Cheaters...Do You Forgive Them?

@cbantly (236)
United States
June 8, 2009 3:16pm CST
They say "once a cheater, always a cheater." If your spouse or significant other cheated, would you be able to forgive them? Are there certain circumstances in which you would consider things under a different light? In other words, is there anything that could change your mind? What if your significant other cheated in their last relationship? Would this bother you or make you less trusting?
24 responses
@manish92 (24)
• India
9 Jun 09
Nope !! Never would I forget the one who cheated me and never forgive him too !! Its all about trust you have in the other and if that gets broken no use of keeping the relation going up or forgiving the person thought he is guilty !!!!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
9 Jun 09
i was cheated too, during my time with my ex husband, i caught him twice and i always forgave him. It you dont forgive, you will aways be hate and anger in your heart and its not healthy for you. And for you to move on, you have to forgive yourself and forgive other who hurt you. In that way, it will be easy for you to enter into another relationship.
@cbantly (236)
• United States
11 Jun 09
So you suggested that you forgave him, but then moved on. Did you move on with someone else, or the same person? It's easy to forgive and forget about someone that is no longer in your life, but if they are still in a relationship with you...then you see them every day and it would bring the pain back constantly.
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
For me, i moved on with mylife either alone or with someone else. For me, if i gave you 2 chance and still you do it again. Lets separate ways because this will not work. If your relationship is not build with trust, then it will not work out. You will always have doubts and fear that he is doing it again.
@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Would I be able to forgive them? I don't have any personal experience with it. I think it would be very hard and I couldn't honestly say beyond a shadow of a doubt that I could. But, I absolutely reject the notion of "once a cheater always a cheater". I'm sure for a number of people, that's true. They're serial cheaters. But, I don't believe there's not one single person who cheated on someone once, repented and never cheated again. In the entire history of the world? The odds are too great for it to never have happened. Oh, and let me be perfectly clear that even for the person whose only done it one time have still done something inexcusably wrong. But, I do believe there are people who can change.
• United States
9 Jun 09
I'd edit this into my earlier comment if I could. If by "once a cheater always a cheater" you mean that it's happened and you don't get to go back in time and erase it, I'll agree with that. It's part of their history and that can't be changed. I mean I reject the idea that everyone who's ever cheated can never in the future be faithful to anyone ever in their lives.
@cbantly (236)
• United States
9 Jun 09
So maybe once a person cheats on a person, they may cheat on that same person...but they could be faithful to someone else? Maybe behaviors change and depending on the underlying reasons...maybe another situation would be different with a different person!
@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Hello cbantly , forgiving is not my job to do but I can and did let it go.From what I went through with my ex-husband, it brought out my untrusting nature because I won't trust any one. I trust only my parents and a couple of good friends who got me through really difficult times. My b/f knows of my past and it took me awhile to give him details of why I am an untrusting person.Even my b/f I don't completely trust but I am glad he has patience with me.
@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
9 Jun 09
It was last year I told him more about myself so that took 7 years. I wish I could say I completely trust him but I don't. I can't say my untrusting will play a part if he and I don't work out. I have no guarantees with him. As long as he remembers things I've told him about me we might be alright but I honestly do not know.
@cbantly (236)
• United States
8 Jun 09
How long did it take for you to begin to trust your b/f? Was he more understanding once he learned why you were having a hard time trusting?
• Philippines
9 Jun 09
It is really hard for me to forget especially when I was hurt. On our first month, my boyfriend sort of dated his ex girlfriend twice. The first date was a lunch date. He texted me that he will just eat lunch, never mentioned that he is with somebody. When I saw the receipts, I immediately ask him if his with somebody because as the receipt shows, he ordered for two people. He told me that his with his ex. I got hurt (a lot) and told him that I'm ending our relationship. Well he cried but on the next week, he again texted me and told me that I just go home because he'll be meeting a friend who has a problem. When I learned that he's with his ex girlfriend again, I really got mad and didn't talk to him for a week. Everytime he tries to talk to me, I shut him down. I never answer his texts and calls. When I knew that I was ready to talk to him, I told him that this is stupid. Just go back to your old girlfriend and just end our relationship because I can't stand it. He cried again, begged for my forgiveness. I sort of gave him some conditions before I get back to him. He totally followed everything that I say just to prove his worth and to prove that I'm his only one. But up to now, I'm still having a hard time believing him. I always say that I will only trust him if our surnames are same. But really, it is very hard trusting someone who hurt and broken your trust.
