What is your opinion of Islam???
By 3orabi
@3orabi (529)
June 10, 2009 1:56pm CST
Hello all ...
I'm Muslim Arab ... lives in Jordan ...
my religion commands me to respect and believe of all other religions ... and to behave in a good way with all people regardless of their origin or religion ...
what about you ... what do you think of Islam??? Do you think that those extreme people succeeded in making you hate and misunderstand Muslims???
please show respect in your answer because this is very sensitive issue ... so deal with people the same way that you like them to deal with you with ...
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14 responses
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
10 Jun 09
Hi 3orabi, I feel that all religions across the world are the same, they teach the same things and they were created for one specific purpose of regulating mankind. But in recent years almost all religions have been manipulated by its members for their own selfish reasons including Islam.
I feel that Islam has been manipulated the most, may be due to certain circumstances or some other reasons....There is extremism in every religion, and as long as it is in one's thought and does not harm other people it is alright.
But among the Extremists in Islam, there is brutality ,Violence and utter disregard for other religions and other people. This is what has made people hate and dread them. One fails to find reason for blowing up innocent people, capturing and killing journalists in the most brutal manner. When this happens frequently, with the Muslim world never coming out with any kind of protest or taking steps to stop these actions, can you blame people misunderstanding and hating the entire community? Countries like Saudi Arabia provide shelter for all kinds of terrorists and criminals solely because they are Muslims. Can you find any justification in such actions?
Please don't get me wrong, I am not against Muslims or for that matter against any religion.In fact I feel that Religion is one of the greatest evils of Human society. I have many Muslim friends who are extremely nice and I have the greatest respect for them. They in turn are ready to take any criticism or comment in the right spirit.I hope you will do the same - all the best and happy mylotting

@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
11 Jun 09
Hello Kiran and thanks a lot for passing ...
but let me clarify few points if you please ...
Allah forbade us of trying to manipulate anything in our religion and told us in the holy Quran that he will keep the holy Quran and prevent anyone from changing any word in it ...
so the holy Quran is the same ... it's Allah words ... but some people are trying to add bad things on Islam ... so they disfigure its picture in your eyes ...
There is extremists every where and in any religion ... the Islamic country don't offer them a shelter but they hide in these country ...
in Jordan here the government does its max. effort to eradicate all those extremists ...
Thank you again for passing ...
take care and have a nice day
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
11 Jun 09
Hi 3orabi, I have nothing against any religion including Islam. All the religions had a purpose and they all came into existence for regulating human behavior. Religion afteral is man made and some people are misusing it for their personal gains..It is always better to accept facts , both good and bad. Only then can we hope to see some improvement in the system. No point in pretending that things are fine..

