Newsweek Editor Says Obama is God
By AnjaP
@Rollo1 (16679)
Boston, Massachusetts
June 9, 2009 4:25pm CST
There's a reason that America is in so much trouble and it isn't all due to Obama. A lot of it is due to the full-blown case of Obama-infatuation that the press now suffers from. They are incapable of doing what a free press should do best. They should be questioning what seems questionable, critizing what appears to warrant criticism and telling us the truth when the truth is known.
But instead we get statements like this from Newsweek editor Evan Thomas: "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of god."
Above the country? What happened to government of the people, for the people and by the people? He is not above us, he works for us. We, the people.
Above the world? Isn't this the way he behaves, as if he is the new world leader and not the president of the United States? He has spent more time abroad than any president in his first few months, he courts enemy governments by sacrificing our friends.
He's sort of god? Well, perhaps this is the job he was aiming for all along.
With the free press incapable of any objectivity, doesn't this leave Obama pretty much free to do anything without possibility of censure or criticism? Is this good for our country?
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10 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
9 Jun 09
This would surprise me coming from a real publication. As it happens, it's only Newsweek. :-)
Most Obama supporters I've met--I definitely won't say all--are seriously, literally, blinded by pure infatuation. He's like their baby: birthed to proud parents, fed along the way, first steps and words held on to like life itself, flattering progress reports, etc, etc.
Anything, even the SLIGHTEST criticism, results in an all-out tongue lashing from the supporters, throwing around things like, "Bush was worse," when that's not even the point. Or my favorite, "Give him a chance!" Giving him a chance is SO IRONIC!! Supporters didn't "give him a chance." If they did, they would have held him to a higher level of scrutiny and not been so quick to promote him to god-like status.
President Obama doesn't really scare me by himself. What scares me are the millions upon millions of people who are more than willing to cling to the man's every word like gospel. I know supporters don't like anyone making comparisons with evil figures, but a guy like Koresh was only lil Davey before people started blindly following. Of course, I'm not saying Obama is trying to lead anyone into anything due to their blind loyalty. If that were the case, I would have said Hitler or something lol ... But it is astounding to see SO MANY PEOPLE who, for all intents and purposes, are in real deal L-O-V-E with the man.
He's no longer a president in some supporters' eyes, he's a deity; a ray of light; a singular right in a world gone wrong; a motivator and a healer; a supreme human. Therefore, any criticism is nothing more than a lie, or jealousy, or hatred in their eyes.
It would seem as if they're drinking copious amounts of that powdered stuff that comes in an envelope that you add sugar and water to. But I could be wrong.
The world has long been obsessed with celebrities, especially Americans. It's extremely odd, at least to me, to love a man to the point where you automatically hate any who oppose anything he stands for.
It's frightening.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Ah, adding on:
I think it's absolutely horrible for our country when we have a crooked press.
Around 90% of all media in America is liberal. If that number's wrong, someone will have to show me the statistic (that isn't on Soros' site!).
It's so bad that you can't have ONE anti-progressive network without the entire liberal world out to destroy them. Fox hate is all over. Because they're the only nationally popular network that takes an anti-liberal path, they're considered evil, right-wing neo-con news. But labeling the one major outlet for opposition as evil is basically saying, "We want you to think how we think. If you don't, you're not the same as us."
Look how people are treated in America for not subscribing to progressive ideology. It's sad.
Here go the democrats again, telling Americans who it's okay to hate. It's the new Jim Crow South. :-)
Very bad for America.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
9 Jun 09
Your response is full of truth and scarily accurate. I agree with everything you said except "a guy like Koresh was only lil Davey before people started blindly following". Actually, he was Vernon Howell and if he hadn't come up with a new religion and changed his name he probably would have spent his life in his mom's basement. But that's beside the point.
The scary thing is not even when someone like Evan Thomas calls him a god, it's when someone like Louis Farrakhan calls him the messiah, and no one thinks that's weird at all. I am afraid for the nation.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
9 Jun 09
lol.. Vernon. Even better ;)
I just meant that nobody followed him until they followed him. When you look at a "bad guy" with hindsight, you go into it already knowing that they were bad. You just can't know for certain that Obama isn't the next to take his followers on a mission that will forever tarnish America. Some feel it's already happening.
