OMG!!! I don't remember such a storm in my life!!

@jerzgirl (9327)
United States
June 9, 2009 10:16am CST
I have been afraid of thunderstorms since I was a kid. I used to get under my blankets, crying, praying to God to please take it away so I could go to sleep. Even when I was nineteen, I was hysterical during a campout when a storm hit and we were sleeping on the ground beneath it all with no tent! Absolutely paralyzed in fear and crying hysterically. I can deal with them now, but I still don't like them. If I get caught in one while driving, I will stop driving because I get pretty upset if it's close in. This morning, though, a storm unlike any other I recall hit, waking me, and lasted for at least 30 minutes. There was no break in the lightning or thunder, just flash over flash over flash with continual rolling thunder. Some flashes were extremely close. After one such flash, the fire siren went off and the police went flying up the road. During most storms, there are breaks between lightning strikes and thunder - not this one. Not at all. It was like we were being attacked from above. And, for the first time in many a year, I was curled up in the fetal position just waiting for it to go away. I was even more afraid when it began to hail, followed by the gusts of wind that hadn't been there previously. Oh, heavens - I did not like this storm!! Here is a link to the story from our local television station. We on the Jersey side of the Delaware were getting what the Philadelphia area had gotten before us. I was hoping the little video would show the repeat lightning, but it doesn't even show one. I was disappointed. But, believe me - it was pretty darned wicked. Right now, the radar shot shows a line of deep red storms along the coast of NJ and NY (Pye? Are you getting hit now??) Have you ever been hit with a storm where you live that was totally unlike any you remembered? What was it like?
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9 responses
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Jun 09
I do remember some very bad storms as a child but I do not know if it seemed more dangerous because I was so young. However, here in the tropics I have lived through many hurricanes and that has been awful. right now, I have a big list of things or get in case there is a hurricane. They can be very scary but we have been lucky in so far as we have tended to have them in the day and not the night. At night, the damage would be a lot worse. Just remember that the lightning you see has already gone and will not hurt you. I must admit that I am scared of lightning too and will dive under anything big enough to hold me! I am not scared of thunder though although I am scared of thunderbolts.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Trying to reason with an irrational fear does not work, I can tell you. All the logic in the world doesn't fix it. I have outgrown a lot of the "run and hide" aspects of my fear as well as the general hysteria I feel, but the knot in my stomach never goes away. And, this morning's storm was such that I found myself curling up, facing away from the window, just hoping it would be gone.....SOON!
@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
9 Jun 09
JerZ, I woke up to the same storm this morning in PA. Hail smashing down on the roof like a freight train. My dogs were trying to hide....what a morning! the worst storm I ever experienced was in the south west of Texas, three kids and one adult out in the middle of pasture land... we were told to lay flat and grab a yucca to anchor onto. Other than that I love a good light show courtesy of atmospheric nature. Theres another band moving in now...batten down the hatches!
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Thanks for the warning, Jodi. I'm just across from Philly, so I'll be waiting. I just hope my daughter doesn't get stuck driving home in it. No one changes how they drive in bad weather and that makes it even more dangerous on the roads.
@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
10 Jun 09
I was in a high rise dorm at college and the first time I was awaken by a lighten strike, was pretty scary. Because the dorm I was in and the one next to it were, at that time, the tallest buildings in the area, the lightening rods were fequently hit. I remember one storm I woke up 6" off the bed and the sky was light from the lightening for about 10 minutes pretty much non-stop. I, on the other hand, just lay there and enjoyed it.
@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
10 Jun 09
well, I knew I was safe in a building with good lightening rods, but I sure couldn't sleep thru those storms - some of my friends could tho
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
10 Jun 09
LOL--I have a habit of sleeping through anything...I once slept through one of the very rare earthquakes we had here in NY some ten years ago--maybe had something to do with being born in Calif and my mother said there were tremors everyday???
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
10 Jun 09
I'd never be able to just enjoy it. I don't mind it when the storm center isn't directly over head, but I can hear it and even see it from afar. I like the rain most - it will put me to sleep so quickly.
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• United States
9 Jun 09
it's been rainy here off and on all month..surprisingly no thunder though.. um..the worst thunderstorm i recall was sometime in 1980..the space between flashes was almost non-existant..just one after another. i had a friend that was sleeping over at the time (we were kids)and she was terrified. but then there was one about 15 years ago,that barely had any thunder,and lightning took out the tree on the corner.caught it on fire,too. it was weird,relatively quiet storm,and then ZOT.
• United States
11 Jun 09
i don't recall any warning other feeling? something go by. it's hard to explain,but i was on the top floor of my house before it struck,and there was a lot of i guess you would say static in the air. i had heard hazel trees seem to attract lightning,and in that case it definetly was was the only one in the neighborhood.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Yeah - space between flashes here also non-existent. That last one - wow. Was there a clap of thunder when the lightning hit the tree? I've seen those kind come through, too. It seems like it's just rain, although it's very gray out. You just get used to the rain when BOOM - a bright flash and explosive thunder that seems to hit right outside wherever you are. THAT gets my heart beating, I'll tell you!