@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
18 Jun 09
you said
my religion commands me to respect and believe of all other religions ... and to behave in a good way with all people regardless of their origin or religion
when islam divided humanity into believers and non-believers, the above statement lost its relevance. i doubt islam practices what you said above. kafirs, dhimmis etc shows islam treats differents people solely on the basis of their religious beliefs.
respect should mean respect the others views and accept them as they are. but islam does not provide for any such thing in a islamic society. criticisms are not entertained in islam. this is a rude fact of life.
Do you think that those extreme people succeeded in making you hate and misunderstand Muslims???
this is the responsibility of muslims collectively wherever they live. muslims have failed in this endeavour. if there is any misunderstandings, it has to be proved by practice, not by words or quotes from scriptures. precisly here islam has to understand the feeling of others.
please show respect in your answer because this is very sensitive issue ... so deal with people the same way that you like them to deal with you with ...
when respect is demanded, it is never given. respect has to be earned. if it is a sensitive issue for you, definitely it is a sensitive issue for all others. they understand it. but that does not mean truth should not be spoken or pointed out. understanding is what is needed. truth needs to be respected, even if it is against one's beliefs.
what do you think of Islam???
if i pass any remark, as you said in the previous sentence it is a sensitive issue. negatives outweigh positives when we use a common standard measuring parameters. i do not agree with the tenets of islam as i have a different opinion than you.
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@urbandekay (18278)
13 Jul 09
When first I joined this forum I presumed Islam was, if you like, an alternative path to the same end as Christianity and indeed one prominent Islamic scholar suggested that were Islam as described in the Quran,then its practice would be similar to Christianity.
At that time the only Muslims with whom I had interacted were those of personal acquaintance and they were nice people if rather ignorant of some history.
However, I must say that my experience of Muslims on this forum has been, with one or two notable exceptions, quite negative. Many seem bent on propagating spurious and derogatory notions of Christianity and perpertrating historical inaccuracies.
We must as Christians however, avoid judging the person however odious the actions they undertake.
all the best urban
@homerpsp (64)
• France
19 Jun 09
Hi !
I'm muslim and I had read the Holy Quran and seen that islam is a religion of peace, the religion of God. I think (even if I respect the other faiths) that islam is the only way to God. The Holy Quran says :
"Let there be no compulsion in religion" [Holy Quran 2:256]
But you know there's many things that we share with the christians and Jews, for exemple we believe in the unicity of ALLAH Most High (ALLAH means in arabic The God), in all the prophets from Adam to Noah, to Moses, to Jesus (peace be on them) and to the final messenger Muhammed (peace and blessing be upon him).
@Tushavi (2077)
• Karachi, Pakistan
11 Jun 09
I am Muslim From Pakistan.
Yea Islam is a Greatest Religion across the world. But some Black sheep's Bad our country & religion name. also the Media is biggest source of lies against Islam. thats why a lot of peoples thinks Islam is a terror Religion. if the Peoples of this world don't hear the lier media & like this Sources who have Mission Against Islam. i think all its Great for Humanity & peoples of this World.
have a nice day.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
11 Jun 09
Its nice to hear such good remarks about Islam and believe me, I too would like to hold the same view but the conditions of minorities in Islamic countries don’t give me much hope. I am sure you know what I mean…in most Islamic countries religious freedom of minorities are curbed and they are mostly on the fringe of society. Respecting other religions means giving freedom to other religious groups to practice and propagate their religions alongwith Islam.
@chimrani (1426)
• India
11 Jun 09
Islam is a good religion
and if you read Quran(Holy book of Muslims) you can know how great is Islam.But the greatness lies in the book it self not in muslim peoples(in my opinion)
I think most of the muslims peoples fallow what is written in the Quran but you can see many peoples who are also muslims but not fallow islam.They are muslims but they not fallow Islamic rules. EXample: Terrorists.[
3orabi as you are telling about Islam it is good religion but when the point goes to muslim peoples i don't think they are great as Islam.Ya there are many good peoples in Muslims.I say them as 1st category muslims.My many friends are muslims and i have 1st category muslim friends only.They help me when ever i have problems though they know that iam a Hindu.
My friend name is AZAM KHAN(a Muslim)
.He told me that Islam is a good religion and if you fallow Islam then the god is with you and help you in all manners.He also said that there many muslim but the true muslim is that fallows only Quran and helps peoples and be friendly with others.
There are many muslim peoples i watch near my location.They drink,they beat there mother and father,they only hear his wife and mis behave with there parents.They take interest on money which is against Islam.
Ya I too agree that other religion peoples are also not fallow there relion well and iam one among them.I never go to temple.Till now i haven't say my holy book Geeta and don't know what is written in it.Lastly i want to say each and every religion is good and best for man kind who fallows it but the man is not fallowing its own religion and gets bad names to whole religion
Iam an INDIAN.There me be some mistankes in English in this comment.If there is any mistake or i wrote any thing wrong then please friends pardon me.

@prabuking (66)
• India
11 Jun 09
Ya.. I agree too. I will give respect to all religion....Good people will be in all religion.. So i agree with you...
@shibham (16977)
• India
11 Jun 09
hello 3orabi. there is nothing special in islam. every religion has same motto that peace and 'live and let live'. islam means peace. your allaahu spreaded his thoughts on the greater humanity for peace and prosperity. but now, what it is? actually what? most of islamic countries are suffering terror and fear. it may be arob or pakistan. u know what is going on in talibaan. do u support the activities of talibaani's which are far away from islam and humanity. it is an open secret that maximum numbers of terrorists in the world are belonged to islam. no one can forget wtc attack or mumbai attack. what do u think? i love and respect islam but not them who are too more orthodox to his religion. i hope that everybody will come to the main root and we will be able to live in a best world. with this hope. SHIBHAM
@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
11 Jun 09
Islam is a religion of peace but some fanatics have taken it to be a religion of violence, there are some muslim faithfuls who do not like violence and they are gentle to the core while some often think they are killing people in the name of helping God, thats kind of funny, God can fight for himself and i believe he does not need any help from man
@xoxcharityxox (567)
• United States
11 Jun 09
I think that there are extremist and it has affected some people's views. I really can't say it has affected my opinion of islam. I am educated on many religions and know it to be a peaceful and harmonious religion. I prefer to take beliefs from all religions and decide what I believe and do not. Therefore, I don't catagorize myself. It is a shame that people exploit religion and use it to harm others, but that doesn't make you or anyone else who's muslim that way. The fears people have are relevant, but I would show anyone all the love and respect I could unless they were showing me hate. I think we should all embrace eachother and educate the world on all of the good we have to offer. It would help in situations that people could be pursuaded into false belief and hatred.
@b0naf1de (111)
• United States
11 Jun 09
While I don't really understand most of the things in your religion, and for that my opinion is just my opinion... sometimes I think it's a bit overdone, the amount of dedication then, to say, spent on a religion. Well in my country (which is not the one listed in my profile), there's usually negative associations with Islam by most people but this is strictly because of how certain people actually use Islam as a excuse to do bad things. But you shouldn't feel hurt by what they do, and dont worry about the people who down cry your religion. I think its a matter of faith really.. the nice thing about your religoin is the strictness.... you know...catholic girls tend to be all over the place.. not saying that i didn't see 'muslim' girls do the same, but muslims tend to have a greater fear of doing things outside of their gods will...
is that your real pic? you very pretty.
@thepohms09 (111)
11 Jun 09
no disrespect but my view of islam is the same as my veiw on any religion. outdated mind control. sorry