wants His children to know His unconditional love. But like all children, we are easily spoiled into thinking it should be like this all the time. SPOILED BRATS! Life is more than having a good time. Like all parents, God cares about our education. Few things are learned from having it made! So there are times for growth and challenge between the times of eternal bliss. That's called LIFE! We will learn all the secrets of the universe. Yes, God will love and spoil His kids along the way. No matter what. Kiddies have to go to school. There is no other way! What do you think?
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13 responses
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
7 Jun 09
Ah yes Humans are ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God and listened to Satan decieved and spoiled. God does have love for us and he wants NONE to perish but all to have everlasting life and be rewarded with it. But he does have a critera in which he expects us to obey him and do as he asks. Repent from sin, do not go back into the sin avoid sin as much as able and be remorseful and sorry when we slip and ask for forgiveness and mean it in all sincerity. Walk a life of truth and righteousness and he did not say we would have an easy life in our physical realm Narrow is the road not broad for the true Christian and Christ said if we are his people and God's we would suffer and be persecuted like he was. Satan is thought of falsely as an ugly evil red devil with horns and tale. This is one of his deceptions to humanity. Truthfully he is very good looking and has a wonderful persasive personality and we can easily if we do not put on the armour of God fall for his charm and be led astray by our own carnal nature and lusts of the flesh. We need to stay close and pray to God and ask for more of his holy spirit and the fruits of his spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23. We are to hold on to what we know and grow and learn from our mistakes and repent. We are given the gift of salvation but once saved always saved is not so. We are to come out of the world and not be partakers (join in on worldy behavior) But many dupe themselves into believeing if they just accept Christ they are saved and can go out and sin all they want and are still saved. They believe false ministers and what they say rather than sitting down in heartfelt prayer and asking the creator and our savior to teach and lead and show them through his word what is expected of us to keep our salvation and not lose our crown.
@fizanali (478)
• Pakistan
7 Jun 09
Very rightly said Celanith ! Especially where you describe the real satan. And you rightly say that we can't expect that we do all the sins we want to and christ would bear the burden. All we can do is to repent for them and ask God to guide us to the right track. I'm amazed you speak like a true Muslim and why shouldn't you after all christians are our closest non-Muslim brothers and sisters.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jun 09
What you describe is not God and what is truly happening. Satan does not exist. He is just someone to blame for our bad choices. The lessons and consequences of our choices come to show us what we are really doing. God is unconditional love. He knows we will all make bad choices for it is part of learning. I know you have your religion memorized well. Man destroys what he can not fix. That is why man believes in Hell. God will fix you by showing you what you do. No one will be left behind. After all, only a monster will send His children to a fiery pit.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Jun 09
As you should well realize, the bible was written by MAN!! That is why so much will never add up. I do find it funny that people look for God in a book. Perhaps it's how some are raised. God is so much more than you can find in any one book. Funny how your bible and religion has convinced you that you are unworthy of finding God all on your own. I find the few people in religion really want to find God. God is really someone. He can be found. God loves all His children unconditionally. He doesn't degrade or belittle any of them. Since God is capable of creating such a universe that we see, I'm sure He is well capable of handling a few wayward kids without frying them for eternity. Religion wants to scare you into believing when you won't. Believing has never ever been important to God. It is to religion. Do you know what God does for those unrepenting sinners??? He sends more lessons. You will find when one is stubborn and do not want to change, they just have the same adversity that shows them the truth until it's easier to change. In short, if you do not SOLVE the problem, it never goes away.Think about this. We are all meant to THINK! Thanks for the comments
@jb78000 (15139)
7 Jun 09
we are adults not children and so i think we have to take some responsibility for our actions, and have some acceptance when bad things happen
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jun 09
It is a part of growing up. thanks for your comments
• India
7 Jun 09
Oh, I havent actually thought of it as that way but once you say it, it does look like we are super spoiled brats. Look around us and you will see how we have just taken and taken and asked for more without a thought from where its all coming and how we should use it all prudently. Like spoilt children of rich parents who dont know the value of money, we dont really care for the value of natural things we use, simply because we have never seen it to end. And even if it has ended in some parts, newer resources have been found and so our party goes on!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jun 09
Speaking of Earth's environment and the way man pollutes it. On day God will insist that we clean our room. If we are truly stubborn and refuse, I hope man runs out of fossil fuels by then. Thanks for the comment.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Bird that is why God is going to create a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH after the 1000 years Christ rules to teach mankind HOW to take care of and not destroy what we have now. Isaiah 65 17-25, Revelations 21:1-5, 6-8, II Peter 3:5-14
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Jun 09
This same old Earth will be here thousands of years from now. Man will also one day terraform Mars. What you describe that the Earth will end in a thousand years is a fairy tale. God is not controlling, threatening, punishing, hateful, frightened. God is unconditional love with an IQ off the scale. Really think!!!!! God is not a ruler!! God is a teacher!!!!! God is above the petty desires to rule like MAN!!
