will you abort your baby if it was diagnosed the possibility of having the down
By ezekiel71
@ezekiel71 (132)
United States
June 10, 2009 2:44pm CST
syndrome (DS)? I got married late (actually 33 years old) and got pregnant at 35, that was 3 years ago. As soon as i found out that i was pregnant i called a doctor for a visit. The first thing they ask you to do is to fill up forms with all the personal information they need to determine what necessary check up you need to undergo. Im on 5th mos. when they told me that my baby a higher possibility having a DS ( i am 35 and my husband is 23 yrs older than me), so they asked me go through this exams and couseling on how to deal with a DS baby if i want to keep the baby or have it aborted instead. I was so devastated, it was a mind torture for me and for my husband. Before my next visit, we decided to keep the baby, we will love the baby no matter what.I didnt take the last examination which is when they put needle through your belly to get into the liquid surrounding the baby, because i told them whats the use of it im keeping the baby anyway. Thank God that after all the torture, a normal healthy, beautiful boy came out.If we didnt take the risk of keeping the baby we wouldnt be as happy as we are now with my son who is so smart. If you will be in that situation will you let them abort your baby or keep it no matter what? what do you think?
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10 responses
@jellymonty (2352)
10 Jun 09
You see this is a major reason why I don't like doctors! Its like part of their job is to scare you into doing something so wrong and stupid in this case abortion. I'm so glad that you and your husband had the brains and the wisdom to keep the child no matter what the doctor said. I applaud you for that.
If I were in your shoes I would most definitely do the same. I hate abortion as I believe its cold blooded murder, and in your case at least your reason would be justified rather than all these silly mothers today who are just aborting because they are too selfish and greedy to stand up and take responsibility.
Praise the Lord that your child lives and I'm sure he's a handsome little prince and all that suffering and torment that you went through finally paid off. well done!

@ezekiel71 (132)
• United States
10 Jun 09
thanks, its all worth it. I pray for all moms out there to be thankful for their child, they are indeed a great gift.
@leyisa (486)
• Canada
11 Jun 09
Oh dear..this is an interesting queestion, yet it's a very hard one to answer. First of all, when you are over 35, automatically the risks of having a DS baby increases, therefore the doctors have to make you aware of that possibility...When I was pregnant with my youngest daughter, I went for normal routines and they said that there was chance that baby had spina bifida (sorry for spelling). The chance was like 50%...not too high but still...i was 4 months along at this point and had already seen multiple ultra sound pics and heard baby's heart beat..etc etc..so at that time, It was a real baby to me and I could not go head and contimplate an abortion..just like you, my hubby and I decided to keep goign with teh pregnany..Thank god we had a beautiful healthy Baby girl a couple of months ago. Hence, I believe that it's a very personal choice .. some ppl will go ahead with the abortion and that is fine...other's wont and that is fine as well :) I'm glad your son is healthy.
@ezekiel71 (132)
• United States
11 Jun 09
yes it is a personala choice , and having a baby is one of the best thing that happen to me, im happy for you too.
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
11 Jun 09
As someone who has a dear friend who has Down Syndrome, there would be no way that I would abort my baby if it might have Down Syndrome....even if i didn't have my friend i would still feel that way, just because a child has a disability does not make them any less worthy of the ultimate and unconditional love....you and your husband are great people because of your choice without knowing either way, you still would have been happy and had a great and lovable son if he had DS though....thats why if i ever had a situation where i thought my baby might end up with a disability, i would never give up on them or abort them because I know that they still could fill my life with a joy and love that only a parent can fill, and the same that I could fill their life in the same way
@ezekiel71 (132)
• United States
11 Jun 09
i agree, i understand now better as a mother why we do love our children no matter what they did or how they look because there is this bond that no human intellect can explain. thanks.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
11 Jun 09
i finally got pregnant at 39 after trying for many years and one miscarriage. they did a test on my for alpha feta protein which has a high false positive outcome. many factors go into determining the result. it came back with an almost 99% chance that my child had downs syndrome. this was my child. and no matter what i was going to love him or her and cherish this child. i am not perfect and still people love me. they wanted me to have an amniocenteces and i refused because there is a chance you can miscarry and i knew this was my last chance to have a child that i wanted so badly. so we did not know until the day he was born for sure but lo and behold he is perfectly normal and now 8 years old.