I can't knock anyone for not wanting to be what America is today, much less what Obama wants it to be years down the road! It's not "America" at all. His supporters, on the other hand, simply don't care. Most are either elitists who have money, or poor or lazy people who think he's giving them free stuff, or the easily brainwashed who feel as if he's god because Newsweek says so ;)
Help us! :P
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@connierebel (1557)
• United States
11 Jun 09
Its not good for our country at all. Even if he was elected constitutionally by the majority, he still should be held accountable for his actions. This Obama-worship was the only reason he won the election anyway; most of his supporters didn't have a clue as to the issues he supported. And the fact that all the terrorist countries and other trouble makers like him , doesn't say too much for the choice they made. He is betraying our country to the eenmy, and no one will criticize that because the press makes him out to be a god that can do no wrong. some of his solutions were tried by Bush, and of course condemned, but when Obama does the same thing, he is praised.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Jun 09
I never thought that the press would be afraid to criticize anyone. I don't know if they truly are blind to any mistakes or faults he makes, or if they are afraid that people will be angry if they criticize him. I don't know if they are afraid that someone would think they are racist if they criticize him.
Maybe they love him because he is the perfect television president. He looks good and produces short sound bytes that sound good. He doesn't have anything tough to tell us, he knows everything and can fix everything. He can stand there and say he is going to spend 4 times more and reduce the deficit at the same time and not one member of the press is going to ask him how is that possible?
It's scary.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Jun 09
I love that movie, especially because he is someone that no one would believe and yet he is right.
Once the Supreme Court is full of justices who don't believe in the Constitution either, then the complete destruction of America will be accomplished quite easily.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Jun 09
I used to call myself a Republican. I used to believe that the American people had some sense...even Democrats. lol
Now I realize that it is not, nor never was about political parties and their differing ideologies. It was and is about POWER. The goal has always been to destroy America bit by bit...piece by piece. Starting way back at the turn of the twentieth century...the Federal Reserve has orchestrated the rise and fall of the economy...engineered the Great Depression and carefully making sure the American people accepted government intrusion in their daily lives.
Now we see the call for an American Union...(think European Union). They knew that they (those behind the Federal Reserve) could not march in and take us over back they paid off and blackmailed politicians to whittle away at our Constitution, made sure two generations of children were NOT taught the importance of our Bill of Rights and Constitution, made sure we were all fighting with each other over liberal vs. conservative social issues, then scared us all into accepting security over freedom and liberty! MOst of this accomplished with the aid of our FREE PRESS telling us how to think.
And now what do we have? The Patriot Act and Homeland Security. Sounds like we all have forgotten what happened in Germany back in the 1930's! It's no accident that the leaders of our so called 'free press' are going to meetings of these powers behind the power and being richly rewarded for their silence about the real agenda.
Before you discount me as a conspiracy Mel Gibson's movie "Conspiracy Theory". Once in turns out it's a good thing to be paranoid!
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
10 Jun 09
Now you know why most of the print media is losing readers. It seems the only papers that are doing well are those that are printing the news and not putting out sound bites for the president. How long has rush and Hannity been saying his followers look at him like the "anointed one" or the "Messiah" and many thought it was wrong. Now we see in fact this is reality.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
10 Jun 09
Not only the papers and news media that give news instead of Obama PR are doing well but also the citizen journalists and bloggers who print and make more public the hidden stories that others bury on page 3. These are the people who are bringing out the truth, but the spin is so darn good, the glitz so bright and blinding, and the adulation of him by the media so overwhelming, that the public still doesn't realize what is happening.
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@Troublegum (641)
• United States
10 Jun 09
Continuing the tangent, paper media is quickly becoming outdated not only because of their views, but because most peoples internet browsers open up to a home page with news on it. This way they have the overview of the news like the paper, and access to more in depth coverage on the things they are looking for. Paper can't compete with this unless they published a daily encyclopedia.
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@Troublegum (641)
• United States
10 Jun 09
Seriusly I don't want the leader of the country to be above the country. If someone is going to represent me I don't want him thinking he is better than me, and that he is not acting in my interest, but in the interest of everyone including my enemys.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
10 Jun 09
The first real adulation for Obama came from overseas. Nations around the world and even, gasp, the UN fell madly in love with him. His first congratulatory call after the election was from Ahmadinejad. Anyone the world loves this much can't be for America first. That's a problem. He's supposed to be our president representing our interests. Based on his lack of performing that duty, I think he could be impeached. Going to check my Constitution on that...
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@Troublegum (641)
• United States
10 Jun 09
Don't bother checking the constitution, I beleive we just had a judge rule that the constitution is unconstitutional, so all bets are off.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Jun 09
When there are serious questions about even his citizenship and the American people still elect him....something is foul...and we haven't adhered to our Constitution for a long while. No one has noticed until Obama....sad.
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
10 Jun 09
It s sickening, but not at all surprising. What IS surprising is that nobody from the cult of 0bama has not shown up in this discussion yet to troll you and call you a racist, as they are prone to do.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
10 Jun 09
I think that this sort of public announcement of what people secretly believe is rather embarrassing to them more than bolstering their hero's political legitimacy. What can they say? He is god? They would be set upon in a most humiliating manner by the majority of commenters. They cannot claim that Evan Thomas was misquoted or his words twisted - he said it on national television and it's on tape.