• Philippines
9 Jun 09
Nope. Actually since that day he literally erased every means of communication with all of his ex girlfriends. Well I do hope that I could trust him just like before. I was really having a hard time believing in what he say nowadays eventhough I know that he doesn't do anything wrong.
@cbantly (236)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Even if your surnames are the same, I would think that it would still be hard to trust him. After all, he has showed twice that he could betray your trust. Is he still friends with his ex?
@Jayrent (127)
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
yes and they deserve to be forgive yes for e it is not so easy, but if i was ask forgiveness with sincerity and honestly i forgive the cheater. A years will take before i can forget. Yes i can forget, i do not want to waste my tiem thinking of what have been done to me. Remember only that do not do again the wrong or mistake to me because i can not forget the second.
@cbantly (236)
• United States
8 Jun 09
I guess that's the same idea as screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me! It would be hard not to let there be a lasting impression or impact, but then I guess it is possible! Like you said, it wouldn't be easy!
@Jayrent (127)
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
Yes it is not easy. I think every things come not so easy and we find it easy if ti passed long time. Emotions don't just seethe and go the easy way.
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
9 Jun 09
i think its a case to case basis. If its cheating, like really having an affair, i think its unforgivable, but if its catching him text someone, maybe i can have him confess and prove that he is indeed sorry..and prove himself worthy to be forgiven. I dont really know because i have never been in a serious situation that my boyfriend is having an affair with somebody. But i have gal friends who has tried catching their guys having an affair, and sometimes would even hurt them physically but they still forgive them despite it, so i wouldn't really know..
@cbantly (236)
• United States
11 Jun 09
So if you caught someone texting, you would consider that not quite as bad as actually cheating? I would see that as someone who was looking for the opportunity. Although, I guess I could see it as a friendship and not necessarily something that would lead to physical cheating.
• Singapore
9 Jun 09
It is easy to forgive but not to forget. You will have problem trusting the person a second time. Never think that it is your fault for the infidelity. It has to do with him, his choice, nothing to do with you.
@cbantly (236)
• United States
11 Jun 09
It's interesting that many of the people that have commented have automatically assumed that it was a guy we were discussing. In fact, it actually is a female that did the cheating.
@AlyssaCB (68)
• Canada
8 Jun 09
Leopards dont change their spots. I could never completely forgive the act of infidenity, nor could i forget it. Personally once i knew they were unfaithful i could no longer be with them personally but i know people who have tried to work through the issue, and sometimes they come out of it ok.
@cbantly (236)
• United States
8 Jun 09
I've heard some people say that it depends on what the circumstances surrounding it were. Why did the infidelity occur? Why did one person feel so lonely? However, I got to say that I'm with you. I would find it very hard to ever have any type of relationship...all I would see is that other person and the infidelity!
• Canada
8 Jun 09
Thats how i feel, I couldnt personally try to work through it because i wouldnt be able to forgive them or forget it. I know some people can but in my opinion its not worth it if you cant forgive and forget, and with cheating i wouldnt be able to.
@raydogze (42)
• United States
9 Jun 09
I do not forgive or forget
@cbantly (236)
• United States
11 Jun 09
I've tried to move on, but at the same is very difficult.
@check23 (448)
• Philippines
9 Jun 09
I agree with you. I once had a boyfriend and we lasted for about... hmm... one and a half year I guess. Can't remember. Well at least I remember the guy and all of his cheating. I busted him so many times and he still do it. He always promise that he'll never do it again and it was just his past time. I got fed up with it so I got myself a new boyfriend and I dumped him. I told him everything I wanted to tell him. He can't accept what happened. What an.... Then after three years my boyfriend and I got married and that's when he stopped contacting me asking for forgiveness. I hope he learned his lesson but as they say "once a cheater will always be a cheater".
@cbantly (236)
• United States
2 Jul 09
It sounds like your story definitely turned out for the best. I just can't trust a cheater!
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
9 Jun 09
It is hard to make a sound comment if you haven't experienced it yourself. But in case I do, I would definitely forgive them. But as to when, I really don't know. I would definitely be more careful of this person. Trust is one big issue here.
@cbantly (236)
• United States
11 Jun 09
Trust would be a very tough issue. It would be very hard to stay in a relationship with someone that had cheated. If you are unable to trust someone, do you really even have a relationship? If one person doesn't care enough to stay faithful and stay in it, what's the point!
