Honey! I'm Home!

House - It's always good to come back to Home Sweet Home!
June 7, 2009 3:12pm CST
We all have little habits that we do for everything and coming home after a hard day at work or a whirlwind shopping spree is not different! When I come in the door, if I have been out by myself and Hubby is home, the first thing I do is say when I come in the door..."Honey! I'm Home"! I know it's an old cliche and that is exactly the reason I do it! Then I hear him say "OK" or "I'm in here" or whatever he feels like saying at the moment and I immediately know where he is and go to that room, bend over and kiss him, then I say hello to the dog and cat and sit down if I have been at work and talk to him a few minutes about our day while I chill. If I haven't been at work but have been shopping then I put down any packages I have on the table after kissing him, greet the animals and sit down to chew the fat for a few minutes. If I come home by myself or with him then I put the packages down if I am carrying any, say hello to the dog and cat and turn on the computer before doing anything else. I would like to know what it is that you do as a habit when you come home?
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15 responses
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Usually I greet the cats (who're curiously trying to poke their noses out the door), and then whoever else may be home at the time. "Hey guys." Is usually what I say. I plunk grocery bags in the kitchen, dump the library bag in the living room...put gifts away in my room, usually first thing in the door. Maybe go to the bathroom, if it was a long trip. THEN turn on the computer, if I'm not tired or it's not late. Rarely will I go off to make dinner or sommat. Whoever's home usually just makes sammiches on an outing day where we stop and get a dollar road-side calorie meal xD
2 people like this
• Netherlands
19 Jun 09
Hi X...WOW! By the time I would do everything that you do I Would be too tired to turn on the computer!! You have quite a routine going on there! It is very nice though that you don't have to come in after a long day and all of that and make dinner also, that's great!! Thanks for responding and sorry it took so long to get back to you and respond!
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Our greeting is more like "hola" and that's about it. I know where he is all the time - at the computer - so I don't need to find out :-D Usually I have to go to the bathroom, then we discuss dinner options or if we are going to the gym. Instead of a hug when I walk in, our routine is a hug before bed b/c he usually goes to bed a few hours earlier than me. Yep we are predictable too :) I think he is more predictable then me though :) I can usually guess exactly when he's about to go to bed or what he's watching/playing. With me, he doesn't always know when I will go to bed (for example) b/c some days it's 11 and others it's 2!
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• Netherlands
19 Jun 09
Hi Vivasuzi! I know what you mean when you are with someone long enough and you get set in those patterns with each other you pretty much know what the other one is going to do and say before they do it!! I know some people say it is boring to be predictable but sometimes it is nice to know someone that well, gives you a sense of being and security!! Thanks a lot for responding and sorry it took so long to get back here and respond to you!
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@OwenData (37)
• China
8 Jun 09
Your life is very happiness because of your pet.That made me want to get a dog.
2 people like this
• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
Hi OwenData! Pets can be wonderful and so comforting and a lot of excellent company. I know I could not live without my pets, they mean so much to me! Thank you for responding and I am sorry that I could not get back here sooner and respond to you!
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@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
When I come home, I would always say good evening mother. What food did you prepare mother? My mother is the best cook in the whole world for me.
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• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
Hi Reckon! It is nice that you are able to greet your Mother when you come home and know that she has prepared a nice meal, you are very lucky indeed! Thank you for responding and I am sorry it took me so long to get back here and respond to you!
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@Archie0 (5652)
8 Jun 09
Well i dont have a huni to be called and told that i am home but i dont have anyother lines to be said when am back home, when am back home i prefer to stay with myself for sometime and then just search friends online.
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• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
Hi ArchieO! I have noticed that a lot of times the computer is the first place that people go to and do when they get home. I'm sure that you enjoy searching for your friends though and speaking to them when you get home! Thank you for responding and sorry it took so long for me to get back and respond to you!
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@hi2rashid (153)
• India
8 Jun 09
hey this word is sexy word don't use it in front of your childrens
• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
OK! I would remember not to do that if I had any children but since I don't have children I think I will safely be able to use the sexy word in the house! Thank you for responding and sorry that I did not respond sooner!
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
7 Jun 09
Usually I say 'I'm knackered' mainly because I have just come back from the gym, doing a 2-2.5 hour work out! I also walk home from the gym as I refuse to use the bus, so when I walk in I will drop my gym bag down and find out where mum is and she usually asks me if I have had a good session and then I go and get a glass of water and go upstairs and quickly get changed and sit on my desk and start the computer up, it's a regular routine for me.
• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
Hi Wolfie! I would be knackered too after all of that work out and walking!! I just may be too tired after all of that to turn on the computer...I think I may have to lie down and take a nice, loooong, nap!! Thanks for responding and sorry I am so late at getting back to you!
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
I would usually just open my door and use my toe to turn the pc button on then just leave whatever I'm carrying beside the door and go straight to the washroom. Then change my clothes. That's about it. It's romantic though that you have someone you could kiss and miss when you come back home.