If anything, this sort of idol worship is completely un-American. There isn't one president who has not had his detractors in the press, not one who hasn't come under scrutiny for his policies and expenditures, not one who hasn't had his claims and statements examined by the press - except this president. Who wants to admit to an un-American form of extreme toadyism?
Racism would be the cry of the man with no argument. It's easy to dismiss any point of fact or opinion by crying racism and pointing fingers. But in this case, just showing up on this discussion and trying to defend this statement has to be too embarrassing to consider.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
10 Jun 09
Sadly, there are people who believe exactly what that deluded newsweek man said. Many of us have been branded racist by a LOT of mylotters whenever we post anything contrary to the view of 0bama as messiah. One user in particular frequently posted that 0bama was "God appointed and God anointed" to be president and that nobody should DARE to criticize him!
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Jun 09
I've been told on my blog on Yuwie...during the election campaign that I should be ashamed, that I was a racist, that I was a nut, I've even been told that what I say is a HATE CRIME and I could be arrested.
Is anyone paying attention to the legislation on just what a hate crime is...and can something YOU THINK be a crime? Yet this has been extended to voicing an opinion. I agree, if you commit assult or other bodily harm to someone in the name of should be a crime....but HOW do they KNOW and HOW can the PROVE in a court of law that what you did was based on your opinion of someone's race?
Read '1984' George Orwell. Thought police are here...and they have the power to arrest you for what YOU THINK. Used to were free to think what ever you wanted...ONLY if you acted on illegal thoughts, were you guilty of a crime.
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@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
9 Jun 09
How can he be God? God doesn't have to use a teleprompter to get His message across.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Jun 09
Scripted is the key word here...he is merely a puppet in the hands of bigger and badder folks. I doubt he has an original thought...
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
11 Jun 09
A god...? Well, you know what they say, they bigger they are, the harder they fall, and the American people will put up with only so much of his nonsense. After all, it's only Newsweek. The MSM has been giving Obama a free ride all along but I have a feeling things are going to change because people are getting tired of their lies. It is evidenced by the fall in the MSM's recent ratings. However, Fox News, which offers fair and balanced reporting, is continuing to climb in its ratings.
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
11 Jun 09
Obama would never become a God.He can be god as Jesus said during His public ministry.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Jun 09
Jesus said...even the demons know and tremble. The fallen angels called sons of God in Genesis) are after all the ones who taught ancient man how to be civilized...and gave them the first dictator...Nimrod of Babylon.
Man has always wanted to be a was what the serpent tempted them with in the garden...but I assure you the way to THE not through human endeavors and government intervention. It is through repentance and forgivness of sin...and faith in Jesus as THE SON OF GOD.
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
14 Jun 09
Ha,ha,ha he'll never be my God. He never gave me a tingle down my leg either...
We live in a movie star society where you can be famous just because of your looks and because everyone else adores you.
This crap is going to continue until people start paying attention to the many very important issues this country faces right now.
And stops trusting him just because he looks good...
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
14 Jun 09
The strange thing is the poll numbers. His personal ratings are high, overall job performance is high, but then you break it down and he's not high on any one issue.
More respondents to a Rassmussen poll said they trust the GOP with the economy more than Democrats, his economic numbers are only about 55% for handling the economic crisis and 46% approval on federal spending but as a person 61% love him. It's truly a case of them liking the man more than they like the way he does his job. That's really not acceptable when his job is president.
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@Bloggership (1104)
• Indonesia
11 Jun 09
"Standing above the country, above above the world"... If that word came straight from Obama speech, then i agree that he is acting like a GOD. But the word is not came from him right?
I am not the USA citizens and i am not pro-Obama's. But i'm here only to give my opinions, not criticism.
PRO & CONTRA it's a personal decisions in a democracy country. But each of choice has a responsibility when you pick one, even you are not directly involved in the government desk.
The majority of US citizens already made their choice, and the results is fact. So what is Obama do now?.. I believe his trying to actualize for what his promises to. And what is the people of US leader elector do now?.. Why don't they accept and support the chosen leader by the majority?
Differences only causing a dispute matters in this world... Can't you see itRollo1?..
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Jun 09
The wonderful thing about our system of government is that we are allowed to take issue with it. The problem comes when people are afraid to criticize their governments. That sort of quashing of free speech is what makes it possible for dictators to suppress the freedoms of a people. As an American, it is my duty to point out when my leaders are not living up to their duties, and it is my obligation to be involved in my government. It is government of the people and by the people.
Even if Obama is the most well-intentioned man on earth, this kind of inability to see any fault in him is bad for my country. We must face our problems realistically and see our leaders as human and capable of having faults, making mistakes and sometimes not having good intentions.
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@Bloggership (1104)
• Indonesia
12 Jun 09
I understand and respect your thoughtfulness about your country.
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