nasty looks, attatude about coupons

United States
June 7, 2009 7:55pm CST
i went to walmart a little bit ago and did some shopping and i used a lot of coupons that i had for the things i bought and the cashier gave me these nasty looks and i guess because i had so many they needed aprovial after they where done so when the other lady came over she goes well its because she used all them damn coupons , i wanted to tell her shut the f*** up and tell her to go have 4 children and see if she wont go and use them to save money that made me mad i am no diffrent from the many others who use them or any diffrent from the people who don't so there was no reason for it , some people just make me so made. there is nothing wrong with using coupons so there is no reason for people to get mad about it or givr nasty looks or comments.
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16 responses
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
8 Jun 09
The thing is coupons are there for us to use, the mfg make them so we can use them, just because they are not SMART enough to use them does not mean that those of us that do should be treated this way. I use coupons every week, it is a game to me, I love to get things for NOTHING and I do this a great deal of the time. Honestly if I were you I would call the walmart ask to speak with the manager and make a report of how you were treated. I am sure you still have your receipt the top of it should have the register number and even an associate name or number on it as well. Then after I did that I would write an email to customer service Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 702 SW 8th Street Bentonville, Arkansas 72716-8611 479-273-4000 or better yet call the company number listed above and tell them how horrible you were treated by one of the faces of the company. if you go to the main walmart site walmartstores dot com there is a contact link that will take you to feedback etc, fill that out as well. Seriously tell as many people as you can..
@GardenGerty (162354)
• United States
8 Jun 09
What an empowering post. Yes, she should tell as many people as possible. It takes ten good reports to outweigh one bad one.
• United States
9 Jun 09
i am still going to use them if she don't like it then two bad and i told all my friends that they can go there and use there coupons that they get from the computer , the lady that rang me out was one of the managers , plus corprite can care less how there costomers are being treated trust me i called them before.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
9 Jun 09
That is just it, you need to call, you need to make a stink about this. You were treated wrong and you never know. You should call someone..
@snowy22315 (185880)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Some people are just ignorant and there are no excuses for them. I would just use your coupons and who cares if she gives you a nasy attitude or not. I think anyone who has the coupons is entitled to use them. Maybe she was just having a hard day or soemthing.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Jun 09
thats what i am going to do she is not going to stop me from saving money for my family they are more important to me than some dumb lady that has problems with coupons,
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
16 Jun 09
There's no reason for her to be like that. Seriously. I'm a cashier at a grocery store, and I LOVE when a customer hands me a huge stack of coupons! I love celebrating how much they saved with them. When I have to get an override because someone gave me a coupon for more than $2 off something, I think it's awesome. When I need another override because the person saved $30, $40, $50 on their purchase that day... I congratulate them. Food isn't cheap. Neither are toiletries or other basic necessities to running a household. Why pay more than you have to?
• United States
16 Jun 09
i wish every one was like that , then the stores would be a better place to shop , i am not going to stop using them just because she don't like to scan them i mean i use to be a cashier and i didnt mind when people used coupons i like to see that people are saving on what ever it is they are buying because there are other things they can use that money they saved for.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
13 Jun 09
You are absolutely within your right to use as many coupons as the store will allow. You do not have to justify yourself to anyone, let alone the workers at the store who chose to work there and probably would not have a job to feed their kids if they did not. I have seen so much rudeness from employees of companies and I do not tolerate it anymore. I will either say something to them directly or report them to upper management. My thought on that is if they are doing it to you they will do it to someone else and you know how bad it made you feel, they have no right to make customers feel bad in any way no matter what the situation is. Part of their job is to be professional and I can tell you they ask a lot of questions when you apply to work there to hopefully insure they are getting quality people. You may need to let them know that at least two of their workers are not up to par and use of profanity it prohibited in any prfessional situation. Not only do you as customer not have to take it but the employees do not have to take it from customers. I am so sorry that they made you feel so bad but you never have to justify yourself to them or anyone else as long as you are doing what is within your right to do. If you chose not to report them now, I hope you go back with twice as many coupons next time and if you get as much as a sneer, call a manager over immediately and loudly tell them your problem. I recall a situation where an older African American was leaving the store with her purchases. She was behind two Caucasian women and all 3 a large amount in their cart. The clerks who check receipts as you go out just smile at the first two woman but did not check their receipts. When it came to the African American woman they checked hers thoroughly. Big mistake. She got very angry and got very loud about the prejudice action, the manager was called over and he tried to get her to quiet down and she blatantly said, "I will not quiet down, I will not go over to the side. It did not happen in secret and I will not make it secret." She went on for a good 20 minutes, about her integrity, her education (she was a retired professor with a few degrees), her embarrassment, etc. She caught the attention of everyone within earshot. The red faced manager offered many apologies and free coupons. She did not even take the coupons, she said, "I don't need these. I pay for what I want. That's what I came and did today. I just want to be treated the same as your other customers." You deserve that same be treated as any other customer. I hope you don't let them do that to you again.