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
7 Jun 09
Hello bird123, Not only human being, all the other creatures also have the same theme, get the maximum happiness as far as possible. Consequently we are never ever satisfied. Let us consider this example.. A poor person worked hard a day and earned 1$ finally and he became very very happy and went to his home, celebrated with his family. And there is a doctor who is earning minimum 100 dollars every day, and one day he became able to earn a single dollar only or lets say 50$. Now, tell me this doctor who has earned more than the poor man in sum, is he happy? No, he is really said. The main point is that we don't satisfy with how much we get. So, if you called these creatures, then you can called the SPOILED BRATS, it doesn't matter. If there is someone who prays for oneself, then his praying is worthless and stupidity. Jesus himself has said that through us the money to the poor and come up with him. He wanted people to have the compassion for every other creature. This mortal world is nothing, worthless and just an illusion. And so, it is very necessary to get rid of this mortal world and that's why Jesus like Buddha also focus on keeping our mind away from the mortal things of this world and understand our true spirituality, develop our wisdom. Do not commit adultery? Why did Jesus said so. Because adultery is that thing, that is the most severe thing that keeps the people attached to this mortal physical world, leading you far from the eternal life. So, I hope God is there for the persons with true spirituality rather than who pray for themselves. And for now, we are yes the SPOILED BRATS, unless we lighten up our mind or perfect our wisdom... happy mylotting...
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
8 Jun 09
yup you are right, there will be love...Happy mylotting...
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jun 09
Having total freedom of choice, we do make some bad choices. In time, we will all learn true wisdom from our choices. When we are shown ourselves, it is always clear what the right choice is. When we acquire true wisdom, we will realize that there really is only one choice UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!!
• India
10 Sep 21
First your God loves us that much he makes us weak and dependent ths much we lose our capabilities to stand on our own feet. He spoils us, he pampers us. Then he forces us to learn our lessons, to stand on our own feet. What we can call the God you describe? A lunatic, a mentally challenged retard. No wonder you keep comparing God to human parents. Your efficiency to think and question does not go beyond this. If you could think better, you would never have accepted the lie as per your description of God. No person either wants or even needs the insane love which your God is. True love would never make people weak. True love nourishes, true love does not destroy. True love convinces, not forces. Since your God also plants us in the desire that we should become like him only shows what a mega maniac and selfish ego narcissist your God is.
