What else are you doing?

@kykidd (6812)
United States
June 8, 2009 10:21am CST
What else are you doing? I mean right now. I know a lot of you are multitasking. Even if you are just doing something else on the computer. What else is it that you are doing? I think sometimes we multitask and we don't even realize because we have gotten so used to it. Wouldn't it be nice to just sit and do one thing? How would you like to just sit on your front porch and drink coffee? Not read the paper and drink coffee, just drink coffee or just read the paper. Wouldn't that be so nice, just to relax!
1 response
• United States
8 Jun 09
You caught me :D I'm multitasking. Currently, I'm listening to Rise Against, this excellent band I like. I'm also eating the lunch I made, and I'm about to go down and check on the cookies that I'm baking. In addition, I'm running several programs that do some of my work for me, so that cuts down on what I have to do. I think I would get bored just doing one thing, to be honest
1 person likes this
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Yes, I think you are right. I think that we are so used to multi-tasking that if we were to actually just sit and relax and enjoy a cup of jo that we would get bored. I haven't done it in a long time. Well I don't drink coffee, but I mean I haven't just sat and thought about nothing and relaxed my body and mind. It does feel good if you get a chance, once you finally let your mind relax. Like when you are laying on the beach, not reading a book, not doing anything but just laying there. Of course, you would still be multi-tasking because you would be listening to the ocean, watching passerbys, etc. Thank you for your response in this discussion, and have a great day myLotting and more!