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
10 Jun 09
I'm sorry you've had to endure this thunderstorm ordeal. It surely must have been a frightening experience. Just listening to the continuous lightning and thunder would be intimidating enough, not to mention the driving rain, flooding and uprooting of trees and shrubs. I saw the report and video from your link, and I am amazed to learn that there were more than 1,700 lightning strikes within the first hour of the storm. That's an amazing number of wonder you said there was no break in the lightning and thunder. Luckily for me here in Asia, I don't have to encounter such terrible weather. We do have lightning and thunder occasionally, some bad ones too that can scare us, but not as bad as what you went through. Hope you don't have to go through such a scary thunderstorm ordeal again.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
10 Jun 09
Oh wow, 5600 is a lot of lightning strikes in two hours. That's scary, and I really can't imagine that. I wouldn't want to be in the middle of this either. I hope the weather will improve for you rather than get worse, and that the storm will really go somewhere else tonight.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
10 Jun 09
A later article on the storm said there were 5600 strikes between 6am and 8am, so that's a HUGE number of lightning strikes with not even a second of space between them. I was very nervous, especially being on the top floor of the house, so we're really in the attic area, where the lightning would hit if it didn't hit the trees around us. I was definitely nervous and just waiting for something to happen. It really sounded terrible. We were supposed to have more tonight, but so far, it looks like they're all south of us. We shall see......
• United States
9 Jun 09
I have been through some pretty cool storms. One time a tornado was heading straight for our home and my dad could only stand and watch from the back of the farm. Suddenly when the twister came to our house, it lifted and went over the house. I was in the house with my mother and sisters. We did not even know of this until my father came running in the house and told us. Another time I was home with my child, mentally retarded sister, and our cat. I just settled down to read a book after a rain. Suddenly I could not see anything out the window. I heard some loud bangs and the house shook. A locked outside door flew open. I headed straight to the basement. The windows were bending in. As quickly as it came up, it was gone. This wind or storm or whatever it was picked up a large tree and slammed into the roof of the house two to three times and then laid it in the front yard. Come to find out later, my mother had been praying for a new roof and to have that tree removed. Guess what she got...a new roof and the tree chopped up. I told her that I wanted to know the next time she prayed for something so that I would also be prepared for the answer given. Are my stories scaring you. I would hope not! If you are praying to God, you should know that there is a Bible verse that says "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. We should use wisdom in bad weather, but we should not be fearful. Look at how Jesus spoke to the weather and it obeyed. I wonder where this fear first had an open door to enter into your heart. I pray that God will set you free from all of this and you will have peace indeed. Oh, and one more story. My parents bought a farm when I was about ten years old. They had a large mortgage to pay and my father was very frightened that he would not be able to do it. This was his fear, the fear of lack. That first year we had a drought and the crops were burning up in the field. I remember daddy crying over all of this. My mother gently told my dad that they would pray about it and God would send the rain. The next day, we woke up to a farm that had been rained on and all the crops were standing up straight and tall. It's funny, though, no other properties were rained on that night but ours. Hmmmm, I wonder who is in charge of the weather.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Great, stories, sys! Seriously. As afraid as I am of tornado potential, I am SOOOO glad I don't live in true tornado alley. After all the lightning and such, when it began to hail and then the wind began to blow (it's like it came in steps), I was thinking, "uh oh". But, then it got lighter outside, so I knew the worst was over since more light was getting through the clouds.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
10 Jun 09
Great and interesting stories you've stories I've heard today! I'm sorry you and your family had to go through all those experiences. It must have been frightening and nerve-racking. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes under those circumstances. Good thing we don't have tornadoes in this part of the world. It' so scary to be in the middle of one.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
10 Jun 09
Did someone mention my name? Well unlike you, I've never been afraid of thunderstorms, but OMG last night's storm or I should say early morning was terrible. Like you where I am lightening was flashing non-stop. lighting the sky as if it were daylight and LOUD claps of fact some of the lightening bolts were so low I honestly thought they were going to come into the apt. Right now though all is calm and quiet..though I think we're to be hit with more storms tomorrow There was one storm about two years ago though, I NEVER saw wind as strong as that in my life...I later heard that the Brooklyn area of NY was getting hit by of all things a tornado..and the wind we felt was it's outreaching effects
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
10 Jun 09
Was your nose itching? Your ears burning? LOL I had a feeling you'd figure out I'd mentioned you. Wasn't that something else? I can deal with them now, but that one was just so vicious and long-lived, it finally got to me and I curled up in bed and didn't move. Right now, all looks clear on the radar except storms just heading out to sea near the Carolinas, but WOW! What a good morning wake-up that was!!
@Lizann (81)
• United States
9 Jun 09
i got the same thunderstorm this morning! it woke me and my cat Sadie up at 7 in the morning. i live in NY. it was pretty bad. i enjoy the rain , but not when i have to commute. often times my friends and i run in the rain. this morning i was too tired to have fun in the rain, and i was glad i didn't have to commute, it was dangerous. i thought Sadie would be frightened, but she was curious. she looked out the window.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Hey, Lizann - that's when it hit here, too. I think it was one long storm. I checked the radar later and it showed a huge long, skinny but powerful storm all along the coast, clear up past Long Island into New England and down past the southern tip of Jersey. It didn't phase any of my cats (Shady and Chloe), but it did seem to agitate my daughter's cat, Tiki, who decided to become rambunctious and knock things over, including a full-length mirror that my daughter got to replace the last one her cat broke! My two laze-abouts just stayed in bed, but hers seemed to become more irritated as the storm continued. I've heard some that were BRIEFLY that bad before (like 5 or 10 minutes), but never one that stayed in place with non-stop lightning and thunder. It just lasted and lasted until I was curled up hoping it would end. I just don't like them and, when they don't go away like this one didn't, I get really nervous.
• China
10 Jun 09
We did not storm here