• India
11 Sep 21
It is clear you did not even read my response, far from understand it If God is not planting anything in us, then that would mean he did not even create us in which case, he is just an invader who forcibly traps us in physical bodies and controls and programs us for his life to be grand. You are the man who blames man fir atrocities of God. You stop blaming man Choose to not be like God next time you see God. It's not going to happen."""" That means we have no free will. If there is no option other than choosing to be like God, it is clear case of being pre programmed and nothing else God allows us to experience God's Unconditional Love between lifetimes for very good reason""""" What is the use of that love which would spoil us, pamper us, makes us weak and dependent and thus lose our capabilities to stand on our own feet. Your God clearly sounds like all those foil parents who spoil and pamper such children making them weak and dependent. I never wish for such love nor will I give such a insane love to anybody in this world. People tend to take adversity personally, just like you. In time, learning becomes impossible."""" In that case, he would come down from his high pedestal and speak to us, thus interaction with us and pointing us towards correction. Spoiling your kids is never the right answer nor can it be considered unconditional love Spoiling and pampering does not heal hurt. If hurt is such a bad thing it needs spoiling and pampering for us to be healed of it, then why all the hurt and suffering? A so called good God should know better You can curse me as much as you want. What will you accomplish by cursing and hating people? Does cursing and hating makes you feel as if you are seated on a very high pedestal? The rest of your post is hogwash. A fraction of your post is nothing but hogwash. Let us see how many curses you will come up with next. You think I care for your hatred or even take it seriously. Let me tell you one thing. All your cursing and hating only shows what you are, it does not affect me even as the behaviour of mad person in the mental hospital affects me in the least
• India
12 Sep 21
@bird123 First para describes you perfectly. I am not at all amazed at one more false accusation from you What you said is false. No need to discover. Upon analysis and questioning, any sane person can know what you say is hogwash. One must live those lessons? Oh yes, you want me to copy you! The Great education system based on force and fear! We have gone through all this previous posts . No need for me to repeat the stuff. You curse, you hate and then you deny you have done it. Did you think I really expected you will not deny? will Love you Unconditionally regardless of your actions and choices." Spoiling, pampering, making others weak and dependent to the point they lose the capability to stand on their own feet! This is the unconditional love which you keep constantly mumbling about! What makes you imagine I want such an insane love. The world does not need spoiling and pampering. You can love someone and still be unhappy. You can hate someone and still be happy. There are people who spend decades on hating others and they have no remorse about it. Spoiling pampering- No, I do not want this to return back to me. Neither will I give anyone this. The world only needs a practical, meaningful love - A love which does not invade others privacy, a love which allows people bto make their own decisions, a love which does not hurt, judge, preach, condemn, dish out advice unless asked. This is the love which I give though I know this will not return back to me. Best example is you. You have judged, preached, condemned, dished out advice to me though I never gave you any of this. On top of it, you have made false accusations.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Sep 21
Who said God is planting anything? This is you valuing that petty thing called Blame!! How is that working for you?? Does it make you Happy? Does it accomplish anything? Got to be Thinking, not leading with nothing but feelings. God grants you free choice. Choose to not be like God next time you see God. It's not going to happen. God allows us to experience God's Unconditional Love between lifetimes for very good reason. People tend to take adversity personally, just like you. In time, learning becomes impossible. God's Unconditional Love that heals are hurt will show us all that it has never ever been about punishment. It's about education through our very own free choices. I do not understand all this crying from you. You accomplish nothing. It's easier to learn the lesson and solve the problem. Why do you hang onto your hurt so tightly that you can see nothing else? LOOK FOR THE ANSWERS!!!! They stare you in the face. Have you heard anything I have said? If you must Muddle through, I understand, be stubborn. In time, you will realize all the wasted energy you have spent. Complaining and crying are never going to get you where you want to be. How about this? Try something different!! If you are doing the same thing, how can you expect different result?? I can point, however it's always been in your hands. Choose!! You have all my Love and Kindness!!
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
7 Jun 09
Yes in a lot of ways we are spoiled brats.. With most children, they do get spoiled by their parents one way or another. Yes we all have to go to "school" every day of our lives.. The lesson is life, and each section goes mintue by mintue. There are some choices that we have all made that God does not approve of, but he will not condem us for it... Its the overwhelming love that he has for each one of us.. In return he asks us to believe in him uncontionally, and ask for forgiveness when we do something wrong.. God knows that we are not perfect, we will make mistakes.. Its just like us parents, trying to rasie our children up to be good people. They make mistakes, but as parents, we wish for them to learn from them, and more towards the right path.. Look at the way you see your child, how you are willing to anything for them, (just about anyways) that is how God looks at all of us..
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jun 09
Without life's little screw ups, we couldn't be as smart. We could never have that if we had it made all the time or always made the right choices. Thanks for the comments.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jun 09
Ah, but that will just bring more lessons. It doesn't really even go away until we learn.
• United States
7 Jun 09
That is very true, about "life's little screw ups". But the only thing is that if you do not learn from your screw up, then it becomes a bigger issue.