@ezekiel71 (132)
• United States
11 Jun 09
i never had miscarriage but i do believed it is painful emotionaly not just physically. At the end its always God who has the last say on everything no matter how progressive our technology now. I consider my baby a miracle baby and i know you do too. Im happy for you and for your husband
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
11 Jun 09
that was scary and sad..but good thing God gave you a healthy baby boy!!! God bless you and you should thank God for everything.:))
@ezekiel71 (132)
• United States
11 Jun 09
As the bible says, in everything give thanks for this the will of God concerning you. God bless.
@marsherokq8381 (2)
• China
11 Jun 09
I think each mother wants her baby is perfect. In fact, no matter what, the life is difficult. When baby come into the world. you will find everything becomes perfect. Becous you love the baby so.
@ezekiel71 (132)
• United States
11 Jun 09
no matter pain you went through during your pregnancy when your baby is out, there is such joy that you cannot explain, the happiness override all the hurts and worries you had before.
@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
11 Jun 09
When I was pregnant with my son, the doctor thought that maybe he had DS. It turned out they tested me for it too early and that's why the test came back saying that he possible had it. Now, I did go for a couple weeks thinking that there was a possiblity and it really stressed me out. I had someone really close to me tell me that I should abort the baby if he had it. It really upset me because I felt that if he had it that God made him that way for a reason and God would help me with whatever it was I had to deal with. Everything happens for a reason and God makes us the way he wants us made. We all have imperfections, EVERYONE. Some may have more physical imperfections and some may have more mental imperfections, but no one is perfect. We are who God made us and we should accept that as God's Will.
@ezekiel71 (132)
• United States
11 Jun 09
yes its really upsetting and depressing, but our God knows even before it will happen and He wont give us what we cant bear. It maybe imperfection for us but not for God for He created us according to His own image. thank you and may God continue to bless you and your family.
@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
10 Jun 09
Hello ezekiel71 , that was something I discussed with a friend of mine who is a nurse. She told me to be very careful because of my age having a child now might be harder on me even though I am in good health.Im glad for you and your baby.It is more difficult as I get older so pretty much children are out of the picture for me and my b/f. I did alot of research before coming to a decision. If it happens now, I would not abort.
@ezekiel71 (132)
• United States
10 Jun 09
its true that it gets really hard for us who choose to have a baby at this age . Everything is a choice and as long as you are happy with your decision and have peace with it then stick with it. And be open for whatever comes just like what you said if it happens then it let be. Thanks and God bless.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
10 Jun 09
I would definitely not abort. A lot of times, what the doctors predict isn't always what happens, and even if the child did have Down's syndrome, he or she has just as much of a right to live than a child who does not have Down's.
Congratulations on having your son, and for loving him enough to give him life, even in what was undoubtedly a hard situation for you and your husband. :D
@ezekiel71 (132)
• United States
10 Jun 09
thank you. I believe that too that everybody have the right to live.
@chikadee21ph (438)
• Philippines
11 Jun 09
The first thing that came to my mind after reading your post title is that I will abort the baby. I was thinking that it would be best for the baby compared to be alive and suffer from other people. Life is not perfect even for normal people so how much for those with down syndrome? This is just a thought though as I am not sure how to react really once it happens to me.
Then after reading all available posts in this topic, I realized one thing. Yeah, what if the doctor is not right? What if the diagnosis is not correct? Gosh, I can't bear to think that I entertained the idea of aborting the baby because of incorrect diagnosis!
I am happy that you and your husband decided to fight for the baby no matter what. Married life won't be complete without the kids so congratulations as well.
@ezekiel71 (132)
• United States
11 Jun 09
thank you very much. we dont know whats ahead of us so we just have to keep the faith which always works. Im glad we did too,or else it will be a big resentment that will haunt me for the rest of my life.