• Canada
9 Jun 09
I used to say to friends whos partners were cheating. Kick him to the curb, hes a loser, no way I would stay in that relationship. Well, it happened to me. And you know what. I loved the guy so much, I over looked it. I dont know if I ever forgave him. It ate at me deep down inside. As time would go by, it happened again. This was my 2nd marraige and I was bound and determined to save it. So I turned a blind eye and said I forgave him. Did everything possible, counselling,joined a gym (not that I needed it but thought I must,what was wrong with me). A couple yrs went by and I noticed that old pattern returning. This time I'd had enough and liked myself awhole lot more. He actually asked me why didnt you fight for me this time, even his new girl friend wondered that. I told him to bring his new girlfriend over and I would gladly explain it to her. For some, I guess you can forgive and forget, but for me, I couldnt.
@cbantly (236)
• United States
2 Jul 09
Good For You! I think one of the reasons people "forgive" is simply because they are afraid of the alternative. I can tell you, divorce is not fun and I'm nearing the finish line. I can't wait to have everything behind me!
• United States
9 Jun 09
I personally think that cheaters are always cheaters, but my parents tell me to forgive, I think it is not the probelm that if people forgive them or not, it is can they actually forgive themselves.
@cbantly (236)
• United States
11 Jun 09
I find that most cheaters have in some way justified their actions. It may not make much sense to others, but a lot of times the cheater will think she was allowed to because she was lonely, or she wasn't getting something that she needed. Personally, I don't think there is even an excuse for cheating, but I know some would disagree!
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
8 Jun 09
You are right, Once a cheater, always a cheater, but each one of us desire a second chance and we should forget and forgive if you are in love with that person. If a second chance is still not good for him/her then it is time to let them learn a lesson. For me, I will give my husband a second chance and will forget and forgive him as well... but my trust on him might be less and no word about it. It is hard to fix something that is already broken, u can tap and you can fix it but you still have a scar. I still have the same love and I am still the same person as well but just a my trust isn't the same like I used to do
@cbantly (236)
• United States
8 Jun 09
This seems to be the general consensus...that many people would give a second chance, but agree that it would be hard and would negatively impact the ability to trust the other.
9 Jun 09
This is a tricky one because when people cheat, it shows that there is an underlying problem and whether they want to face up to that is the issue that always ends up being unidentified. Of course they feel guilty because reality hits of how bad it really was. If you have been cheated on, I think the hardest thing is letting go and trusting that person again. I couldn't take my boyfriend back if he cheated on me but I think we both know that there is a line and that is most definately crossing it. I cheated once and didn't expect to be taken back. After I said my sorrys and goodbyes, they wanted me back. I figured that the problem was that I didn't want to be with him and so left him.
@cbantly (236)
• United States
9 Jun 09
What kind of underlying problems can you think of? I could imagine problems may arise if the couple was having intimate problems, or if their interests were completely separate. I'm not saying that I understand the cheating, but I could see where issues could surface!
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
8 Jun 09
I have been cheated on and I forgave after a time but I would never forget which is where the problems come in. Years later its still right there and it will never go away even if he has changed his ways completely making a 360 degrees difference. It still there and it still hurts and thats the way it is for me.
@cbantly (236)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Does it make it real hard for you to trust? When you say it hurts...does it still affect your current relationship? What did you do to try and cope with the situation? Did you feel like you were at fault (even in some small way)?
@andresimp (818)
• India
9 Jun 09
well i have been cheated twice. especially the later one is so painful. he made me believe that he s mr. perfect and such a gentleman. he cared so much for me.. and flattered me so much for almost 3 years. finally there was some problem in his family and he told me not to call him anymore. i was upset and i called him atleast once in a week. but one day he simply changed his number and i tried to contact his friends but they responded to me rudely. he holds a big position. i still cant belive that he did that to me. i seriously cant forget.. but since i m a christian i have to forgive.. in the end i m a human being. so i scold him in my mind whenever i think of all the promises and flattering things he had told me. sometimes i get so much anger. i ask god to forgive me.. coz i ve been a fool all the time n i shouldnt blame him... 1thing i realized anyone who calls themselves as a good human being and innocent all the time, are actually frauds. no one is perfect in this world. now i really find hard to trust anyone. i learned to trust myself.
@leyisa (486)
• Canada
9 Jun 09
Hmmm..I don't think it's so much about forgiveness as it is about forgetting..If my husband cheated, time I could forgive but I could never be with him b/c it would be hard to forget that his hands had been on another women...The thought of that would turn me off and I would no longer be with him.
9 Jun 09
Really does depend all on the person. Some people will always be cheaters whatever but some really do feel bad in the relationship they are in and feel like they get pushed into cheating because they are getting so badly treated by their partner. I have never cheated and I would never but if I didn't love someone anymore I would just say and spare myself all the trouble of getting caught.