@fizanali (478)
• Pakistan
7 Jun 09
You are right we are like spoiled bratts but the problem is God is not our father but in fact much more than that. He is so merciful that if you come to the right track after doing sins he will convert all your sins to reward ! But the condition is you do learn and not ignore your mistakes. And God is also very equal to all of us and He sees to it that everyone gets equal justice not that if some kills, rapes, lies, bribes, drinks, gambles or break moral rules he will not be punished ,he will definetly get the just punishment. Whats the maxium reward our parents can give us ? May be give us a hug or buy a car. But God will reward us with eternal bliss, so lets expect a punishment also of equal caliber. And the most important thing is that all his mercy and blessings are for us BUT only if we atleast recognize Him as our One and only God and we love Him and respect Him as He deserves to be loved and respected.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jun 09
Everything you do in life will come back to you in time. The killers, rapists and such will in time be shown what they are really doing. Could you ever commit the crime if you really knew what you were doing? With God, it's not about punishment. It's about education. Yes, God does deserve love and respect however, believing has never been an issue with God. Believing is only important to religion. You see, deep down we all know God.
• India
7 Jun 09
Well first off I do not believe in the concept of god, but I like the way you put it out how everybody on Earth is spoiled. You cannot be wrong when you say that everybody wants to live a happy life and this has gone to such an extent that they put other people in trouble and don't care about others when they want an easy life. People have forgotten the concept of Humanity and each wants to work for their own self. But like Ying and Yang, good people do exist who work for the betterment of the society on the whole rather than themselves. bourne
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jun 09
Very good!! Those unselfish people will receive their love and kindness back to them. What happens to those selfish ones??? Lessons? Can a person really be happy being selfish?Thanks for the comments
• United States
7 Jun 09
I completely agree. We are not nice little children. I have to say that I'm a spoiled brat more times than I'd like to admit.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jun 09
The first step to solving any problem is to recognize there is a problem. I need to work on mine as well. Thanks for the comment!!!
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
7 Jun 09
We maybe spoiled brats but we learned the hard way. There are only few people who are blessed with wealth. But there are millions of people out there who are struggling everyday just to survive, including me. Many people doesn't born with silver spoon attached to their mouth, and I can honestly say that they are not spoiled brat.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jun 09
Yes, so many of us CHOOSE to learn the hard way. That is another thing we all have in common. I think we are all struggling with the economy. Perhaps a lesson to us all what is really important in life. The best things in life are free. I know a man with six kids who put things in perspective a bit. If God wants his kids on Earth, He has to have a way to feed them. So relax, work hard, look for the open doors. Things will work out. One of the ways to make a monetary rich man is to have few wants. Do we all really need all that STUFF????
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
8 Jun 09
I could not agree with you more. It is as if we expect life to just be a walk in the park. there are going to be good times, bad times and even worse times. But that is life and we deal with it..
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Jun 09
When my next big challenge in life comes, I'm not going to complain at all. Well, I'll try not to. Once spoiled it takes some work to change. Thanks for your comment.
• United States
7 Jun 09
We are indeed very spoiled brats! We have a concept of prayer (especially americans) that says we ask and then we get.. no matter what it is or who it belongs to... if we don't get what we want when we ask we read books about hte "power of prayer' and miss the whole concept of the privelige of being able to discuss and comunicate with God! If things don't go our way, we are angry.. when they do we are "blessed"... yes... we are very spoiled in our thinking!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jun 09
It is pretty clear isn't it? Thanks for the comments.
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• United States
7 Jun 09
I have never thought of us being spoiled brats. It brings an interesting twist to things. It can help explain the paradox of God being an omnipotent being that allows His creations to suffer. It is not that God likes to make us suffer, but rather that God has allowed us to suffer in order to appreciate the beauty of life and the pleasures it can offer.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Jun 09
That's right but also when times are good, we sit back and enjoy the ride. When adversity hits, we have to think,plan,study,analyze and grow in so many ways along the journey. When you really think about it, Knowledge can cure all suffering. If it is just given to us, we will not learn wisdom. I guess suffering can be considered growing pains. Since we are all eternal, it can be no more than that. Thanks for your comments.