Fun Stories
@MischiefFilledMe (268)
United States
June 8, 2009 9:43am CST
My grandmother loves to go on road trips. A few years ago, she took my little sister (eight or nine at the time), my mother, my grandfather and I (fifteen at the time) to Ohio to go to the "Amish Country". It is one of her FAVORITE trips to go on.
While we were there I had the opportunity to do some pretty cool things.
I had some of the sweetest peanut butter I have EVER tasted from Yoder's Amish Farm. I also got to see one of the funniest things in the WORLD there. We were in the barn, and suddenly, there was a pony running around us. He had laid down, and slithered under the door to his stall. They said he did it all the time. It was hilarious.
I pet a zebra, some deer, my mom got her foot licked by a buffalo, our buggy was chased by an ostridge and my grandfather got bitten by an emu at Rolling Ridge Ranch. The zebra, who was nice enough to let me pet him, STOLE the bucket of food I was feeding the animals with by putting his mouth in the bucket, opening his mouth all the way, jerking it away from me, and then set it on the ground to eat out of it.
I also got hit on by several Amish boys. My grandmother would have just died if I had even talked to one of them. She has always wanted me to end up being an Amish girl. I do not think I would survive, but, it would probably be a pretty cool experience.
It was one of the most fun trips of my life. I had only gone once before, when I was really really little, and I only remembered little bits of it. I was so happy to go back and see everything again.
We got lost a couple of times, because my mom was following the GPS, when she knows the roads pretty well, having been there a TON of times.
So, my question for you... Have you been on any AWESOME trips that brought back some great childhood memories?
2 responses
@psychoartist (756)
• United States
8 Jul 12
hi mischief! your grandmother sounds very adventurous as was mine! she loved to go on trips and always made lots of snacks for us to take along! she also liked for us to all sing together on road trips which i have noticed people make fun of in movies but at the time we really enjoyed it! i have never been to the amish country but would like to go there..(it is funny about the amish boys!)...our library in town has a lot of beautiful amish furniture and mr. psychoartist and i would like to purchase some for our psychoartist has a t-shirt that says "i (heart) the amish" that he gets a lot of attention from whenever he wears it out...his brother has one too but he refuses to wear it out with mr. psychoartist...
1 person likes this
@MischiefFilledMe (268)
• United States
17 Aug 12
We loved going on roadtrips with my grandmother, because we always visit some of the most interesting places, and we always have a lot of fun.
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
7 Jul 12
Hello MischiefFilledMe
It sounds like you had an incredible trip with your Grandmother and the rest of your family.
About five years ago my younger brother, my beloved Father and I took a trip to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, as well as to Amish Country. My beloved Father was a huge American Civil War nut and he also loved Amish Country as it gave him fond memories of traveling their with his late wife.
The trip was great for my brother and I as we enjoyed spending the time with our beloved Dad and the Civil War motif also caused many memories of our childhood to come to the forefront of our minds as we remembered all the Civil War battlefields to which our beloved Dad had dragged us when we were children.
About a year ago, I took Mrs. Turner on this same trip and many of the memories of my brother and beloved Father came back to me as well.