Have you ever been bullied at school?

@inkyuboz (1392)
Mandaluyong City, Philippines
June 7, 2009 6:10pm CST
How does it feel when your lunch money is taken away from you? Or when you get locked inside your own locker? Fortunately, I wasn't bullied when I was younger. I went to an exclusive private school and though bullying is pretty much part of any school systems (whether it's public or private) , I was lucky enough to be enrolled in a school where bullying is not tolerated. So, can anyone here share there personal take on bullying? Let's discuss this further.
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12 responses
@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
8 Jun 09
No, I haven’t, and I thank God for that. I’ve read stories and novels where that happened, and those poor lads were marred for life. I can vividly imagine though the psychological pressure a bullied child most be under. It’s no joke, they carry that burden around with them for the rest of their lifes. What I do as a father of two boys, now 13 and 14, is to instill enough self-confidence in them so that they won’t be bullied and enough respect for other people so that they don’t turn into bullies themselves. It’s kind of a high-wire act.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Jun 09
Well, when I was at school people would try to bully me quite often but most times they came unstuck because I was only little and very quiet but I could stand up for myself!! Many times I would show people what I was made of when they thought they could walk all over me.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Don't think I was bullied but picked on because I was adopted. Was labeled before I could get into the second grade. Was referred to the kid who was adopted. Back when I was a kid, it wasn't as common to adopt children. There was a little boy in the class who was also adopted and he was made fun of also. Seems his name was Jimmy. Strange that I would remember his name so many years later. By the time I got to junior high and high school, the picking stopped. I excelled in athletics and the girls and boys noticed my skills. Adoption wasn't talked about any longer. And, life moved on to bigger and better things!
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• Philippines
8 Jun 09
I also went to an all-girls school and what happened to me may not classify as blatant bullying. Though when I was in high school there was a time when a group of girls (my classmates) would whisper, give me funny looks and giggle behind my back. Heck, I just didn't mind them. I don't know what happened to them now, but things like that, you just have to let go.
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
not really.. there was not that much bully in school.. from where i went to. Everyone was like the same..though there were fights but nothing like bullying or something.
• United States
12 Jun 09
Inkyuboz- I was teased through middle school and high school. It was horrible to be honest. I can recall being teased about my clothing, my hair, just about everything. I finally just kept to myself and focused on my grades. I don't even really want to go to my 20 year reunion because I don't have high thoughts of most I went to school with. I'm not sure why kids are mean, though I suppose knowing adults are mean, it means the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I think we need a zero tolerance on bullying in all schools, and I think that schools need to focus on getting the proper help for the bully instead of treating the victim poorly. In my case I was always told I asked for it. Far from the truth. Even as a teacher now I see bullying and though I try to stop it, school rules do not always punish it appropriately and most bullies are brushed off as "Kids will be kids". It's time to change how we view this and deal with it. Namaste-Anora
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Yes, I was the school Pariah from 3rd grade through 8th grade when I quit school walked out when even a teacher bullied me ONE to many times and without cause. Long story but I erased the black board she was deliberatly humilating me in front of the class on sums the class had covered when I was sick with mumps but she didn't send that work home with my sister. I told her I was leaving. I went to my locker got my stuff, told the office I was going home a 7 mile walk. I was 16 and back then once you completed 8th grade and were 16 you could quit. Of course the school called children services and the guy who tried to get me to get in his car turned out to be a social worker. I flat told him no so he drove to get my dad and came back. He took me home with my dad and we talked. I told him I was NOT going back and why it all came out the years of torment, hurt, pain, by teachers and peers. The school was informed I was 16 and half and would not be back. I went to work for my uncle for the next two years. When my parents moved 25 miles North to my dad's home town and where I first started school I went back to school on my own for another two years. Started as a Freshman got straight A's but some of the kids remembered me from there started in again. Only they found out I wasn't going to take it anymore stood up to the teachers who tried to intimidate as well. Walked out of P.E class when one wanted me to do something I knew would hurt me. It was hurting the other girls but they did it. He came later and said if I didn't come to class I would not graduate. So what I told him why do I need to graduate. He said to get a diploma so I could get a job. I looked him right in the eye. He was only two years older than me and said "First your only two years older than me, I am here because I want to be not because I have to be. I have had jobs and got paid, I can do it again and as far as that goes I