• United States
13 Jun 09
they won't do it again because i will flip out if they even try , i can't blame the lay for getting mad i would as well i mean thats just crazy plus i do have a lot more coupons to use next time i go so all i got to say is they better be ready for them . i also told all my friends that like to use coupons so they will be going there as well and use all theres so they better have respect for all of us because if not there will be big problems.
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Not only do I clip coupons, and go to Wal-Mart, I am one of those customers that price match, which you can do at Wal-Mart....and boy oh boy do I get nasty looks all the time. Actually, I am usually shocked when I DON'T get a nasty look. It used to bother me, know I almost find it funny. I save a TON of money so let them look at me nasty. Usually it is because they don't have the nerve to do what I do. I have three kids, I am unemployed and my poor husband has to work 7 days a week to keep the family barely afloat. I do what I have to do to survive!!! And to be honest, I would still do it even if we had tons of money.
• United States
9 Jun 09
thanks for your feed back i don't blame you i am unemployed as well i am on ssd but that helps with the bills and stuff my hubby has his full time job of 40 hours a week then he has his own side jobs that makes him good money but hey with 4 children and bills you need to save as much money as you can that way you can go out and have fun with them and take them places insted of in the house or yard or park all the time . i am saving the money that i save for a vaccation this year out of state i want to give my children a good summer so they can say i been there done that, i mean using coupons is easy i don't see why other people don't use them or someone would get mad for someone else using them that is what they are there for.
• United States
9 Jun 09
Good for you for saving the money you would have spent on groceries. I end up barely getting by these days even though my husband does have a good job. We just always had to rely on my income as well. Summer is difficult for us this year seeing that I am unemployed. I have been trying to find all the "free" places to go and we have been going a "day" trips. I always manage to find some good bargains and hopefully I will have a job soon.
@check23 (448)
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
If I were you, I will be mad too. And i'll tell them that why give that look? And why give coupons if they don't want people to use it? They're just giving it for marketing strategy.
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@GardenGerty (162354)
• United States
8 Jun 09
How very odd, and rude. I would find a number and report them to the store manager and to the district manager. There is usually a sign with a phone number posted somewhere, especially in the rest rooms, lol. They should be glad you use coupons. It makes the manufacturers happy to see that their promotions work. They get extra money for honoring coupons. I hope you saved a bundle.
• United States
8 Jun 09
i saved $40.00 but thats besides the point every little bit helps expecally when you have 4 children and want to give them a good summer this year .
• United States
15 Jun 09
It is frusturating. I have had people give me looks and say things over and over again. I have also had people say that they thought it was great that I do that. I got to ther point I know it is the right thing for my family so that is what I do. I want to keep the roof above our heads and still be able to eat so I do what I need to do. I think Walmart hires rude people just for the fun of it. I always get bad service there. Look for the cute older ladies, they seem to be the nicest.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
8 Jun 09
well, to be honest, i dont really care much about what others think of me. i bet this lady is just jealous because of all the money you are saving lol! i wouldnt worry about it.
• United States
8 Jun 09
i really dont care how she feels about me or what she says but i had my 4 children with me they dont need to hear that.
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
Good day.. Some one people just need to see the "disadvantage" in other people. People always compare themselves to other and always find the reason to be right all the time whichever side of the balance they're in. There's nothing wrong in using the coupons, first of all it is legal and second they can also theirs right? So what's the big fuss about that?
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
Good day.. Some one people just need to see the "disadvantage" in other people. People always compare themselves to other and always find the reason to be right all the time whichever side of the balance they're in. There's nothing wrong in using the coupons, first of all it is legal and second they can also theirs right? So what's the big fuss about that?