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• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
Hi Laydee! I think a lot of people have the routine that you do. Washroom, change clothes and turn on the computer, seems to be very popular with people that I talk to. It is nice to come home to someone that you have missed and kiss and talk for a while. In fact he is away from home for a few days and I certainly do miss not seeing him when I come in the door! I'll be glad when he gets back and things get back to normal!! Thanks for responding and sorry it took so long to respond back to you!
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Hi Greenie, Honey I'm home!!! How appropriate a post you have for my return. I've missed being here and felt like today was a good day to come back from my break. Since I don't work anymore and hubby's been out of work for so long, there isn't really a routine. Although if I go to the Doctor's or any where without him, my usual course of action would be to walk through the house looking for him only to find him in the last place I look. Never seems to fail. I don't often call out since I'm hard of hearing and he gets irritated if I don't understand his response. He missed out on the patience virtue. Hugsssss leenie
• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
Hi Leenie! I was wondering where you have been! I haven't been here much lately either due to circumstances beyond my control but I had not had any e-mails from you either so I thought you may be taking a break! I have to tell you that is the reason that I yell out to him as it saves me looking all over the house and yards for him but I still love to kiss him and discuss the day anyway! But I understand why you don't of course!! I think a lot of husbands missed out on that patience virtue. I think when they were handing out patience, they thought they were speaking of doctors appointments and said: "I'll go last"!!! Thank you for responding and sorry it took so long to get back to you and respond!
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
when ever I come i would greet him "Hello Honey", he wouldn't greet me back unless he gives me a 5 minute french kiss. but it happens often and not always. If I am tired he would cook for me even thought he and i have the same line of work in a different company. but if he's tired i would be late because id buy some food in a restaurant.
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• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
Hi Mikaela! That sounds like a lovely way to greet and be greeted! It is also nice that both of you try to share the cooking so that not one is stuck all of the time even when they have had a hard day. I also think it's a great idea to bring food home when you are both tired! Thank you for responding and sorry it took so long for me to get back here and respond to you!
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
What a sweet gesture. Since I am a stay at home wife, i used to greet hubby Hi Hon! when he comes home, and he used to say Hello Hon, when he does come home and after that, ask me how am i doing specially he knew that I was working online so I will update him on the things i have done for the day. After that he changes clothes, greet our pet fishes, lolz and then he'd take a quick shower and i will prepare him food to eat and he would ask me to come and join him although I already taken my dinner, i would just sit beside him and eat some desert and talk with him. After eating, definitely he would check his emails and we are checking sites online and then watch a movie together till we go to sleep. That's how we typically greet each other, but i forgot to say that before he left home, i would kiss him and say I love you before he goes to work and this has been us ever since we got married.
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• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
Hi Strawberrychocldahi! What a name to type!! I think it is a very nice routine that the two of you have and that you get to spend a lot of time "together" after he comes home...sounds very nice indeed! I am sure that it is something that both of you enjoy!! Thank you for responding and sorry it took me so long to get back here and respond to you!
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
9 Jun 09
LOL, As soon as I hit the door I start taking stuff off and getting comfortable. Even earrings feel like they are weighing me down at that point. Of course once I am situated I have to check my email :-)
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• Netherlands
19 Jun 09
Hi Canellita! You know, if I didn't have the kiss and tell routine with Hubby then I would be doing exactly what you do!! Get those stuffy old clothes and accessories off and head for the good old favorite comfy's!! Oh and of course...check the e-mail and see who just can not live without me!! Thanks for responding and sorry it has taken me so long to come back and respond to you!!
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Hope you're having a good one!
@technoobs (406)
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
That would so sweet, though I'm not yet married I do have the chance to plan up and show up what you really meant for loving her. I like the post, got some ideas for my loved ones when we are ready to build up our family.
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• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
Hi Technoobs! I am so glad that you liked the post and got some ideas for the future when you are married and ready to build up a family!! I'm sure you will find it a nice thing to do when you get home and see the face of the person that you love! Thank you for responding and sorry it took so long for me to get back and respond to you!
@pansy45 (153)
• Indonesia
8 Jun 09
when i coming home ijust pass it and go to my room .cause no body in my home when i come ussualy.the first thing thing that i greet first is my cute cat.it so funny.this one thing that always acompany me in my home.
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• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
Hi Pansy! I also do the same thing. If Hubby happens not to be home when I get there I also greet the animals first! Isn't it funny just how comforting they can be and that they give us a lot of company also?? Thank you for responding and sorry it took me so long to get back and respond to you!
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
I have not been home for a long time since I have not had a home for a long time but I did use to say "honey, I'm home" when I had a home. I hope to be able to have a home soon so I can have my family together again. Cheers!!
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• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
Hi Underdogtoo, I also hope that soon you will have a home to come home to where you have your family all together so you can say "Honey I'm home"!! Good luck to you!! Thank you for responding and I am sorry it took so long to respond back to you!