plan to be a writer, mother and homemaker." He got red, flustered and shrugged and walked away. Another teacher threw a book at me when I kept asking why I needed to know Algebra which totally made no sense to me and to this day doesn't" He could tell me any good reason why I would ever need it. It irriated him so much he threw the math book and told me to get out of the class and not come back. Fine with me. I just took all the classes I liked and got A's in all of them. Then I met my husband I was 19 and half and a year later we got married. I quit school again the spring before and got my GED that summer. I used that to later go to college which I found was rather not for me either. I think it is stupid to require classes your not going to ever use so some jackalope can make a few bucks off your being a student in his college class. So I did not get my psychology degree, I asked to many questions and they could not answer them or I knew things that did not fit their mold how things should be. But I am a write, I have been paid. I loved the journalism and creative writing classes. We each learn to make our own way in life what is best for us. I think education in the USA needs a total overhaul. From top to bottom. People should go to the first six years and learn the basics. When they hit 7th grade they usually have a pretty good idea what they want to do. They should by 8th grade have the right to choose, Trade School, Military School, Or High School and College and people need to stop lying that getting a college education is going to get you a good paying job that is a fat lie and only a few get those good paying jobs. Most end up working at some other job far below expectations the education system says will happen. Education anymore is about them getting rich off of students and their families. Not about helping people get a good paying life time job. I know MANY who have Bachelor and Master's degrees and are flipping burgers, working in a daycare or as a K-Mart, Wal-Mart or other store clerk because they cannot get work in their field. Or they end up driving dump or garbage truck. Some get the jobs they get the education for but many don't. So bullying is from many avenues and forms. When you learn to stand up to them and make your own way they realize they cannot hurt you and they run off to find an easier victim and target.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
8 Jun 09
I remember in sixth grade when a bully moved to our school. She would try and bully all the kids then she tryed with me. I never could stand bullying so I bullied back and she backed right down and never tried to bully me again. I think a lot of times if you stand up to a bully they will leave you alone.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
8 Jun 09
When I was young, my father enrolled me in a mission school which was run by a Catholic institution. The students then were quite well behaved. Of course there were some bad hats and gangsters, who create problems for teachers and students but they were in the minority. So I've never ever been bullied in my schooling years. I was on good terms with many students in the school. Furthermore, I was a school prefect for 10 years. Being a prefect, I was respected by my fellow students, because I was upholding the school rules, so in a sense, I acted like the authority. There was therefore hardly any chance of me getting bullied by anyone in school.
• India
8 Jun 09
I am from india and here bully is not done in school. But in college the raging is done with new students. Actually as per my thinking if a student hit to student then its called bully and if a teacher hit the student then its rule power or punishment. In reality every person wants to rule the younger one with force and thats why teacher forgets his age before starts fight with students and students forgets his own days before fight with younger. So actually the adult group of world is teaching teenagers to beat the weaker or younger one. Which is followed by younger one also in future. When i was in college i was not ragged but my friends got ragged due to walking not in group. But when we become senior my friends did raging to junior to get respect. But i did not ragged any one. And just after finishing college i got job of math teacher for class 6th to 12th in school and i was 18 year old by that time. And by that time i got infinite respect from students even of my age. So in that way i got huge respect without raging any. Now i am 21 and left job for my further high studies and doing master degree in instrumentation and control engineering.
8 Jun 09
I don't really believe that any school is free from bullies. I was bullied at school, but only very mildy. Horrible experience. Absolutely awful. I wish schools were free from it. It can really ruin what should be a funfilled few years of youthful exuberence. They're all little cowardly B*****DS if you ask me. They really are!
• India
8 Jun 09
bulling is the part and parcel of our school life............we are scared to get bullied by our seniors or by our friends but when we leave school we miss that experience.......i was bullied by my friends in school.....since i was fat guys in my class....i was always bullied.....one day few of my class mates came and said that one of their friend says that i can run faster than the fastest boy of my school.....i got so carried away that i also said yes....and they arranged for a race between that boy me......then what initially everyone was cheering me.....so i got more excited...when the race started i went like a rocket....but few meter my battery became low and i could see the other boy just jogging by me n=and reaching the finish line......every body started laughing at me.....1st i felt very bad but later i had big laugh about this with my friends on our reunion......