• United States
9 Jun 09
I know what you mean. I won't even use printed coupons at Kroger because several years ago they wouldn't take them. One of my daughter just started working there and she asked do they take printed coupons because she was thinking of me and they said yes. But, I still will not use printed coupons at Kroger. I will go to Walmart or Albertsons when I have printed coupons.
• United States
9 Jun 09
there are 2 other stores around me that take them but they have limits on them like community will only take 2 of the same coupon and khuns will only take the ones $1 or less and i get some that are more than $1 so walmart is the only place that don't have a limit and shop n save and giant eagle don't take them so the only coupons i take there are the onles i get mailed to me from the company i take them there because they double them and walmart don't thats the only bad thing about using them at walmart is they don't double the coupons but at least they take the computer ones so i guess that makes up for i had 5 coupons for $1 off bq sauce and at walmart the bq sauce is only 97 cents so i got all 5 for free and saved $5 there so hey who ever don't like people using coupons i say get over it. it just makes us want to use them even
• United States
12 Jun 09
Hi psychotaz.....There was no need in you giving her any explanation at all. If it were not for ahoppers like you neither of them would have a job. I think I would have had to talk to management over that issue and embarassment. They are suppose to be there making a wage to make sure that we have found what we came there for and to check us out in a timely manner. Sorry to say I worked at Walmart for 10 years and I was a front end supervisor and I did not stand for any of my cashiers being nasty with customers. If they were and I got a report it was handled right then and there and an apology was made. Some feel they can just say and do whatever they want and to heck with the consquenses but thats not the way it is in real life. Either you want the job or there are more out there waiting to step in that will do there best by their customers. flutterby
• United States
10 Jun 09
Well I feel for you but i have to share a remark that was made the other day to my boyfiriend and I in Walmart that hit the nail on the head. My boyfriend is Puerto Rican and we were in walmart shopping for supplies to make pasteles. In Spanish my boyfiriend asked this older Spanish gentleman working there whether they had Green bananas, okra or tarro root. Very nasty he yelled at my boyfriend in Spanish that they did not have green bananas, okra or tarro root. Of course I did not understand all of this since my spanish is very, very little. A very old gentleman over heard this and spoke something in spanish to my boyfriend loud enough for the spanish employee to over hear and my boyfriend started to laugh. The shopper said after the reference to them not having what we needed, that they didn't even have any respect at Walmart to sell! We laughed about it since it is very tru. Do email or call them because I had an incident with themin their optical department and wcalled their hotline. Their district manager called me and I was able to get my pair of contacts for free becasue of the rudeness. I have been in retail for 20 years and don't treat anyone like these people do. I don't shop there very often but they seem to have the market cornered on some things and you can't avoid them.
• United States
10 Jun 09
i think i would of flipped out i don't take people yelling at me for no reason , i called the one time because there one shelf fell and hit my hand and the worker that was there did nothing to help me get it so when i called all they did was say sorry and sent me a $10 gift card didnt even ask if i was ok or nothing walmart i think may end up losing costomers because of the way they treat people that shop there.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
8 Jun 09
I usually dont get nasty looks from the cashiers..a sigh if i have alot of coupons but i get dirty looks from people behind me because i hold up the line with all the coupons. I LOVE COUPONS! I set all the money i save with coupons aside in a tin and buy fun things or treats (like mothers day breakfast for 5) with it. When i have enough this time i'm going to use the coupon money for a park pass this time. I've never had a problem at walmart with coupons - actually the last few times The cashier has taken every coupon that i gave her even if it was a double didnt quite match. Its been the same girl both times she says they get the money back from the companies even if it isnt on the same bill they still sell the items.
• United States
8 Jun 09
Wal-Mart is a greedy corporate enterprise, they only want your money, not your respect. I would just like to state that my mother works at Wal-Mart and she is treated horribly, she supposedly works there full-time but she doesn't even get over 35 hours a week! Which is against the law in this state and she is currently in a court case vs. Wal-Mart about getting more hours, and pay for the one year she has worked there with only 25 hours per week, but instead she'll be paid for 50 hours a week. In essence we'll earn almost 25 grand in a grand because of all the lost hours! I really do hate Wal-Mart! I encourage you all to not even give that store a second look.